Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Time for a short entry...

Pissed in the morning. Never mind.

Tomorrow's CHILDREN'S DAY!!!!!!!!! Hurray!!!!!!! How come there's still sch for a three-year old tomorrow??? PROMOS SOME MORE!!!! Damn

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Effective nuclear charge and Alloploidy

So, what's effective nuclear charge???

Madam yeo calling my name. (Z eff)

What's alloploidy?

A small no. of sets of chr (like 1): alloploidy = a low ploidy

Get ready for more lame stuff.....

Exam stress!!!!!!!!! Ha ha.

more lame stuff:

Why Kp only affected by temp?

Kp = kim possible. Higher temp: more sweat. Harder to save the world..... Pressure won't affect her, since she's mentally sound enough to withstand and endure any extreme levels of pressure... Catalyst: NO REACTION IS TAKING PLACE!!!! SHE'S A CARTOON CHARACTER

Kim possible's quite a nice cartoon... Used to watch it on Disney Channel when i'm still in sec sch. It's on 5.30pm, if I'm not wrong... Now, think it has changed...

Call me, Beep me! (Kim Possible Song):

Ooohh yeahh yeah
I'm your basic average girl
And I'm here to save the world
You can't stop me
Cause I'm Kim Pos-si-ble
There is nothin I can't do
When danger calls
Just know that I am on my way

It doesn't matter where or
When there's trouble
If ya just call my name
Kim Possible

Call me, beep me if ya
Wanna reach me
When ya wanna page me it's okay
I just can't wait until I hear
My cell phone ring
Doesn't matter if it's day or night
Everything's gonna be alright
Whenever you need me baby
Call me, beep me if ya
wanna reach me

Message clear, I am here
(Let me reassure you)
I'm never gonna leave you alone
(I am on my way)
You can always count on me
When it gets stuck I'll help you see
I will help you find your way
(Help you find your way)

It doesn't matter where or
when there's trouble
If ya just call my name

Call me, beep me if ya
wanna reach me
When ya wanna page me it's okay
I just can't wait until I hear
my cell phone ring
Doesn't matter if it's day or night
Everything's gonna be alright
Whenever you need me baby
Call me, beep me if ya
wanna reach me

Call me, beep me if you
wanna reach me
If you wanna page me it's okay

Doesn't matter where
Doesn't matter when
I will be there for ya til the very end
Danger or trouble
I'm there on the double
You know that you always can call
Kim Possible
Yeaahh yeaah

Call me, beep me if ya
wanna reach me
When ya wanna page me it's okay
I just can't wait until I hear
my cell phone ring
Doesn't matter if it's day or night
Everything is gonna be alright
Whenever ya need me,
whenever you need me baby
Call me, beep me if ya
wanna reach me
When ya wanna page me it's okay
I just can't wait until I hear
my cell phone ring
Doesn't matter if it's day or night
Everything is gonna be alright
whenever you need me baby
Call me, beep me if ya
wanna reach me


Rooney had a great debut! Scoring three goals to help man utd won six two! Ha ha. And his performance's rated 10 by Opta, which's out of the world. First time I saw anyone getting that. Thanks Everton for letting him go to the GREATEST club in the world!!!!

Liverpool lost 1-0!!!!! Think they're hopeless without gerrard... at least, in champions league.

Some more lame stuff:

1. Why aneuploidy's 3n and not 2n + x (x from -2 to 2)?

Aneuploidy = a new ploidy, which means 1 more set of chromosomes!!!!!

2. Why parrots are one of the only rare species that have more than two set of chromosomes?

Polly ploidy = Polyploidy!

Ha ha. Everyone, all the best for bio spa tmr and the rest of the papers!

This blog shall NOT be updated tonight and tomorrow...

Now, I really felt like MU in August..... sian. But... i won't follow what MU did.... That's for sure....

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Hreidarrson rox!

Hurray!!! Hreidarsson got 11.46 pts! Great! He nearly conceded a penalty though... A lucky escape.

Second day of consultation....... At home again, for about 100 straight hours now and still counting! Ha ha.

Pokemon Song (Just Like A Rainbow): (Though I never heard that song before.....)

In the morning time
The sun will rise
And the rain will be just a memory
You can smile
In the warn sun light
Cause you know that your fears
Have gone with the light

Even now
The whole world seems like a brighter place
Now that your tears have all gone
Your eyes will sparkle like a star
To guide you through the times when life is just too hard

When your feeling down
Just look around
To see if the smile of a friend can be found
It is there
All of your hopes and prayers
Can come true if there is someone special with you

And I know
You will see that you are not alone
All your friends are here with you
The time for sorrow was yesterday
And a new day has begun to show you the way

Even if the rain should come
You will never be alone
If you believe
That you have friend in me
Together we can reach up high
And shine like diamonds in the sky
All your dreams will start to glow

Just like a rainbow
Your heart and your soul
Everything you know
Just like a rainbow

The sun may come
Ane the sun may go
There are times when you may feel alone
Look inside
It is there you will find
All of the happiness that your life has left behind

Then you'll see
Just how special that your life can be
From now on and evermore
The time for sorrow has past your by
And everything you are will start to shine

Even if the rain should come
You will never be alone
If you believe
That you have a friend in me
Together we can reach up high
And shine like diamonds in the sky
All your dreams will start to glow

Just like a rainbow
Your heart and your soul
Everything you know
Just like a rainbow

Enjoy the lyrics. Heck the tune, cos I don't think u all'd have heard this song before...

Pokemon rox!

Monday, September 27, 2004

New rankings...

K. So MOE's come up with a new way to rank the schs.. CHS guys, remember that we all did very very well last year? Heard we'd a chance to be top, right? Then right after we supposedly achieved the results we wanted (which's no.1), MOE abolished rankings! WTJ! Really think they do it deliberately lor. Don't see any reason why they won't announce the rankings for LAST YEAR'S performance! IP only started this yr....

Man Utd would conquer Everton!!!! Nvm. Hreidarrson won't let me down tmr morning... I hope.

Tried out chem'03 paper. Made many careless mistakes for mcq, but sections b and c were generally alright (except the parts that were out of syllabus...)

Doing chem'01... How come so many qns look SO FAMILIAR????

