Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, October 31, 2004

CIP cum halloween night.

CIP for the whole day. Went to some Indian family to paint the ceiling and the walls. Don't really think that we should paint that house for them: they have LCD screen for a monitor, broadband and a large TV set for goodness sake. Nvm. Painting's quite tiring, but fun! Rather dirty as well! Erp. Was not impressed when gloria deliberately poured paint onto my left foot, and when I accidentally stepped onto some paint on the floor: many times! Dyed my hair as well!

Shocked the rest throughout the day by making myself look pregnant, and by saying, in cantonese, that I'm a pretty girl! Ha ha.

Stupid paint. So heavy! Have to carry all the way from the base, which was about a few hundred metres away. And to think that we're not really doing any work while moving the paint after lifting it up, since displacement in direction of force is zero... erp.

Lunch break's alright. Took the packets of lunch and some drinks before going somewhere for lunch. Ice cream was nice. We skipped some mp talk, and went to some place to chat. Played zhong1 ji2 mi4 ma3, before playing truth or dare. Quite fun! Yk... never knew u... Ha ha.

Finished the painting in the afternoon before clearing up and going off. Played in a nearby playground, which rox! There's this thing for u to hold onto and slide down, legs being lifted up into the air! Ha ha. Failed to do that for the first two times, but the third one's nice! Ha ha. Kind of shocked that the thing actually oscillates back to the opposite direction, and I fell down! Ha ha. Tried riding the tiger too! Luckily, it din break.

Stayed for breaking fast with the residents. One of the unlucky few who got selected to do so... Sigh. Waited such a long time for dinner! Played murderer and tic tac toe with one of the malay small kids, not to mention other ridiculous stuff like reciting harry potter spells, playing with small paper balls (shooting them using pen), drumming loudly using two pens, rolling masking tape... Erp. Nvm. Did i miss out any? We got a small lecture (not a telling off) from ms wong, who say that we should be more outspoken and interact more with residents... Ha ha.

Dinner, which's ok. Din finish it. Nvm. Went back to sch before eight, and halloween! Had to carry some stuff for ms wong to the hod room, but the whole place's locked! So, just took the stuff around for a walk, before bringing them back later.

Exorcist movie: freaky and gross, but not that frightening... Ha ha. But, quite nice though. Sian... Screamed too much before the movie, so, sore throat returns during the movie, and I can't scream as much as I'd like.

Reached home rather late, and fantasy soccer news are not so good...


Friday, October 29, 2004

Last Day of School.... erp.

K. Today: last day of school. But, in reality, it isn't. There's still band, pw op, tag, bio o, cip, tag to look forward to in the hols...... I hope.

Not much stuff to do, just that my shadowing skills are not bad! Followed behind chow, jas, laura, gloria etc to the canteen without them knowing.... Ha ha.

Nice special ct session. Hf's bday today, and someone bought a cake! Great! And the nov pple all celebrate our bdays today! Going to be four years old soon..... Ha ha. Time's really catching up with me! Btw, nice comments that you all wrote about me. Din get to write them for everyone.. Sorry!

Couldn't believe the vast difference in standards between australian bio o and IBO. IBO sample qns are a killer, but ABO: can do most of it. Eg. of 1 qn: Which of the following is not a mammal, with the first option being a bird! Wtj. Let's migrate to australia, ok? Bio o ended rather late, and not feeling that well. So, din go kbox. Hope u guys enjoy it!

Oh yeah. Can someone tell me how to catch a cockroach? Without killing it first, that's. Need it for bio o practical training session. And should the rice given to it be cooked or raw?

Went home early, and had a good long afternoon nap. Think I should have recovered from any fever, but flu and sore throat are still there... sigh. Nvm. Should be fit enough for tmr's cip thingy.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Trying very very hard not to fall asleep...... Did not feel that well since yesterday, when I woke up with a bad throat... Think there're some instances that I felt quite sick in the last two days (in the car just now, or in LT27, nus).. Nvm. Feeling better now, after a nice bath and a nice dinner...

Phy o: horrible. Nvm. Kind of expected. At least, I knew I won't get zero marks. One of the questions was exactly the same as our tutorial qn. The one of 2-D kinematics: firing a cannon up a slope and finding some angle where displacement is the greatest. Other than that, just crapped a lot for the rest. Met hanrong from raffles! He went with me to london too! Ha ha. Finally, it's OVER! One down, one more to go, and I'm FREE!

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

(Stay free, where no walls divide you)
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

Missed the whole day of lessons today. Ha ha. Phy lect and bio o session. Went to mug physics outside the library from eight... All alone.. sigh.

Did not log on yesterday, cos I was mugging, and i was not feeling that well either.... Forgot everything that had happened yesterday, except that I din go for band, which I regreted a little. They practised persis!!! Damn.

