Once a guy, always a proper guy

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

CIP meeting...

Ha ha. CIP meeting today. Reached sch quite early to play soccer with joel and yc only. Ms joined in later, before we rested for a while. Then, played soccer again with jo for a while, before cards. We decided to go KAP to discuss the cip, but just as we're about to set out, jo blasted joel's ball from the field into the rock wall. Ha ha ha. Had some fun and trouble getting it out, but in the end, used a pole and jo to get it out. Those hands which'd squeezed into the fence must have hurt, right? I know.

KAP meeting. The new double fillet o fish meal's quite nice and filling! Whatever. Then, played soccer at the crappy field near bukit timah plaza. Four small goalposts on a damn muddy field. Nvm. Two new recruits! Laura and Vernon (ahem). They played very well, right? Can join in team practices from now on. Slacked around at kfc later on till four, chatting and playing zhong ji mi ma... The potion that we made was.. eh, potionish? Weird ingredients plus a weird taste...

Just spammed on msn! Hurray! Back to impersonation...

Who wants to play any games on yahoo games?

Anw, thanks for the birthday presents!

Monday, November 29, 2004


Eh... The good: arsenal lost. The bad: liverpool won. The ugly: henry got one yellow card and thus, negative pts. Ha ha.

Band today. Initially thought that there's only sectionals in the morning, Then, at eleven plus, fifteen mins before twelve, checked out the schedule on the notice board. Was shocked to see that there's combined band pract from 12 to 5 today! Ha ha. Whatever, had lunch at coro first, before coming back for band about thirty min late. Glad to see that we're not late, as they've not started yet.

Returned one library book today, which's about 1 wk over due. Surprised to see that the system in the lib's down, and I don't need to pay my fine only when term starts next yr. Whatever. Hope the librarian'll remember when I returned that book: I don't want to pay a whole month of fine for nothing.

Realised that I haven't impersonated anyone for quite some time... Thinking about reviving it again...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

A quiet end to a busy week...

Absolute slacking today. Did some reading, practised my clarinet, sleeping, eating, playing comp... Not much. A sharp contrast to the rest of the days in this week...

Looks like man utd's form's picking up now. Scored nice goals and defended well. Just too bad that chelsea's form's quite gd too. Nvm. Man Utd'll fight back! My blessings to liverpool for one night. If they beat arsenal, I shall not insult it in any way any more. Hope gerrard's inspirational later on. Expect a tight game with few chances, esp from liverpool, as they're severely lacking in firepower.

Never knew that so many of my juniors keep blogs. And I never know about them until yesterday or friday. Whatever. Linked to their blogs already, though I don't expect many of them to visit mine. Sort of rearranged the links. Neater, right? Yet, don't think I'd visit their blogs frequently. Nvm.

Next wk: no more tag. So, band practs, not to mention cip meeting cum class outing. Looking forward to them, I hope.

Beer's nice! Drank one large cup of it during lunch. It tastes great esp when one's in that mood for a drink.

I never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I’ve moved on
You’ll always be my baby,
I never found the words to say,
You’re the one I think about each day,
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be...
A part of me will always be with you.

Captivating lyrics by s club 7.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Band sectionals: at last

K. Had my second band pract in two weeks. Not much. Sectionals. Stayed on till FOUR (ahem) to play cards. Ha ha. Neglected my lunch too! Too bad lah. Cards can be so so distracting, and very fun. Only had my lunch at five, the third time in three days I delayed my meal. SIGH. Anyway, got a lashing, or something like that, from my mum when I reached home. Nvm. Managed to calm her down in a short while. She even asked me to squat down and pull my ears, and I did so, even though I knew she din mean it. Think she was not that furious after this.

Felt so much happier today, compared to previous days. Why?

Fri: an even longer day...

Last day of tag. Sigh.

Went to the staff lounge early to retrieve the presents. Left them in a cupboard, since we din want to bring them home. Reached the lab even earlier than on the previous day, but somehow, the door's left open for me. Ha ha. So, tag till five plus. Had to thank those scientists, esp those working alongside me, for guiding me throughout these two weeks. When it's over, we took more photos, and gave out presents. It's quite sad to leave that place, esp since i've been there on every weekday for two wks. Nvm. Hope we can have a chance to meet again in the future.

Anyway, thanks yu sin for borrowing the two cameras during the two weeks. Taking candid shots's getting more fun, since it's quite hard to take good ones as the others've become more careful after being the victims for quite some time already. Yu sin's second camera's nice. Can take black and white photos and coupling ones (take 1 half of the photo first, before taking the other half). Had lots of fun using this feature. Can't wait for him to send me all the photos.

Anyway, had to leave at six. Rushed to take 174 back to chs to attend bro's band concert. Couldn't decide whether to take 174 (which goes through CBD) or 961 (too much waiting time). In the end, saw 174 at the bus stop, so just took it lor. Luckily, I only arrived at chs one or two mins late, and the concert hadn't started. Sadly, had to delay my dinner AGAIN!!! Anyway, concert: quite nice. Mistakes now and then, but generally, quite good lah. Rather surprised to see a few pple not buttoning their blazer, and a sec four performing too (bass clarinetist). Ha ha. Great to see juniors, and even seniors, again, esp in my alma mater too.