Sunday, September 26, 2004

A bloody afternoon

Din really enjoy my afternoon....

Mugging's quite terrible. Got pissed off by my bro too, since he's making so much noise.... Nvm.

Have a much longer afternoon nap today. Slept at three plus, woke up at five plus by my bro who rudely told me that it's seven already, and he said someone sms me, and anyhow gave a name. Tempers flared, as I thought he has been reading my sms, when I warned him since a few mths ago NOT to do so...

Shall slept late tonight. Mug a little more.....

Luckily, I'd no SRP report to write that would be too much for me.. Though I've to say, the london pple, including me, haven't written the group report yet! It's due at the end of aug... Hope we won't get skinned by the science hod....

That reminds me. All overseas pple are supposed to present our trips to other students some time.... But the science hod said she would look through our reports and see whether it's interesting enough for other students to noe more about it.... ha ha ha. Don't leak this out, ok?

Fantasy soccer...

Yahoo: made so many mistakes with fantasy soccer! Reyes, cisse and robert's assists all din count! Successful crosses by heinze too! Nvm. I'm not really as affected by them as others who put these players...

Pires, scholes and okocha all din play! Pires: injured. Scholes: dropped after some lacklustre performance. but Okocha??????

Sorry: scholes is injured: groin injury. Just checked it out.

Hopefully, berger and hreidarrson (heck the spelling) repaid my trust tonite and tmr...

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Can always do with some fun!

Ha ha. Check out Sonky's new blog on the right!!!!!!

Can always do with some fun (And a joke)!

Ok lah. Mugging the whole day... Don't think I'd like to write much about it.

Decided to give myself a break from ten onwards. Checking out gamecast (soccernet) for the latest updates on soccer, since the TV was booked... Hopefully, can close the gap on jo, and extend my lead over the rest.

Art of taking an afternoon nap:

Best time to do so: Four, since u're already too tired after mugging since early morn, and can wake up right before dinner...

How to go to sleep: Look at the monotonous view outside the window, and grow sian after a while.. Or you can try counting some things (sheep for instance.... though i don't really find sheep useful)

Make sure your troublesome, meddling and pestering brothers and sisters are away (say, in another room or something) when u're falling asleep (between fully awake and fully asleep). You don't want to be ruudly (van nistelrooy rox!) awakened...

Only get up when the rest are already having dinner. More often than not, your mum'd wake you up five to ten mins before dinner really starts, and you'll lose some precious resting time..

Pokemon episode today: not as nice as last week's. Not much battling... Nvm.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Nothing to say....

Not much to say. I will not talk about any promos paper in my blog: it's bad enough going through it once.

Din go CHS... sigh. Went to spend the two free periods ALONE!!! Damn. Slack, went with ks to see mr. lee, studied maths a little, stoned.....

Maths mock test, which according to vernon, is of much lower standard than the promos? What's the use of giving us that paper then? Give us a fake and misleading sense of confidence?

Over The Rainbow

By Arlen-Harburg

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

These few days have been tough. But, glad that I've finally decided what I've to do, or what I'll not do for a period of time...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

One more day....


Played at street court during second break. Owyong let us off early, so, the guys went to street (field was occupied by seniors). Three on four. Great that we din get thrashed... Scored with a chip! ha ha. Though my thumb was injured at the end of the game.... sigh.

Chem lect: holy started off with a bang! Scolding people when they came in. Right from the start! YF, next time before her lect, turn down the vol of the mike, ok? Went out three times during the lect, two times illegally.... Once, went to bookshop to buy foolscap and refill since i was getting a little sian. Next, went off to receive a call! Ha ha.

Lollipop rox! Thanks ying jin! (My sec 2 classmate from s7c). And it helps me stop my bro from resting his head on my shoulders on the car ride back... I got a little pissed with him doing that, since I won't be able to sleep...

I shall be Sir Alex Ferguson at the Festival of Sports, since it'd more advisable for jas to replace me. Stupid rule that at all times, 2 girls have to be playing... Damn. Nvm. I shall give u all a boot and a hair-dryer!!!

So, GP tmr. ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! 04S79 shall top the level in every subject!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Just a short entry..

Ha ha. So, the name for our student lounge is Fish Tank! Since when have we become fish? Since when has HC becomes an aquarium? Sounds like Miltank.... for a pic of it. See below (right). Erp...

Hopefully, our class spirit can see us through to the first placing for Festival of Sports! Though each cluster is allowed to send in two teams, one team comprises all of s79! Ha ha. I still don't see the point of the cluster system....

An old joke:

3 old men are at the doctor for a memory test. The doctor says to the first old man, "What is three times three"? "274" was his reply. The doctor says to the second man "It's your turn. What is three times three"? "Tuesday" replys the second man. The doctor says to the third man, "OK, Your turn. What's three times three"? "Nine" says the third man. "That's great" says the doctor. "How did you get that"? "Simple" says the third man. "I subtracted 274 from Tuesday".

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Man Utd rox!

Woke up to GREAT joy! Man Utd won 2-1 at home to liverpool. Wonderful! Though i don't really expect silvestre to score both goals, and i definitely don't expect o'shea to score an own goal.... Nvm. This shows that liverpool.... Have to choose carefully the words that I use, or I'd suffer a backlash..... is not up to standards in last night's game. Ha ha. Still can't believe how three of united's defenders can have two shots on target each..... Waiting patiently for my salary cap to be updated after some cheating...

So, went library during the only break to look up soccernet and planetfootball for the detailed stats, like how many shots on target each guy has... Spent 20 mins there figuring out which players to buy. Result: Went to the canteen much later than the rest of the class, and had to eat all alone... so sad! Then I was also the last one to go into the audi for chem lect.. Sigh. Sat with the guys, jas and jiayi. Quite fun to be near them, since jas and jiayi were always taunting each other and fighting! Ha ha. They were damn lame and childish lor!


Jiayi: Jas, do you like Joel?

Jas: No.

Jiayi: Do you like your classmates?

Jas: Yes....

Jiayi: Is Joel your classmate?

Ha ha. Think she did that on many of us...