Found out that quite a few pple were late for the s-paper briefing today! Tsk tsk. And they din help me take my form!!! Woo hoo!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Just time for a short entry...

Ok. Think it's really really time (hope it's not too late) to mug, really really mug, physics.

LT2's really really horrible. Freakingly cold. Will definitely bring a sweater tmr, if I remember.

Throwing chess pieces was very fun, right? Ha ha. Early in the morning, and after school, played with jie jie (and jas later on). Ha ha. Started the throwing when ms niaoed me over my pathetically short hair, even without her voice! Erp. Threw a very accurate first one into her blouse... Ha ha. Then.... all hell broke loose. Couldn't believe that their aiming, esp ms's, was so poor. Missed me from just 1 metre away.... Sigh. A marvellous start to the day! Anw, when changing before soccer, one more piece dropped out... Ha ha. Will try again tmr, if the pieces are still there, and when there's time, which there'd be. Who else wants to join in? Free for all! Not a bad class activity.

Ms found her voice later on, and wasted no time to niao me again. Ha ha.

Soccer match's horrible. Nvm.

Lectures are getting very boring nowadays. Did not listen much to phy lect today. Doing other stuff and went outside the audi and walked about for some time.. Tsk tsk.

PW's nice. Quite relaxed. Great method to decide who gets to do the minutes... Cut out small pieces of paper with the name of the meeting written on each of them... Managed, somehow, to get the two slackest topics! Ha ha. Swapped one with ws then. Played tic-tac-toe and another game involving cancelling (forgot what the actual name was..) Tsk. Even ate during the lesson. Hungry what, and no break some more.... What to do? Took out the sugar bread.

Btw, kind of shocked that yc offered us a whole bag of sugar (3 kg).. Think that's used for other purposes lah.

If H2O is water, what is H2O4?

Drinking, swimming, bathing, washing......

Monday, October 25, 2004

Nice day

Excellent! Man Utd won deservedly, right? Ha ha.

Stupid rain. But nvm. Had a very nice game in somewhere that's definitely illegal to play soccer.... Two-on-two. Not bad at all.

Sian... Now it's wj's turn to be sick. Really hope i'll fall sick too. Ha ha.

Had a haircut during the weekend. Got niaoed by quite a few pple... ha ha. It could have been worse, if Jie jie'd not lost her voice... So sad. Ha ha. Though the voice's not really required to do any sort of niaoing...

Still thinking whether or not to apply for sat this dec... shall discuss with u all tmr.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Stupid FA

WTJ. Missed a drugs test: 8 months ban. (Rio Ferdinand). Failed it: 6 months. The bloody English FA is bollocking as usual.


Tiring day... PW from the afternoon. At least I can take a break now after cutting down on a few hundred words...

Really looking forward to tonight's games. Best scenario (realistic):

1. Birmingham to keep clean sheet (so that melchiot can have clean sheet bonus)

2. Hasselbaink and Anelka to score goals

3. Man Utd to hammer Arsenal and not let henry touch the ball (not that realistic...)

Slept at two last night! Erp... Watched the liverpool game, second half... don't mention this to my mum or dad (biological, official and real ones)

Tomorrow'd be another long day...... Hopefully, tmr'd be a nice day...

Saturday, October 23, 2004

A follow-up

Just realised that I'd missed out some things in the earlier entry...

Hallmark rox. Wonderful e-cards. Ha ha. Hope you like it!

Played spades for the first time today... A mix of hearts and bridge. Quite fun too! Haven't finished the game yet, as it only ends when a pair has 500 pts. Looking forward to it on mon....

Everton leading 3-2 now... sigh. Why does it have to concede 2 goals!!! (some vulgarities here...)

Did not really do much pw tonight... Sian.


Cut my hair today!! Hurray! Though a little short right now.. never mind. Can grow back quite fast. I hope.

Hibbert got a blocked shot! Not bad... 2 pts. Though he fouled someone.. never mind.

Yeah! Got into tag! Singapore Eye Research Centre. My first choice. Think the teacher i'c's forced to give me that one, since many many pple wanted to go for my two other choices. Quite a few pple from my class got in too! Yc, ws, kenny, jess, jas.... Ha ha. At least I'd not feel so depressed if i din get into bio and phy o second round... Hopefully, tag'll turn out to be fine... Checking out where SERC's.

Band ended quite early. Ha ha. Gave me more time to get a hair-cut.

Think it's time to do pw, right?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Open House

Open house today... supposed to be fun, right?

Phy o training's very very tiring. 2 sessions of 2 hrs each. Had to leave the first one halfway to go for band... Anw, in the second session, ms quek could see that many many of us were tired, so she let us have quite a long break to go out and watch the performances. Ha ha.

