Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, September 09, 2004

A long story...

Lesson on the importance of telling the truth:

One afternoon in the country, the farmer's four sons were bored, when one of them came up with the idea of tipping over the outhouse. The other three sons thought it might not be such a good idea, but they eventually went along, since it was going to be pretty easy to do. So they tipped over the outhouse, being pretty pleased with themselves for finding some way of dealing with the bordeom.

The next morning, the farmer wakes his sons up at 4:30 in the morning, telling them to get dressed in a hurry, he wants them all downstairs in 3 minutes or less. The kids get dressed, wondering what all the fuss is about. They go downstairs, and the farmer wags his finger at them to come outside . . . over to the overturned outhouse. The farmer starts ranting and raving at his sons, promising that whoever did this is going to be grounded for a month, after they get their hides tanned but good. Not surprisingly, none of the boys comes forward to admit to tipping over the outhouse.

The farmer decides to take a different approach, and tells them the famous story about George Washington and the cherry tree, ending it by saying " . . .and because George told the truth, his father decided NOT to punish him. Now boys, don't you think it would be better to come clean on this, now that you know how things went for the Father of our Country when he told the truth?"

So the oldest boy lowers his head and says "I'm sorry I lied to you, Father, I was the one who come up with the idea . . . I tipped over the outhouse."

Well, the farmer loses all self-control, and grabs the kid by the scruff of his neck and hauls him off in the direction of the woodshed, and all the other sons are wailing and crying, saying " But you said George Washington's father didn't punish him for telling the truth."

The farmer says "That's true enough, my boys, but George Washington's father wasn't in the cherry tree when it got chopped down."

So, when u're pondering whether u should tell the truth....... be careful of who you're dealing with.


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