Then later, some of us had a engaging discussion during maths tut, on the exact order we should do these: translate, reflect, mod. I believe in this order, and was having fun telling them about that. Showed them an experiment to prove this theory. erp.... Just draw any graph, like y = (x + 1)^2. Then try both translate then reflect, and reflect then translate. Aim: To determine the exact order. The order of the phoenix... erp. In the end, none of them listened. And I was spreading the msg of "three rotten mothers" before changing it to "three rotten monkeys" to rep "translate, reflect, mod". ha ha. My mum's very nice, ok!

End of another tiring, though much more fun, sch day.....

Monday, September 20, 2004


Haven't had a day that's this sian...

Chem spa which's........... damning.

Second break during which I'm just stoning for forty mins..

PW during which all of us (in my group) were chitchatting in the library..


Time flies... PW GPF to be handed in by end of this week! DAMN! Decided to heck all revision and finish all PW by today...

I believe it's time to fully concentrate on promos (and PW) and close my mind to other matters... I may be a happier person that way...

A bar owner locked up his place at 2 AM and went home to sleep. He had been in bed only a few minutes when the phone rang. “What time do you open up in the morning?” he heard an obviously inebriated man inquire.

The owner was so furious, he slammed down the receiver and went back to bed. A few minutes later there was another call and he heard the same voice ask the same question. “Listen, the owner shouted, “there’s no sense in asking me what time I open because I wouldn’t let a person in your condition in—“

“I don’t want to get in,” the caller interjected. “I want to get out.”

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Answering a qn to an eight-year-old

"Daddy, where did I come from?" the eight-year-old asked.

It was a moment for which her parents had carefully prepared. They took her into the living room, got out the encyclopedia and several other books, and explained all they thought she should know about sexual attraction, affection, love, and reproductions.

Then they both sat back and smiled contentedly.

"Does that answer your question?" her father asked.

"Not really," the little girl said. "Marcia said she came from Detroit. I want to know where I came from."

Moral of the story: Don't think too much beneath the surface! Esp when u're dealing with small kids. There isn't much beneath the surface anyway.

Last day for long blog entries?

Cherished Friends

When my life is filled with confusion,
you help me see what is important.
When each problem seems so overwhelming,
you are there to help share the load.
When I think of the word friend,
I think of you.
Cherished Friends

God must have known there would be times
We'd need a word of cheer
Someone to praise a triumph
Or brush away a tear.

He must have known we'd need to share
The joy of "little things"
In order to appreciate
The happiness life brings.

I think he knew our troubled hearts
Would sometimes throb with pain
At trials and misfortunes
Or some goals we can't attain.

He knew we'd need the comfort
Of an understanding heart
To give us strength and courage
To make a fresh, new start.

He knew we'd need companionship
And so God answered the heart's great need
With Cherished Friends....like you.

This is supposedly more relevant at the end of last year

Bizarre Dream last night. Dreamt that I was prosecuted and got a death sentence with some other unknown guy for I don't know what offence. Got some chance to write out 2 msgs to pple i know... sigh...

Amused myself by looking through my mail-box. My mail has not been deleted since MAY!!! Wtj. Remember the msg on S.H.I.T that was posted on yahoo groups? Remember the impersonations I did at the start of July? Ha ha. And please. Pple actually believed those msgs lor! Before the replies to them. Ha ha.

Decided. This shall be the last day I wrote long and/or multiple blog entries. This shall be in effect till two wks and four days later.

Some housekeeping

Did some bit of housekeeping today:

1. Chem Practs. Some difficulties looking for the relevant ones. In the end, looked through all skill d pract (for some eg for the sources of errors, format...), some skill b pract (for the format, like stating anomalies ...),and notes...

2. Phy Notes. Started revision on it. FINALLY. Took out all the notes and decided to complie all the impt info like formulae and definitions on foolscap when I'm revising them.

3.Mailbox. 16% of 100mb!!! Wtj. Can only imagine hotmail users still using 2mb.... Think I subscribe to too many stuff already, esp scientific newsletters which i ignore. Sort out LIYSF msgs which i haven't got the patience to look through and PW msgs into diff folders. I'd delete all the unwanted stuff. When I've time...

Stuff to do (other than studying):

1. PW, which I haven't touched since wed.. tsk tsk.

2. LIYSF grp report. Supposed to hand in by end of aug, but all of us din care. We're satisfied to hand in our individual ones... sigh. Then Mrs Wong, the moe person i/c, demanded it by next fri... sigh. GP!

3. Develop my London photos, which are due more than a month ago...

4. Mugging.... Ha ha.

Sorry for making this entry like a planner...


Maf today. Tired now, so I'll just write a brief entry...

Morning, mug mug mug. Then rest at 10.30am for a while, watching some tv. Just check out what's on on Kids Central at that time... A great gym battle!

Left my house at about 4 pm to do some shopping. Found some lanturns and accessories at a stall outside woodlands civic centre, before going to ntuc to buy some snacks. Reached school at around 5, much earlier than many of you who're not on duty nor performing. Mug a little there, before pple started arriving at around 5.45... sigh. Soccer in class jersey's nice, though it doesn't absorb sweat at all... damn. Did more running and defending along the flanks.

Brought cards. Bridge's nice. Haven't played it for a long time in school. Got caught by mr. lee, who forced us to buy drinks from the council.

Maf celebration..... All of us played with fire, sparkles, and other dangerous stuff. Combining 4 sparks are fun, not to mention making a bonfire, burning lanturns, candles, cardboard boxes, and even food!

Played soccer in the dark at the street court. Couldn't see the pple, not to mention the tiny and dull-coloured roteiro (oh yeah. The ball may be slightly bigger than some of the heads of the puny pple in the class...). Was ramming anywhere after the halfway line. Scored some, but hit gloria.... Made several rash challenges too. So, sorry ms and gloria! Highlight: jo put the ball beneath his jersey, while I created a diversion by running around the goal post two times. Then, while everyone was laughing, jo put the ball down right outside the penalty area and just shoot. Ha ha.

More bridge, before going home. Neil Clement got sent off! DAMN!!!

Friday, September 17, 2004

A nursery rhyme...

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Please bring back my Bonnie to me.

Bring back,
Bring back,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back,
Bring back,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.

Last night as I slept on my pillow,
Last night as I slept on my bed,
Last night as I slept on my pillow,
I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead.