Open house: not bad... Got one SYO clarinetist that indicated her wish to join hc!!! Great!!! Quite a few clarinetists too! Hopefully, they can all get in, and we'd have a large section. Saw many juniors too!

After phy o: nothing to do, and had to wait for about an hour, so just walked around the school. Chatted with some of the councillors (irene l, kailiang), and wrote some graffiti on the notice board. Ha ha. Then, went to the extreme end of the third floor, since most benches were occupied on the ground floor. Thought of going to sleep there, but ended up standing or sitting there, doing nothing, except looking at the diff raindrops... Erp.

Desperately need some sleep......

Fantasy soccer's very very sian. Decided not to put any arsenal or man utd players, since I don't really feel either side'd perform very well, and I do not want to have mixed loyalties when I'm enjoying the match on sun... Hard to think of any defenders to put too... Sigh.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

What a day...

Spring cleaning early in the morning... One of the 2 guys who were forced to work in the girls' toilet... sigh. Only good point's that there's not much to do. Girls' toilet are so clean! Bad thing's that girls that come to use them either commented that they don't feel secure, or made remarks like "what's a guy doing in a girls' toilet"... Ha ha. Anw, took a leaf out of jy's book by shutting up my mum and dad inside the girls toilet and closed the door. Ha ha ha. Then, Mr. Lee came and commented that my hair looked like a mop, and called me "maria"! I'd to correct his pronunciation lor.

Chem lect. Was amused and amazed by holy's wonderful ability to scold pple for ten to fifteen minutes in the same volume (always loud) in spite of many pple's attempts to snuff out their giggles. Then, one girl laughed, and others started as well! Ha ha. Don't think holy managed to find out who she was. But, poor jess was the scapegoat. Din really know what actually happened. Yc went out a few secs later, and, ahem. You know the rest. Or do we? Cos I din noe at all what happened after they both left... someone enlightened me please! And yf. Next time holy's lecturing, off the mike. Save some energy, and there's no diff in the sound level...

Sian. Bio o and phy o training's damn tiring. From eleven to six, with only a one hour lunch break in between... Sian. Cannot help it but fell asleep during phy o... Tsk. Introduced bridge to choo during the break! Ha ha.

Tag interview's ok lah. Four pple being interviewed at one time! Ha ha. Not really an interview... Mr. So just asked us why we deserved to be in, and explained that competition's really really intense. So, alright...

Christmas's coming!! Erp... Early one: Silent night, HOLY night... Note the irony.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Getting more and more tired with every min...

Don't know why, but these few days, I seemed to feel really really tired in school, esp in the afternoon. Slept during PW and after school... sigh.

Oral presentation's ok lah. Crapped a bit.

Basketball in the morning, which only ended when the bell went. Had to rush back to change into sch uniform, since there's op later.

Open house rehearsal. The most unbiased and objective part inside me says that it's, well, horrible. Certainly not up to standards. Really really have to improve by friday.

Luckily, phy o is interesting. Arrived late becos of the stupid rehearsal. Waves. Doppler effect's nice! Talking about physicists worming his way (only males can do it: they are the only smart species...) out of receiving a fine for rushing past the red light using the concept of doppler effect...

Many pple din come to sch today, and even some of those who came were not feeling well... Hoping you all get well asap. Cos, WR to be handed up by next mon!

Oh yeah. Did I comment yesterday that I, or we, saw many of your names on the GP compre paper? Ha ha. Lots of 'L's (for my mum) and "WS" for weisheng... ha ha.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


So many things happening all at once.. sigh.

About twenty more hits to a magical 5000 hits! Cheers for all the support!

Got back all the promos results by today. Overall, still satisfied with my results, though I think bio can be better. Nvm.

Played cards till six yesterday! Ha ha. Quite fun, though tiring, and got a lashing from my parents both on the car and back at home... Since school ended at one plus. Sigh... This's prehaps the reason why I din go online last night... Ha ha.

In two olympiads now... Phy's on next thur!!!! WTJ!!! HAVE TO START MUGGING!!!

Tomorrow: PW presentation. (ocean pacific). Ws won't be presenting: work attachment. All the best to HC178! Ha ha. I better hope I won't be presenting the way I practised in class today... Reason obvious.

Many people having fever now... Have a speedy recovery! More water! Quite a few pple won't turn up tmr.. Ha ha.

Phy o in the evening.. Quite nice. Waves...

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Tiring day....

Giggs din play!!!! Sian. Should have read Straits Times... But there again, ST cannot be trusted fully, as it's known to give false info... Man Utd playing with three strikers! Wtj.

Tiring band pract.... Lips hurt a little by the end of it, and it being injured does not help at all.... nvm. Can recover by open house. Morning: combined. Afternoon: tutoring session... Not as fun as wed's session: most of us are rather tired or distracted...

