Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Nice day... Tired and aching

Four free periods today! Hurray!

Morning: PW for 2 hrs after a maths lect which not many pple are listening to. Not bad: We spent some time discussing other non-pw stuff like what to order (pizza) on sun (PW gathering), the exchange rate between pounds and sing bucks and other stuff...... They're shocked to hear that a tornado (a type of big loaf of bread with ham, veggie and so on) cost 6 sing bucks, and a plate of duck rice to cost 12 sing bucks... Anyway, shocked the rest (including those of another grp, my dad's) by claiming that I've a very very slim waist line (shall not review here)....

4 free periods which are quite good actually... Only three pple to play socccer: ws, wj and me.. sian. Others all went to do other stuff. Then, went to bball court to play bball with 6 other girls (mum, lynette, gloria, huoy fen, jasmine, jiayi)! Ha ha. Guys (official) vs girls. Despite the numerical disadvantage, we still beat them. Ha ha..... Though I'd not really taken into account the huge disparity in terms of physical size (height, mass.....). Not to mention the immense amount of sweat we'd on our hands... Ha ha. The girls were like too scared to mark us tightly.... One gd tactic: Shout "let's play passing! passing! passing!", so that the opposing team'll mark the other guy (wj left for water). And then, as the girls rushed to mark ws, one swift break through the centre.... you know the rest. Ha ha. Haven't had such a nice bball game. Hit only one long-range shot (three-pointer), but scored numerous times from 1 metre out... Erp. That's why I like playing bball with my class more than with other band members....

Slept a little through the two lectures later, one by nobel prize laureate, which's very very good. Can't believe I dozed off a little... Phy lect.. Nvm. Watched another video. Just too tired to take down the answers... tsk.

Afternoon: Bridge for a while before soccer: only 5 pple!! Sian. Think the last five mins I played managed to give me enough fantasy pts to pull me above the zero mark.... Ha ha. Long range shots on target and a few saves.. Got hit right in my face from 1 or 2 metres... sian. Blood!!! Ha ha.

Slight aching now... Hopefully, can recover in time for tmr's exercise (haven't decided between bball, soccer or badminton). Four days of intense exercise are not that good.... But, heck care. I just want to have fun...


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