Bring back,
Bring back,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back,
Bring back,
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.

Last day of soccer... possibly.....

Ok. So, today marks the last day of soccer possibly, assuming that there isn't any soccer tmr... Initially wanted to play after bio tut, which ended 20 min earlier, but got caught by ms chen.. ha ha.
PE before gp, which was a total bad game for my side. No goals!

Soccer in the afternoon. Fun! And I did not run like a mad man! Ha ha. On the losing side again... Joseph scored with his hand of god! Not much contribution, just getting joel to concede a foul with his reckless challenge, running a lot around the field, some half-hearted clearances, and a shot on target from far. Was lucky joel was going for the ball and not for my legs, though it did hurt a little. Just a little... Own goal by mr. lee! Ha ha. Seriously, david teng made a good keeper, though he was let down by the defenders (me, qx in particular). Ha ha. Nvm. Good game!

Ok. Assembled a very expensive team for fantasy soccer this week. Spent more than 230 bucks, and i don't noe any team that's more ex than mine... Hope this gamble works!

Sigh... Yet, i'll stick to my decision made earlier in june... pls don't waste your time guessing what i mean by this... If it's a bad decision, too bad lor. If it's a good one, good!

MAF tomorrow. Wear ur jerseys, or bring them along to change into after ur performance, duties or whatever...

Chem o cancelled for no particular reason! Sian.... Let off some of my feelings by screaming inside the LT...sorry mr. lee and ms in particular, who took the full blast of it... Ended up mugging in the canteen with choo and his friend for half an hour...

No chem o tmr! Great! No need to come to sch so early...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Golf joke....

One Sunday morning, the Monsignor wanted to play a round of golf. After several hours of asking around the parish, he finally was able to get the Mother Superior to tag along as his caddy. The Monsignor is out on the 9th hole, makes a beautiful shot, but at the last minute, the ball takes a bad hop into the woods. The Monsignor cuts loose with a profane outburst, and the Mother Superior takes him to task for it, reminding the Monsignor that it's just a game, and that as a man of the cloth, he should be ashamed. Somewhat chastened, the Monsignor apologizes.

On the 13th hole, the Monsignor's drive carries the ball a good distance, but he didn't put enough hook into the shot to clear the sand trap, and there it lands. The Monsignor's face darkens with rage, and he again cuts loose with some pretty salty remarks. The Mother Superior is appalled, and solemnly warns the Monsignor that God will surely strike him dead for such blasphemous language. Regaining control of his temper, the Monsignor apologizes again for his language. The Mother Superior reluctantly agrees to finish out the course.

Well, on the 18th hole, the Monsignor makes his best shot of the day . . . in fact, it looks like this could be a hole-in-one . . . but the ball drops short and rolls a bit, coming to rest 6 inches from the pin. Not wanting to offend the Mother Superior, the Monsignor settles for mumbling "Oh, sh!t!" under his breath. And sure enough, the skies darken rapidly, and there's an ominous looking storm cloud that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. The Monsignor is shaking and trembling when a bolt of lightning comes from the sky and blows the Mother Superior to bits. As the cloud begins to dissipate, the Monsignor hears a voice saying "Oh, sh!t!"

Another day, more agony...

Sian. Slight diarrhoea and feeling unwell again in the morning...

Glad that Man Utd managed to come back from two-nil down to earn a well-deserved two-all draw...

Great divide again! Only the girls (most of them) were mugging away before PE; the guys were all slacking, playing with the roteiro (back from suspension... hurray!), chatting...

PE session was nice. Volleyball! Though it hurts a little, it's still very fun! Got many touches, though many of them were misplaced. A great game with the REST of the guys! Esp the last ball. The overall movement of the ball was great! Going from one half ot the court to another many times! Think we all are improving greatly! Heard of the clique problem at the girls' court. Just want to say, WE'RE ALL ONE BIG FARMALY! Ha ha. Roteiro back from suspension! Great! Though it's sacred during PE lesson, we'd a nice time on the street soccer court later on. Played for a while first before the CHS kids came. Ha ha. Think we pissed them off by refusing to shoot the ball on target, so they just stood there and waited for like ten mins, before realising what we're up to. Meaningful contributions include scoring a goal very early on and blocking one of yc's rams... Game ended when i tried to dribble past ms, then got dispossessed, allowing her to score a rare goal.... wtj.

Hanged my wet clothes at the railings after pe. Then, dark clouds, so, rushed to bring them up to the second floor during gp....

Though I din break as many rules as yesterday, I broke one that's more severe than eating in audi... Drinking H-TWO-O during bio tut, and sneaking out during maths tut to finish my other packet of green tea... sigh. Have to say, those around me're kind of shocked.

Gp lesson was nice, at least the second half. We're supposed to form our own grps and discuss what're the matters that concern s'pore today and in the next ten years... Did with yk. Some ridiculous comments include next year's "a" level qns, whether pw'll be scrapped (confirmed by irene l), animal rights... and how to solve water shortage and land shortage? Attack m'sia. How to solve unemployment prob? Labour-intensive industries...... How to solve declining birth rates? Ref to HC178's written report and oral presentation.

Chem test. Still felt really bad that I mistook anode for cathode, and vice versa, for an electrolytic cell.. spotted that mistake with two mins remaining, then rushed thru every qn to change the relevant ans.. Was in such a rush that I changed a right ans for a wrong one! damn.

NO PHY O today... sigh. Wasted half an hour in the lib bef receiving an sms from ws that it's cancelled. Wtj. Nvm. At least i wouldn't waste one plus hour listening to stuff i'd difficulties figuring out....

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

More sarcasm...

Congrats to yc for passing his driving test! We are all very glad, esp..... u noe.

Got more niaoing after sch at the class bench. About me having Klinefelter's (i remember mentioning something about it for our pw survey analysis..)... that's the guys. Then gloria, suspiciously under the instruction of ms, went and folded my left sleeve up, and all of them started commenting about the blouses I had earlier on in the year... Ha ha. Too used to it to be bothered.

Think it's time to niao u all back.... ms ong mentioned about pple not getting an equal chance of getting married, esp pple like her... Think I say something about her and someone (the understudy to rooney; no.8) being a nice match...

I shall slowly niao u all back.....