Hopefully, okocha played and scored later! Ha ha ha. Got a rather diff team with the rest... It better turns out well. Ha ha.

PW meeting tmr! Great! Can play bridge! Played a little in school today too! Ha ha.

Oh yeah. Did I mention that library's now closed on saturdays! Quite damning. Couldn't get to use the comp.... And not many pple know about it too! Talking about lack of transparency in the decision-making in hwa chong...

Probably adding another entry later... see first.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Four f's





Double joy

K. Double joy today.

Before that... sigh. News early in the morning (just before flag raising) doesn't come much as a surprise, cos I've already known about it (roughly), so, not that disappointed as I might. On the reverse, it did help remove some discomfort, which's gd... Just want to say, all the best!

Nice lecture (by adrian tan, right) in the morning. Never know that hwa chong lecture series can be so nice, and so fun! Though, laughing so much throughout the lect can be very very tiring...

Got into bio o... hurray! At least I'd have one olympiad to look forward to (i hope so...), since I've nearly zero chance for phy and chem o.

Maths lect, which was used to finish up half of permutations and combi tutorial, before settling down to read potter... shall finish the next two bks in the series.

Play cards before the maths paper. Ha ha. Since no one to play soccer, and no ball to play bball...

Return of maths paper... Satisfied with my results. Many of us did very well too, congrats! For those who din do as well.. nvm lah. Life's great, iseneh? Don't let temporary disappointments affect your life! There's much more to live for.

Left the audi early, before the 2 periods are up. Played soccer one on one with yk, before moving on to play bball... Din have as good a game as yesterday's, cos the teams are more evenly-matched... The numerical disadvantage, though smaller this time, is much more critical, since they've yk and wj, 2 guys, on their team... Nvm. At least, no thrashing. Joel played later too, supported by yc throughout the way... they're really "joined" together! Ha ha ha.

Chem spa, which I managed to doze off for a few mins and went unnoticed by yk right besides me...

Stayed back and play cards! Played with my dad, jas, yk, qiqi to name a few... Then, two-man bridge with qx, where i won the first few games before getting thrashed by him... Got some lousy cards. Nvm. Played a little badminton later. Thanks jie jie for lending us the rackets and shuttlecock! Get well soon!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Nice day... Tired and aching

Four free periods today! Hurray!

Morning: PW for 2 hrs after a maths lect which not many pple are listening to. Not bad: We spent some time discussing other non-pw stuff like what to order (pizza) on sun (PW gathering), the exchange rate between pounds and sing bucks and other stuff...... They're shocked to hear that a tornado (a type of big loaf of bread with ham, veggie and so on) cost 6 sing bucks, and a plate of duck rice to cost 12 sing bucks... Anyway, shocked the rest (including those of another grp, my dad's) by claiming that I've a very very slim waist line (shall not review here)....

4 free periods which are quite good actually... Only three pple to play socccer: ws, wj and me.. sian. Others all went to do other stuff. Then, went to bball court to play bball with 6 other girls (mum, lynette, gloria, huoy fen, jasmine, jiayi)! Ha ha. Guys (official) vs girls. Despite the numerical disadvantage, we still beat them. Ha ha..... Though I'd not really taken into account the huge disparity in terms of physical size (height, mass.....). Not to mention the immense amount of sweat we'd on our hands... Ha ha. The girls were like too scared to mark us tightly.... One gd tactic: Shout "let's play passing! passing! passing!", so that the opposing team'll mark the other guy (wj left for water). And then, as the girls rushed to mark ws, one swift break through the centre.... you know the rest. Ha ha. Haven't had such a nice bball game. Hit only one long-range shot (three-pointer), but scored numerous times from 1 metre out... Erp. That's why I like playing bball with my class more than with other band members....

Slept a little through the two lectures later, one by nobel prize laureate, which's very very good. Can't believe I dozed off a little... Phy lect.. Nvm. Watched another video. Just too tired to take down the answers... tsk.

Afternoon: Bridge for a while before soccer: only 5 pple!! Sian. Think the last five mins I played managed to give me enough fantasy pts to pull me above the zero mark.... Ha ha. Long range shots on target and a few saves.. Got hit right in my face from 1 or 2 metres... sian. Blood!!! Ha ha.

Slight aching now... Hopefully, can recover in time for tmr's exercise (haven't decided between bball, soccer or badminton). Four days of intense exercise are not that good.... But, heck care. I just want to have fun...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Haven't had band practs for like 1 month already. So, kind of forgot how lame mr. leng (our band instructor) is. Ok lah. He's kind of serious when he talks about the new ranking system, and how hcjc wants all ccas to be champions... band's to perform "better than usual", which means top five or top band. As he's explained, it's kind of hard, as we're not even on even footing with the rest of the bands, which have tutors for every sections, twice the size of our band, more appeal cases taken in, and a flat-floored band room. Ha ha.

