Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

How I broke hundreds of rules today....

Nice day today. Still felt burdened, or troubled, or slightly traumatized, whatever, throughout the day. But, nvm. Shall talk about how i broke sch rules throughout the day here... THESE CANNOT BE USED AS CONFESSIONS LEGALLY!

pw - discussed the written report with mrs. lee. Just realised we made several fallacies or illogical reasonings. All of us were laughing along with her, though i believed our written report's generally ok. No major mistakes. Checked out my blog too! Showed jas the pokemon pics... She was not bad too, browsing thru lilo & stitch pics...

Break time: Continued the collection of phy pract. Had to write the names for two lazy pple (jas and ms) on their scripts. Rather surprised that except for two pple (lynette and gloria) who din bring theirs today, everyone handed his or hers in, mostly when i asked them to do so... See lah. All the guys handed theirs in. Girls? Tsk Tsk.

Phy lect. Multi-tasked again. Listened to lect on gravitation and circular motion and did chem revision (redox and stoichio) at the same time. Nearly got tricked by jy when she said that there's photosynthesis, respiration and proteins lect test later... Nearly, as the three topics they chose are not that compatible for any test... If they had chosen other topics, or removed proteins..... I'd have made a laughing stock of myself. Sigh...

Bio lect, which ended as fast as it begun. Had my daily allowance of one sweet from YK. Thanks!

CT period! My special thanks goes out to ws and joel, cos if not for them to divert mr. rem's attention, others like me'd have got caught as well... Seeing remedios at the top of the stairs, we (yk, vernon, ken) rushed to the opposite direction, up the stairs to the hall, and ran to the audi from there... lucky escape. Got a glimpse of mr. pang patrolling downstairs too. I was quite surprised that jiayi and jasmine weren't caught as well.. They were sitting still eating merrily away, while ws and joel were.......

CT period's boring. Some government official came and spoke to us about principles of good governance. Had to say, not many students were listening. Was amazed, though this was expected, that arts students had so much to say about the government policies, esp. on the stand of the opposition. Continue breaking sch rules by secretly having some snacks throughout the first half of her speech.. Was very very surprised that I wasn't called up lor. Made a whole mess of the area around me, esp the table, as chunks of food kept on dropping where they were unwanted... Found it extremely amusing that even a teacher was sleeping behind us... Laughed loudly as a result (another sch rule broken: lack of proper decorum)...

The above shows how I spent my day tearing many sch rules apart...


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