Ha ha.

Btw, yk and kenny were like stunned when I showed them my skill of cracking my fingers rapidly... Ha ha. They found it a little disturbing....

How I broke hundreds of rules today....

Nice day today. Still felt burdened, or troubled, or slightly traumatized, whatever, throughout the day. But, nvm. Shall talk about how i broke sch rules throughout the day here... THESE CANNOT BE USED AS CONFESSIONS LEGALLY!

pw - discussed the written report with mrs. lee. Just realised we made several fallacies or illogical reasonings. All of us were laughing along with her, though i believed our written report's generally ok. No major mistakes. Checked out my blog too! Showed jas the pokemon pics... She was not bad too, browsing thru lilo & stitch pics...

Break time: Continued the collection of phy pract. Had to write the names for two lazy pple (jas and ms) on their scripts. Rather surprised that except for two pple (lynette and gloria) who din bring theirs today, everyone handed his or hers in, mostly when i asked them to do so... See lah. All the guys handed theirs in. Girls? Tsk Tsk.

Phy lect. Multi-tasked again. Listened to lect on gravitation and circular motion and did chem revision (redox and stoichio) at the same time. Nearly got tricked by jy when she said that there's photosynthesis, respiration and proteins lect test later... Nearly, as the three topics they chose are not that compatible for any test... If they had chosen other topics, or removed proteins..... I'd have made a laughing stock of myself. Sigh...

Bio lect, which ended as fast as it begun. Had my daily allowance of one sweet from YK. Thanks!

CT period! My special thanks goes out to ws and joel, cos if not for them to divert mr. rem's attention, others like me'd have got caught as well... Seeing remedios at the top of the stairs, we (yk, vernon, ken) rushed to the opposite direction, up the stairs to the hall, and ran to the audi from there... lucky escape. Got a glimpse of mr. pang patrolling downstairs too. I was quite surprised that jiayi and jasmine weren't caught as well.. They were sitting still eating merrily away, while ws and joel were.......

CT period's boring. Some government official came and spoke to us about principles of good governance. Had to say, not many students were listening. Was amazed, though this was expected, that arts students had so much to say about the government policies, esp. on the stand of the opposition. Continue breaking sch rules by secretly having some snacks throughout the first half of her speech.. Was very very surprised that I wasn't called up lor. Made a whole mess of the area around me, esp the table, as chunks of food kept on dropping where they were unwanted... Found it extremely amusing that even a teacher was sleeping behind us... Laughed loudly as a result (another sch rule broken: lack of proper decorum)...

The above shows how I spent my day tearing many sch rules apart...

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Premiership fixtures...

This's to help me analyse the fixtures more easily, since I can just go to my blog to get these fixtures...

This week:


Bimringham vs Charlton

Blackburn vs Portsmouth

Crystal Palace vs Man City

Norwich vs Aston Villa

West Brom vs Fulham

Arsenal vs Bolton
(early kick-off: why not pon MAF and go someone's house to watch? Preferably someone that stays nearby.. Just JOKING)


Everton vs Middlesborough

Chelsea vs Tottenham

Southampton vs Newcastle


Man Utd vs Liverpool

I won't give any tips, since i'm not qualified nor in a postion to do so.. anelka and wright-philips are good options though...

Another joke to darken your day....


It was the first day of school and a new student named Suzuki, the son of a Japanese businessman, entered the fourth grade. The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American history. Who said "Give me Liberty, or give me Death?"

She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Suzuki, who had his hand up "Patrick Henry, 1775." He said.

"Very good! Who said 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth'"?

Again, no response except from Suzuki:  Abraham Lincoln, 1863.", said Suzuki.

The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed. Suzuki, who is new to our country, knows more about its history than you do."

She heard a loud whisper: "Sc^@# the Japs."
"Who said that?" she demanded.

Suzuki put his hand up. "Lee Iacocca, 1982."

At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm gonna puke." The teacher glares and asks "All right! Now, who said that?"

Again, Suzuki says, "George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991."
Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah? S#*k this!"

Suzuki jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!"

Now with almost a mob hysteria someone said, "You little sh*t. If you say anything else, I'll kill you."

Suzuki frantically yells at the top of his voice, "Gary Condit to Chandra Levy 2001."

The teacher fainted. And as the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, "Oh sh*t, we're in BIG trouble!" and Suzuki said, "The Taliban! 2001."

Another said, "WHAT THE JEFF!"

"Good for nothing girls, 04S79! 2004"

More woes, more sian....

Btw, suspension of the services of the roteiro does not mean we can't get other soccer balls and play... So, you all DID NOT break your promise, vow or resolution, whatever you call it, when we just rolled another ball about on the void deck... I did not make any promise of that sort, remember. Ha ha.

Have to say I'm getting better at spotting loopholes of what people say, such as even if one did indeed spread some rumours, one did not necessarily start the spreading of them, since it was another person who told one first. That person, likely to be those involved in the rumour itself, should be the point of origin. Or again, the people involved, who did not necessarily tell anyone, could be considered as those starting the spreading of the rumours, as they were involved in the rumours, and the rumours wouldn't have started without them.

Woke up very late today. 6 zero something! Ha ha. It's considered late in my standards, as my family to leave my house by latest 6.20... sigh... Reached school before having breakfast. Quite surprised that yc was there already.

The great divide during maths and chem tutorial. Why is it always me that is so unfortunate? Put my bag down at the wrong place, when the rest of the guys put theirs on the other side of the classroom...

Oh my god! Don't know who recommendated me for the post of CT rep next year (think it's joel or ws). Excuse me. For Jeff's sake, find some other pple lah. I want to retire at the end of this year already. Do not ever ask me to fill any post next year. If you want some nominees, why not, first, get those who do not currently have any leadership post anywhere; second, get those who volunteer for that post earlier this year, like the gilt... I've too much problems to cope with.... Can still remember getting "re-elected" for the chinese rep post at the start of sec four, though i keep on insisting that I want to retire... History shall NOT repeat itself again... Who wants a CT rep that's BCH with an "IT" in it, or one who's mr/miss/it? Ha ha.