Then he was cranking jokes about his ns days, when he's just 0.2 kg over the max weight for exemption from ns (40.2 kg) just because he's a heavy lunch before the medical examination. Ha ha. Can't believe he became heavier steadily since then...... He's showing us his potbelly! ha ha. Really look like some pregnant women... His buddy in ns was of twice his weight! Ha ha.... Mr. Leng was recaping how they learn firemen's lift with their buddies......... Of course, he niaoed many of us... Mr. Leng was crapping on going out with one of the j2s (yi hui).... they're talking about going to hooters every friday after band pract (when the 5-day wk's implemented). ha ha. Then Joel admited he went to hooters with his mum! Ha ha... Innocent people, if you don't noe where or what hooters is, nvm...

Basketball today! Long time haven't played already... a little raw. Disrupted the game by fouling yk all the time, pushing whoever that has the ball out of bounds, deliberately kicking the ball away..... Ha ha. Still a nice game lah... Playing as a centre rox!

Reached home very late.......... and mug PW for a while. Think we can finish the third draft by tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Phy o...

K. So, final day of phy o...18 slots for 17 prcs (from s3) plus shengrong. Goodbye!

Selection test... not as bad as maths o special round... can get a few marks here and there... can already. Cannot expect much for something that is dominated by prcs and robot.

Sorry... Jasmine's not getting a blog anymore.... ha ha.

Pls bring fluids and chem spa skill a for catalytic decomposition tmr.... Going to have a hard time looking for the latter later... sigh.

Probably doing permutations and combinations tmr... back to mugging, everyone? Completed all tutorials we've been given yet? I've not... sigh.

Ok.. soccer today's a little frustrating... At least I got 2 goals! Hurray!!! And one penalty save! 8 pts!!! Though i miss one too, and let in so many goals...

Only bloggers read blogs. Is this true?

Every day the world is looking better,
That's the way it's meant to be...
Everybody being all together,
It's feeling really good to meeee...

From Biggest Part of My Life (Pokemon)

Just realised I don't noe most of the pokemon songs!

Monday, October 11, 2004


Sigh... Phy o selection test tmr... And I haven't even started to revise! Damn.. Nvm lah. The fifteen slots'll probably all go to the prcs, and no matter how much i study in one night and one morning, I'll not be able to cover the entire 4 topics that'll come out tmr... So, time to say goodbye to another olympiad..

Bio o final team will be out on fri.... Ha ha. I really do have doubts that I can make it, since this year's promos are really demoralising.... sian. Nvm. There're other things worth living for other than olympiads.


So, two more bloggers: Laura and Jasmine (latter: possibly). Remember, update your blogs daily!!!

From the panhandling capital of the world, San Francisco:

A bum walks up to an obviously successful dot-com businessman and says: "Excuse me sir, I'm hungry and cold, do you have any spare change?"

The businessman looks him up and down, and pulls a 5 dollar bill out of his wallet. "Now, if I give you this money, how can I be sure you won't spend it on cheap liquor?"

The bum says, "No sir, I don't drink, I'm just a little down on my luck."

The businessman says, "Well, how can I be sure you won't gamble the money away on the Lotto, or waste it on a round of Golf?"

The bum replies: "I don't gamble, and I don't play Golf. Now can I please have the 5 dollars?"
The businessman says, "I'll do even better than that. Come home with me now, and I'll have my wife prepare you a scrumptious dinner, and you can sleep in the guest room tonight."

"Won't your wife object to having someone like me around?" the bum says.

"She might," the businessman says, "but I want her to see what happens to a man who doesn't drink, gamble, or play Golf."


K lah. Just two losses. Big deal. We'll just make sure we train harder (ha ha ha: more intense soccer every break!) and win the next tournament when it comes. It's not anyone's fault! Many teams, world-class teams, have done worse than us lor! Derby lost ten matches in one single season, yet they could still go on and win the title some years back, if I'd not remembered wrongly...

If some pple have to shoulder the blame, I'd say it's the bio dept's fault, depriving us of three players! This definitely affects our team, since i don't think other teams have pple in bio o (4 teams from s3 and s6, not sure about the two other teams from s7 and arts) I see no reason why bio o has to be at the same time, on the same day as FOS. FOS: festival of sports. How can it still be a festival if not everyone can participate? And imagine putting up with mdm yeo for 3 hours when I can't even stand one period of her tutorial most of the time! Teaching biodiversity some more, which's just memory work! Seriously, I'd no regrets going for bio o late by half an hour (for the second session after a lunch break)... Less time with her, better it's. I don't mind a bio o marathon with other bio teachers like ms ong or mrs foo, if there's no fos.

