Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, September 17, 2004

Last day of soccer... possibly.....

Ok. So, today marks the last day of soccer possibly, assuming that there isn't any soccer tmr... Initially wanted to play after bio tut, which ended 20 min earlier, but got caught by ms chen.. ha ha.
PE before gp, which was a total bad game for my side. No goals!

Soccer in the afternoon. Fun! And I did not run like a mad man! Ha ha. On the losing side again... Joseph scored with his hand of god! Not much contribution, just getting joel to concede a foul with his reckless challenge, running a lot around the field, some half-hearted clearances, and a shot on target from far. Was lucky joel was going for the ball and not for my legs, though it did hurt a little. Just a little... Own goal by mr. lee! Ha ha. Seriously, david teng made a good keeper, though he was let down by the defenders (me, qx in particular). Ha ha. Nvm. Good game!

Ok. Assembled a very expensive team for fantasy soccer this week. Spent more than 230 bucks, and i don't noe any team that's more ex than mine... Hope this gamble works!

Sigh... Yet, i'll stick to my decision made earlier in june... pls don't waste your time guessing what i mean by this... If it's a bad decision, too bad lor. If it's a good one, good!

MAF tomorrow. Wear ur jerseys, or bring them along to change into after ur performance, duties or whatever...

Chem o cancelled for no particular reason! Sian.... Let off some of my feelings by screaming inside the LT...sorry mr. lee and ms in particular, who took the full blast of it... Ended up mugging in the canteen with choo and his friend for half an hour...

No chem o tmr! Great! No need to come to sch so early...


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