Collected my jersey at Queensway. Thanks jo and tris for accompanying me. I may have gotten lost if you both are not there... Nvm. Nice jersey, though there're still some dark patches of a seven-letter taboo word there (sorry.. just joking!). That guy claimed that it can be washed away, and as i did not want to go down there another time, I just hecked, took my jersey, and rushed back to school for MAC. I was half an hour late... sigh. Nvm. At least the session's interesting...

Went home, and tried the jersey with a pair of shorts I got. Quite a match, though have to say, the shorts are a little bright... Want to wear our jerseys this saturday for MAF (if we're allowed to do so in the first place)?

I shall stick to my original decision earlier on in the year...... unless....

Monday, September 13, 2004

Bill Clinton

Reading some jokes now before starting my mugging....

A Bill Clinton Joke

Bill Clinton dies and goes to Hell. Of course, being who he is, he gets a V.I.P. reception, and is met at the gates of the Infernal City by the Dark Lord Himself. Satan shakes hands with his new citizen enthusiastically, and ushers Mr. Clinton through the gates.

"I've been preparing a special place for you, my faithful servant, but even I cannot best decide the manner in which you will spend eternity, so I will allow you to decide."

The Devil and Bill Clinton are walking down a hallway of fire, and as they approach a door on the left side of the hallway, they hear horrible screams of pain coming from behind the door. The Devil opens the door so that Slick Willy can see one of his possible fates and it's a sight to behold: Adolf Hitler, burning at the stake, although since this is Hell, this is the fire which burns but does not consume. Bill turns away in horror, and without a word being passed, the Dark Lord closes the door and relocks it, and the two once more set off down the hallway, with curtains of flame closing behind them.

Before very long, even more hideous screams are reaching their ears; nevertheless, it is still several minutes before they arrive at the second door. Once again, Satan produces a key, and Mr. Clinton takes one look into the room and starts shaking like a dog passing a pine cone, for this is what he saw: Josef Stalin, being tortured on the rack by 6 demons. His limbs have been grotesquely distorted beyond all human dimensions, but no bones have yet been broken, nor will they be, for the torturers in Satan's service are quite skilled. Once again, the Dark Lord knows to shut the door and proceed onward . . . and once again, the flames close in, forcing them down the hallway towards the last door.

Barely have Stalin's screams begun to fade when an even worse sound becomes audible; shrieks of torment that would make a Spanish Inquisitor smile with professional pride at a job well done. With a flourish, Satan flings open the third door, and this is what Bill Clinton saw: Kenneth Starr, naked and bound to a cross, with Monica Lewinsky kneeling before him, doing what she does best. Well, as you may have guessed, Clinton's eyes light up like a kid's on Christmas. "This is the place!", he cries, turning to the Dark Lord with an expression of hope on his face.

"Are you certain this is how you wish to spend eternity?" the Dark Lord asks, with an evil sidelong glance.

"Absolutely! I'll still be in Hell, but some parts of it ain't so bad", the former President replies.

Satan claps his hands, and his Executive Assistant appears, with all the appropriate paperwork already filled out . . . needing only the condemned's signature. "Sign here", says Satan. Clinton signs, and hands the paper back to Satan, who hands it to his secretary. With a clap of thunder, the lesser demon dissappears.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment", the Devil said, "I'll make arrangements for the two of you to be alone."

And with that, Satan walks up to Ms. Lewinsky and leans down to whisper quietly: "I've got good news for you, kid. Your replacement is here and you're free to go."

A pome to share...

Only If We Believe

To believe is to know that
every day is a new beginning.
It is to trust that miracles do happen,
and dreams really do come true.

To believe is to see angels
dancing among the clouds,
to know the wonder of a stardust sky
and the wisdom of the man in the moon.

To believe is to know the value
of a nurturing heart, and
the beauty of an aging hand,
for it is through their teachings we learn to love.

To believe is to find the strength and
courage that lies within us
when it is time to pick up
the pieces and begin again.

To believe is to know we are not alone,
that life is a gift and
this is our time to cherish it
with all our heart and soul.

To believe is to know that wonderful
surprises are just waiting to happen,
And all our hopes and dreams
are within reach ... only if we believe.


The woes of a seventeen year old....

I've decided, finally, to admit that i'm sixteen years, ten months and about twenty-two or twenty-three days old. Couldn't be bothered too much about maths...

Owyong's partly right this afternoon: Pple who keep blogs tend to be more stressed out... Partly true, as I'm not in a really good mood nowadays, though not because of my blog, and definitely not because of studies; sec four life is much worse... sigh. Nvm. My problems are mine, and it's up to me and me alone to deal with it. No one can help.

You all may be surprised at how much I actually ate for the whole day. Just a burger, a piece of guava, and a piece of cake... Sigh. Wish I can eat more, but I can't........

Soccer sessions today. Ha ha. Good thing about soccer: helps me to maintain a nice streamline body shape....... don't puke, ok? Your comp cost a ton. Bad thing about soccer: it makes you dirty, and lowers your concentration level for lessons. I was just too tired to pay much attention during maths, probably also because I was studying bio, but I was not absorbing much bio facts too.... sigh. So, soccer sessions. Scored three goals in all. Not bad.... considering that we're matched against an all-star team, starring Ong Wei "Scholes" Jian, Joseph "van Nistelrooy" Lee, Joel "Raul" Quek, Phan Yih "the blaster" Chyn (have to say, think he blasted less today, compared to several other occasions...)... ha ha. Nvm. Good defence, guys!

Sian... diarrhoea again in the morning... another spell of morning sickness coming up........ Just JOKING!!! I'm always, and will always be, a PROPER GUY!

After school was nice. Didn't know the guys were checking fantasy soccer in the library (btw, I was quite lucky that the total value of my team din drop by more than one buck... whew!), so, created havoc at the class bench. Since gloria and ms were being so derogatory right next to me, I threatened them with my handy water bottle, which luckily, still had much water in it. One remark about me, and I lower the plastic bottle; next remark, unscrew the bottle cap; another one, and I fill the cap with some water..... u noe the rest. I din really mean it, of course, but still, playing with water's fun! Holding a jersey hostage's also nice too...