Soccer, badminton throughout the day... with a brief session of bridge. Stopped when mr. lee caught us... ha ha.

"A pound for a pound". Nice tactic for soccer...

Should have said a joule for a joule too. Then it'd match.

Really, more bloggers in our class would be nice! Ws and others, go get a blog!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2004


Wreaking havoc in cyberspace.... spam, then impersonate, then smileys time!!!!!! Ha ha.

Went to look at next week's fixtures (premiership)... Quite tough to choose the players that u want... see first. Remember: read the previews!!!!!

Another boring day...

So, today's just like sat, though I din take any afternoon nap....

Finished up my pokemon game at night, from where I stopped during the sept hols.... Definitely difficult to defeat level seventy-something and eighty-something pokemon (Ash's) using level forty plus of my own.... Sian. Used up all my hyper potions, full restore and many revives.. Nvm. Don't think you guys and girls understand (except some...). Ha ha.

Looking forward to tmr's FOS... my legs are getting alright. Should be able to endure one day of matches...

Eating diet for today... Not bad. Just that I'd a much heavier afternoon tea today... sigh. Chocolates and biscuits!

Our class spirit rox! Hopefully, this can give us a vital edge tmr... since i don't believe other teams consist of players that are so united! Possible tactic: just attack the side where the girl(s) in the opposite team's, if possible (if she's not the striker..). If she's the keeper, just shoot when u cross the halfway line. Think tmr's just a contest to see which team can score more goals...

Beck sux... eng's alright. Don't noe how someone like him can score, and others like rooney can't... and he got himself injured and suspended for no reason! Great for england and real!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Boring sat..

Did not go to play badminton even though quite a few pple are going, and it's in woodlands! Have to give my dying legs some rest...

K lah. Woke up late, watched some cartoons (at ten thirty), read potter, had lunch, more potter and an afternoon nap for more than two hours... ha ha.

I was trying to raise my mum's (biological) awareness on healthy lifestyle (or eating habits) for the entire day. Told her to give me less for lunch and dinner, not to add so much oil, told her that I did not want any afternoon tea, and that I'd be having only a few bites for breakfast and supper. Ha ha. Getting fat what. I need to get rid of some of them before monday arrives... Since I'm not exercising for these few days, only thing to do is to eat less. A lot less...

Anyway, this eating habit would only last till monday. Since from monday onwards, we can play soccer in school everyday, there's no need for a diet... Ha ha.

When're we getting back the papers? Seriously, I'm not looking forward to them.... Nvm. Got a few days more at rest, in peace...

Have to start studying a little for phy and bio o... Sian... At least I can niao my brother as I can play comp and watch tv before he can do so...

Great EOPA!

Have to thank whoever that organised yesterday's EOPA... damn fun! Soccer (though brief), badminton, steamboat... Deserved a very very long entry....

After phy spa, which came out with some interesting qn (about bobbling test tube), rushed to the library to get a book that I'd reserved a day before... The previous borrower damaged the wrapper, i think.

Rushed down, and found that I was actually quite early. Played soccer for a while. Scored with a nice left foot from the right flank.... Actually thought it's going to go out or just managed to go in, but thanks gloria for adding a touch!

Left after five minutes. We got chased off by one of the pe teachers for wearing sch uniform... Jie jie just attached a yellow ribbon onto my bag, after I refused to wear in on my head... Ha ha.

Gloria tricked me the night before, saying that Mum had booked two badminton courts in woodlands! So, initially planned to go home first, change and get my racket... Then found out in the morning that they were going elsewhere! And the courts were not booked yet! Wtj. Luckily, I bought pe attire, into which I'm thinking of changing for some soccer...

Went CCK. Qiqi and I went with yk to his house first, since yk wanted to change and get his rackets. Qiqi and I waited downstairs first. Qiqi managed to changed his clothes in a lift! Ha ha. The lift went up to the top floor and down again, giving him ample time to do so... I knew I couldn't do it, and shouldn't do it, so I only changed at the sports complex... CCK was much better than Woodlands! Better sports hall, closer to school, more facilities, better shopping mall... Nvm. I still like Woodlands better, though I would fall first when M'sia decided to attack us someday..

Walked from yk's house to the sports complex, which took about ten to fifteen minutes... Reached there, and played badminton!!! Borrowed a spare racket from yk, and after he left, from lynette or mum (forget who). I was irritating yk, qiqi (mainly) and others with my high frequency of drop shots, and occasional serves that were so hard to reach (by others). Nice game. Trained up reflexes a little, and burned some fats, but my legs were aching now. Two days of intense exercise after a long break did not help at all... Hopefully, can recover in time for monday's matches...

