Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Ha ha

Have to admit. Got pissed off by blogspot just a day after feeling the same for diary-x. But... Never mind. Give it one more chance. Just one more. Anyway, I prefer blogspot to diary-x. Better template. Ha ha. The entry below is written yesterday.

Morning, badminton at woodlands! Getting fat, so it's definitely a good workout. Like Joesph said, i'd the cheek to bring a toy-r-us racket, which i bought when i was six years old. No! When I was -8 years old, since I was only three now... My rackets suck. One bought at toy-r-us, one string broken, one i can't control (jo can... haha), and one's so damn dirty! My hands (and shorts) were all black after the game. Ha ha. Having fun with numerous drop shots. Injured my finger a little. Poor drip on racket = skin peeled off... sigh. Never mind. Went home straight after the game; din go lunch with them... sigh. Nvm. We should all get together for more exercise sometime...

Afternoon nap was nice! Though i forgot what I've dreamt about.....

Fantasy soccer.... what team to use this weekend? Should i try defoe and ledley king together? And Saha may be injured for this weekend's game! Damn... Against bolton, which's rather strong some more. Can beat liverpool... Liverpool: sigh..... Tsk tsk. Nvm. Must study all the fixtures carefully. WHEN I'VE TIME.


  • At 8:59 PM, Blogger Jason said…


    jason mulgrew
    internet quasi-celebrity


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