Went home in my dad's car, and I was lucky not to get a scolding from him... Cos I was supposed to leave at five, and yet, i left at 5.15... Nvm. Reason: sis has tuition to give at six..... Sigh...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Pathetic Cute Puppy Look

Haha. Did I mention that i keep on giving my mum a pathetic cute puppy look very often, when i pissed her off? Ha ha. Sort of made her less angry. Don't really think i'd try it out on u all though..... anyway, to all the sec 4s i noe, good luck for prelims!

A small joke...

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are going camping. They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes wakes Watson up.

"Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you deduce."

Watson says, "I see millions of stars, and if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it's quite likely there are some planets like Earth, and if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life."

Holmes replies, "Watson, you idiot, somebody stole our tent!"

Moral of the story: Don't always look at the complicated side of things. Use some common sense.

Last day of hols...

Finished or started what I should have done at the start of the hols...

Thanks ws, jas and laura who reminded me about phy spa a exercise and genetics test tmr... ha ha. Didn't noe how i could have forgetten about phy spa a exercise, esp when i'm the PHY REP!!!! wtj. sigh. And i really really forgot about genetics test tmr. Nvm. At least i allocated most of my time today to it... Expect most of u to have at least touched on it.

Embarrassed myself in front of my brother just now. I was niaoing him about his dismal aust science result, and i tried to do the last question. First look at it, and i found out that it's a hard question. HIs results slip, along with the correct answers and his wrong ans, was nearby. So, had a quick peek at it, and faked some theory out. Then, bro told me that i'd the wrong ans, and i looked at the wrong column... sigh. Got jeered for that. WTJ. Then crapped some more. Didn't think he was convinced though. Did two more questions for him. Sigh... they were damn easy lor, but only 20 over percent got it correct. Just figuring out where the four cardinal pts are. I was a little unsure whether i'd got the correct ans at first. haha. But that still din convince my bro that the test was OVERALL an easy one...

Some of you, in particular, my grp members, would have realised at last, that i'd like very much to maintain neutrality. Ha ha. Was saying "neutral" everytime jas asked us whether we wanted grapes or drinks.... My sec sch classmates should have known this, esp my project grp members. This reminds me of that tyrant, who, luckily, is polluting rj with his slime and tyrannical and snake-like nature...

Not in a very mood today. Sigh......Hopefully, tmr'd be a better one. Soccer.

End of term. Have to say, geting very very fat. Pls note how much i'll actually eat tmr during lunch. Maybe just a piece of fruit? Or just some bun.

Next term would a very busy one. Promos, PW, 'o' s....... And vigorous practising for syf next year. Not to mention fantasy soccer! Still waiting for that damn website to update.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

PW meeting

PW meeting today at Jas's house. Reached paya lebar mrt ten minutes before we were supposed to meet. Went to mac for ice cream before going back to see ws mugging. The ONLY two girls were late, so the two guys, ws and i, went to mac again. Then, jas sms us to see where we were, so we walked back. Met laura outside the train stain, who said jas was meeting us at mac... sigh. So, went to mac three times in all. ha ha.

Jas's house was nice! got 2 cats and some fish. unfortunately, the two cats cannot be out together: they'll fight. haha. anw, they are scared of us. sigh... jas was feeding us like siao lor. food after food. mooncakes, chips, grapes, chocolates, orange juice....... tried a piece of chocolate with some wine inside. ha ha.

Ok. PW session, which's tiring... at least, we occasionally had some breaks... Bridge! fantasy soccer! TV! ha ha

Think I kind of shocked them by displaying some supposedly "feminine" traits. Is it girlish to own a pink eraser and a purple snoopy pencil? No, right.. I sincerely hope not.

Reached home quite late. Had dinner before watching soccer, both online and on tv. sigh..... reasons obvious. Man utd drew again. though i've some hope for my fantasy soccer now. Waiting patiently for the update on the points...

Friday, September 10, 2004

A joke... just a joke!

A dog was making a pilgrimage to the top of a mountain to seek the meaning of life.  Near the top, a booming voice said, "Tell me your most redeeming quality, and I'll give you the knowledge you seek. But be careful... you must be honest."

The dog thought for a moment and said, "I think I'm cute."  Well, it wasn't really Hello Kitty or Tinky Winky, so POOF!! It disappeared.

Awhile later a man came by on the same quest.  "I think I'm a fun person to be around."  Well, he forgot those times of the month when he wasn't so fun, so POOF!! He disappeared.

Next came a woman.  "I think...."

And POOF!!! She disappeared!

Sorry girls. This's modified from a blonde joke I read about. Ha ha. My most sincere apologies to those who're irritated or appalled by it... I shouldn't attack the likes of me, right? Just joking. I'm a PROPER guy!

Strange dreams...

Have some very very weird dreams...

Last night, dreamt about some lion wreaking havoc in CHS (I was still in CHS). Weird. and definitely not funny lor. Everyone was panicking. Many of us seeked refuge at the fourth floor above the canteen, an arcade, and those inside there were playing games while the lion was still at loose. It was only a dream! There is no such thing as an arcade in CHS, and no fourth floor above the canteen. even though i wish there indeed is one. Ha ha. Don't noe how the dream ended. Woke up too early. Good.

Had an afternoon nap after lunch. Getting lazy and sian... Dreamt about me going through my email, and discovering that there was an important message dated aug 13 that I'd not read yet. Found out that it's some band stuff. Some of us were given some questions to do (on what, i really forgot. Think it's some questionaire..). Funny thing: my class was actually 0406. Wtj. Don't noe how that came about. And more weird: there was a compre! Nvm . Woke up immediately after that, and couldn't figure out how it would continue.

Weird dreams.....

Back to reality. From what i saw, our class jersey looks great! Ha ha. Thanks yc and jo! Just found out that there's some prob with my jersey.... Nvm. I can afford to wait one of two more days for it.

Happy birthday, ms! Everyone's growing up so fast. Except me. Sigh. Still, "we're not getting older; we're getting better." (unknown source) "We are always the same age inside. " (Gertrude Stein). Looking forward to my birthday!

That reminds me. Last year, my b day was just one day after the end of o-levels. Good, as i can celebrate both occasions together. Bad, as I only get to celebrate both occasions once: no excuse to give myself two treats... Nvm.

Another boring day. Sigh. Looking forward to PW meeting at Jasmine's house tmr...