Went to lunch at Lot 1 with mum, dad, kenny and gloria. Talked crap for a few hours! Ha ha. Everything from sing idol and golden toilets to teachers and lame stuff about subjects... Dad demonstrated crossing over and differentiation very well using some plastic cups! Stayed there till five plus, before deciding that we'd to go now, if we (kenny and i) did not want to be late for the steamboat at night...

Rushed home. Pissed and angered my mum (my actual biological one) off, cos i din inform her before hand that I'm having dinner outside. She had prepared my share already... Nvm. Took about fifteen minutes to wash up (or down), got changed and rushed out again. Thought I'd be late, and I was late by two minutes. Reached Marina Bay MRT, and found out that only jess has arrived! She was thirty minutes early, in fact. Ha ha. Class tradition: lateness... Nvm. Wanted to go out and buy some drinks. Jess followed. The whole place was deserted!!!!! No sign of civilisation (unless u count vehicles, roads and a bus stop...) anywhere. Went back, and went into jasmine, who looked like she just woke up... She did just wake up! Ha ha. Played dai ti near the control station, before the others came. Jie jie joined us in time for bridge. I reshuffled the cards, cos I'd such lousy cards that I'd definitely lose... Brought two decks of cards, so lent the other one to the rest of the guys... Won a game, and was going to reshuffle when Jia Yi, along with Kenny, arrived, wearing HC sch uniform!!!! Just a few moments ago, we were like loudly saying out that we're from raffles: "raffles rox", "don't insult my sch, ok? raffles rox!", and other permutations.. Ha ha.

Left for steamboat, 12 pple in all. Had to take a bus there.. Luckily I borrowed my brother's ez-link card... Or else I'd have no money to go home... Steamboat's nice! And considered cheap too! The guys at my table all don't cook. I'd to admit, I was not a good cook either. This's the second time that I cooked lor. First time's in seoul garden... Din get diarrhoea today! Hurray!!!! Gave the guys some raw meat, veggie and fishballs.... (Evil smile.... ). Got free drinks and icecream too! Thanks wei jian for giving his share of ice-cream to someone who's getting so fat that (s)he decided to go on a complete diet today... Joel and yc... tsk tsk. Don't think I'd niao them over here...

Played cards after dinner. Ha ha. Any teacher who's reading this part.... close ur eyes and scroll down! We're thinking of bringing a mahjong set to school and play! Ha ha. Cards would be a definite option from next wk onwards. The problem now's to find a gd place, away from teachers that'll send us to teachers.... Thinking of places like.......... Shan't list them down.

Went home after that.... Sian. Must have been the last few souls who reached home... Just before twelve! What did I do? Ate a bowl of grapes that my mum (biological) prepared (I seem to have been forgiven... hurray!), on the tv, and watched tom and jerry!!!!!! Ha ha.

End of a great day!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Studying phy spa...

Went home, and slacked. Read potter for I don't know how many times already, so, no nap for me... Never knew I'd regret this. Was nodding off after dinner at my desk when studying phy... Luckily, I had this bowl of grapes besides me. Kept me awake...

Tmr EOPA (suggested, tentative):

1. Badminton (quite definite)

2. Soccer (highly unlikely...)

3. Movie

4. Class gathering (dinner?)

Just in case some pple have short-term memory...

How do you prove that a dog has nine legs?

No dog has five legs. One dog (assume normal) has four more legs than a no dog. So: 1 dog has nine legs!!!

I shall niao my bro everyday from tmr onwards, since his exams only start from tmr!

End of Promos!

I hereby declare: End of Promos! No more late nights and thick stacks of notes to mug.

Phy spa can go to h___ (I shouldn't be saying this, since I'm the physics rep..., but nvm.)

Soccer after bio! Ha ha. Scored only once, made several tackles. In great need of some match fitness ahead of monday's game. Maybe wearing the sch uni did not help at all...

Argh. Jie just looked through all the contacts I'd, and used my hp to call her parents! Ha ha.

Here I'm, in the library, getting dry, keeping cool, all alone...... so sad. Had to wait around fifteen to thirty minutes more. Hopefully, my clothes dry up before my parents saw me in this state...

Drop dead on the bed....

Eyes close...


What everyone needs now. Maybe... I'll take a short nap before studying for phy spa. See first.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I'm feeling lucky

I'm (or I was) feeling lucky... but later.

Had to say: Straits Times... tsk tsk. Fake info all over the place, especially in the sports previews. What crap: "Giggs would be replaced by ronaldo" or something to that effect. Complete bollocks. Who else can man utd play as a winger? Bellion? Fletcher? Bs.

Anyway, looks like my one point lead would be over in a few minutes time, when yahoo updated the scores... van der sar got numerous saves lor! Ha ha.

K. I was feeling lucky. Last night, went google, started typing anything in the text box, and clicked "i am feeling lucky". Ha ha. Din noe i've so many credentials... Try "weapons of mass destruction", "choo choo", "sonky", "ms" to name a few, or anything u want. I tried "george bush", but it took such a long time to load...