Fantasy soccer. Immense difficulties in choosing my team...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

A long story...

Lesson on the importance of telling the truth:

One afternoon in the country, the farmer's four sons were bored, when one of them came up with the idea of tipping over the outhouse. The other three sons thought it might not be such a good idea, but they eventually went along, since it was going to be pretty easy to do. So they tipped over the outhouse, being pretty pleased with themselves for finding some way of dealing with the bordeom.

The next morning, the farmer wakes his sons up at 4:30 in the morning, telling them to get dressed in a hurry, he wants them all downstairs in 3 minutes or less. The kids get dressed, wondering what all the fuss is about. They go downstairs, and the farmer wags his finger at them to come outside . . . over to the overturned outhouse. The farmer starts ranting and raving at his sons, promising that whoever did this is going to be grounded for a month, after they get their hides tanned but good. Not surprisingly, none of the boys comes forward to admit to tipping over the outhouse.

The farmer decides to take a different approach, and tells them the famous story about George Washington and the cherry tree, ending it by saying " . . .and because George told the truth, his father decided NOT to punish him. Now boys, don't you think it would be better to come clean on this, now that you know how things went for the Father of our Country when he told the truth?"

So the oldest boy lowers his head and says "I'm sorry I lied to you, Father, I was the one who come up with the idea . . . I tipped over the outhouse."

Well, the farmer loses all self-control, and grabs the kid by the scruff of his neck and hauls him off in the direction of the woodshed, and all the other sons are wailing and crying, saying " But you said George Washington's father didn't punish him for telling the truth."

The farmer says "That's true enough, my boys, but George Washington's father wasn't in the cherry tree when it got chopped down."

So, when u're pondering whether u should tell the truth....... be careful of who you're dealing with.

Ha ha

Have to admit. Got pissed off by blogspot just a day after feeling the same for diary-x. But... Never mind. Give it one more chance. Just one more. Anyway, I prefer blogspot to diary-x. Better template. Ha ha. The entry below is written yesterday.

Morning, badminton at woodlands! Getting fat, so it's definitely a good workout. Like Joesph said, i'd the cheek to bring a toy-r-us racket, which i bought when i was six years old. No! When I was -8 years old, since I was only three now... My rackets suck. One bought at toy-r-us, one string broken, one i can't control (jo can... haha), and one's so damn dirty! My hands (and shorts) were all black after the game. Ha ha. Having fun with numerous drop shots. Injured my finger a little. Poor drip on racket = skin peeled off... sigh. Never mind. Went home straight after the game; din go lunch with them... sigh. Nvm. We should all get together for more exercise sometime...

Afternoon nap was nice! Though i forgot what I've dreamt about.....

Fantasy soccer.... what team to use this weekend? Should i try defoe and ledley king together? And Saha may be injured for this weekend's game! Damn... Against bolton, which's rather strong some more. Can beat liverpool... Liverpool: sigh..... Tsk tsk. Nvm. Must study all the fixtures carefully. WHEN I'VE TIME.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Total boredom

One miscalulation due to bad luck means..... sign. Should have noted the danger before hand.

I was referring to A and B. Ha ha. Apparently, yesterday, B made A feel so bad that A told B A's real b day. Yet, I lied to both of them. Ha ha. Result? A thought (hopefully not thinks) that I'm in cahoots with B, while B said he was blind to have a friend like me. Now, A was upset and refused to talk to B.... Sigh. Shouldn't have tricked both of them. Think I started it. Did I?

Totally bored day. Din mug as much as I'd like to have done. Was doing GP before I decided: I was going to read other books until I became less sian about doing GP. Ha ha. Left one more AQ to do, before I can say I've finished the minimum amt of hw that I aim to complete in the hols. I'm still undecided about whether I should do phy of fluids, trapezium rule and all bio after respiration (I can't remember what bio tutorials I've received after respiration... tsk)... Ha ha.

Ok. Today's a boring day. Hopefully, tmr'll turn out to be much better.... Badminton in the morning! Haven't exercised for a long long time.... Getting rather obese.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

A new blog, a new beginning...

Finally decided: This shall be my new blog. Though I'd not close down my old one, since the old entries are still there. Hopefully, a new blog, a new beginning......

A pome...

7th sep, tue:


Take time to think –
it is the source of power.
Take time to read –
it is the foundation of wisdom.

Take time to play –
it is the secret of staying young.
Take time to be quiet –
it is the moment to seek God.

Take time to be aware –
it is the opportunity to help others.
Take time to love and be loved –
it is God’s greatest gift.

Take time to laugh –
it is the music of the soul.
Take time to be friendly –
it is the road to happiness.

Take time to dream –
it is what the future is made of.
Take time to pray –
it is the greatest power on earth.

Spiritan Arts

Nice right. Time... Think i wish i'll have more time to finish the papers in less than a month's time.... Sigh.

I sort of broke my word that I'd not add a tag-board. Cos, chances are, I may change to blogspot. See first. Cos i can't stand diary-x. ha ha

What the hell...

7th sep, tue (2019):

What can I say? Diary-x sux! Server down... Go to hell.

As this shall be my temporary blog, I do not really intend to add a tag board, insert the links, add pictures, or other stuff. Get it? Ha ha

Ok. Today, chem o. Just like yesterday's, just that i reached school later, and watched some of them (ws, wj, shengrong, jackie) played bridge. Almost the same. Collected notes for three people, more integration, more maths.... Ha ha. Ended earlier that it's supposed to be. Good! Can go home and mug. Finished respiration. On schedule. Planned to start some of my GP tonight...

Mugging isn't fun. Yup. But guess what? Ha ha. Had a rather enjoyable evening. What do you do if two of your friends ask u about the other one's secret (like how many toe hairs... just joking), and they ask u not to reveal their's? LIke A asked you how heavy B is, while B ask how heavy A is, and A and B tell u the answer but beg u not to tell? Only two options: betray, or lie. What should u do? What should I do? As a fun lover.... I've decided. I'm going to make them pay for wasting so many of my sms, like answering to "are u my friend or not" and finding out the answers. ha ha. So, what did I do? A hint: i din betray them. Ha ha. That means....

A big thank you to the two of you for making mugging so enjoyable...

Probably add a pome or a joke later.