Jie jie, speedy recovery!

Today, how can i have forgetten? Vernon's birthday's yesterday!!!!!! Ha ha. Wished him merry birthday only after the maths paper.... tsk tsk.

Maths's horrible. Screwed up the first question, and I spent the last ten minutes repairing the damage... sian. In the end, no time to check so many of the qns...

Joel was amusing some of us by niaoing pple just before maths. Sang (chinese) "why" (the three word song), and modified the lyrics. Let's see, in order, i hope: (chinese) wei4 she3 me4 yi4 chin2 ai4 li4 min3, wei4 she3 me4 joseph ai4 min3 tze1, wei4 she3 me4 wei3 sheng4 ai4 mei3 xin1... ha ha. The spectator ions, wj and me, were laughing like mad while the three guys went after joel and threatened to bon him in the toilet...

That reminds me. Lehmann was a complete spectator ion last sat. How did he get one save? Soccernet said none...

Hope tmr's phy's alright...

Felt sian after a whole day of mugging with no afternoon nap, so, here i'm, wasting more of my time...

Monday, October 04, 2004

What chemical should u add?

What chemical should you add to alkene, so that it cannot display cis-trans isomerism?

Use topoisomerase: allow free rotation...

Wonderful weekend...

Hurray! Ronaldo rox! Ha ha. Now leading by one point in fantasy soccer. For one day only though: van der sar playing for fulham later... Anw, others din watch previews... ha ha. This week might just be tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4.

This weekend: taking long afternoon naps so that i can stay awake till around one, doing hw and at the same time watching gamecast... Sigh. Glad there's a free monday (today) to catch up on maths and some much needed rest...

Tomorrow's maths! Hope it'd be better than chem... All the best everyone!

Wreaking havoc in my room with my bro... Tired of mugging, ee're fighting and attacking each other verbally, using hands and some witchcraft (Petrificus Totalus..)... erp. I was giving my best imitation of naifen by saying in a serious way: "You better shut up, ok? I haven't enough of your nonsense. You just shut up." Ha ha. Though, no vulgarities...

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Fantasy soccer woes...

Getting ready to sleep last night (around 1) when I decided to check out soccernet previews for one last time (it seemed..). Found out that ashley cole would be dropped! Wtj. Changed quickly to Terry, who, hopefully, can score a goal, get shot on targets, make many tackles and blocks, and get a clean sheet! Ha ha.

More tinkering (remember? claudio ranieri?) in the afternoon. Decided to drop gravesen in favour of giggs at 5.50pm... If this backfires, sian. Nvm. Put both giggs and ronaldo, who both can cross, provide assist, and are due some goals. Hopefully... Ha ha.

Should have put James or Niemi... They had a superb game! Clean sheet + many saves: 0 - 0 draw...

Shall did one maths promos paper now while checking up on soccer. Gamecast on soccernet.com rocks!

Seriously, you all should read the transcripts of the US presidential debate on cnn.com. Though the real thing'd be nicer... you can see Bush's traumatised expression...

No difference who gets elected this coming November... Though Kerry did sound less war-like than Bush.

Not many pple put rooney... interesting. Though I believe some pple are now mugging so hard to care much about it... right?

Friday, October 01, 2004

Propogation of lame jokes (courtesy of Eric)

Teacher : "Sam, you talk a lot !"
Sam : "It's a family tradition".
Teacher : "What do you mean?"
Sam : "Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher".
Teacher : "What about your mother?"
Sam : "She's a woman".

Teacher : "What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?"
Pupil : "A teacher".

WIFE : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other.
HUSBAND : You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

MAN : You remind me of the sea.
WOMAN : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
MAN : NO, because you make me sick.

MARY : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do u think, Peter?
PETER : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.

End of first week of promos...

So, first week of promos officially ended. GP last Friday, bio spa yesterday, and chem today. Sian, made numerous careless mistakes, which are costly, but hopefully, not fatal. Maybe used up all the carelessness I could possibly have in chem paper, then maths paper can do better. Ha ha.... Time for me to say goodbye to chem o. Ha ha.

As said, I'd not comment much about promos. It's bad enough going through it once.

So, heard from vernon and others that mr. lee was outside our classroom door during chem promos, making funny faces through the window... Ha ha. I did see a faint shadow (actually, not that faint..), but ignored it. Ha ha ha.

Went back home to sleep, and tried to forget everything about chem.

Fantasy soccer at night. Decided not to put rooney, in case he doesn't play tmr... Still don't know what's going on in Fergie's head...

Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries
For the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!

Lion King's nice.. Can still remember having a wallpaper in my old blog (jeffhwang87.diary-x.com) for a while, before changing it to the Niagara Falls...