K. Had my dinner after nine thirty. More curses.

Thur: The first of some very very long days...

Thought it'd be one of the longest day of tag ever... quite right.

Early morning, reached outram rather early, around eight. So, just walked around chinatown. Most of the shops were closed, but nvm. Then, strayed into a nearby park. Is that a park??? K. Two grass patches with some trees, benches and what looks like a badminton court, plus a straight walking path in the middle. Two rows of old houses sandwiching in. Sigh... Air's quite fresh, though the env isn't very nice for an early morning walk. Whatever. Reached snec five mins late, but still found myself locked outside the seri lab door for a few mins. Ha ha. Anw, there's not really a time by which we've to come: most of the scientists are always late too.

Think I forgot the rest of my day, just that we'd a nice time towards the end of the day. First time playing the comp when I was working! Ha ha. One of the scientists (the woodlands one) introduced two games to me and another scientist: a parking game, in which one's to park a car in a tight parking slot in the shortest time possible (yc, interested?), and something like a pictionary game. Thirty small diagrams, and one's to guess the correct words (eg. seven seas). Ha ha.
Then, yu sin and i left at around six to go to the staff lounge to wrap presents. Ha ha. Not very good, but nvm. Left only after seven thirty... sigh. Had my dinner at nine plus. (curses). Nvm knew missing meals'd soon be some sort of a routine for me...

Time to do some updating...

K. It's time for me to slowly write entries for thur, fri and today.. should finish it in a jiffy...

Thursday, November 25, 2004


Getting very frustrated here. Blog accidentally deleted for the second time. Shall not update today, though have to say, TAG's fun! Will update tmr...

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Tag... as usual

TAG again. Today: quite slack. Din really do much. Took a long break in the afternoon: went to roof garden to have a short nap of nearly an hour, before going back and doing more slacking. Went to another lab and had a long chat with one of the scientists there. Realised yu sin and I've some similarities, though I din point them out to them.... When we left, found out that one of the scientists working in my lab lived in woodlands too! But, yu sin and i'd to go buy something first (part of the gift for all the scientists), so din go home together. Met her again at causeway point. Ha ha.

Went home, and did more slacking... Preparing the gifts now.

Think I'd miss tag after fri, but I don't really want to extend my attachment. Band concert coming out, not to mention cip. And nowadays, did more slacking then working there. So, extending's of not much use.

Damn tired early in the morning. Actually missed the outram stop! Luckily, woke up completely and got off at the next one. Ha ha. Still managed to reach there before others came. Not bad.

Man Utd rox! 1000 matches for ferguson! Wonderful, iseneh?

Liverpool: lost to 1 controversial goal to monaco. To compound their problems, luis garcia out for 1 month. Ha ha. Looks like gerrard's return isn't going to reverse liverpool's fortunes at the moment.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Another long day...

TAG again. Nothing much. More candid photos taken... erp. Tried hiding in the black cylinder-like revolving door (for dark rooms that involve light sensitive exp) and taking photos. In the end, only stayed there for at most half a min: no one's walking past lor. Ha ha. Anyway, taking candid photos is fun!

Got a shock when I reached there rather early. Couldn't get into the laboratories, as the main door to the sixth floor's locked, and i did not have the access card. Normally, the door'd be left open. Probably because I reached there too early today.. nvm. In the end, just went down and walked around to waste some more time.

Did not sleep during tag today... hurray!

Anyway, yu sin brought some small badges that we planned to buy for the scientists at seri, like doraemon, hello kitty, rudolph, santa etc. Good thing about these badges: easily worn (no needle, just magnet), with a few small flashing lights. Not bad. I bought 3 from him too! Ha ha.

Made a quick trip to chinatown today, as yu sin wanted to go a reusable hot/cold pak. Though sgh's pharmacy also has it, he still wanted to go down for a look at other models. In the end, couldn't find it, and we'd a 2-hr lunch break as a result... ha ha. Luckily, din get niaoed by anyone, since they din noe where we went...

Prove that electronic road pricing's quite popular among pple.

Many people're saying "erp" all the time, even when they can't find anything to say.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Another day of TAG

Ha ha. TAG today. Morning: Me and Yu Sin decided to film a small video of SERI. We placed small snoopies all over the place, and filmed us getting them back. Ha ha. Some locations: toilets, outside lift, labs... initially wanted to film the opening and closing of lift, but the lift's not that cooperative: always keen to move up or down like a restless child.. Anyway, usual lab stuff. Then, seminar after lunch. Listened to a talk on myopia. Interesting fact: Bifocals, eye exercises, progressive lens have no significant effect on the progression of myopia. Ha ha. Anyway, in the afternoon, slept for quite a long time in the lab, since I'd nothing to do... feeling a little ashamed of myself. Sigh. Reached home rather early today, around six plus, since we din go to the staff lounge and slack around after work today. We normally had milo/tea/coffee and watched tv at the same time. Those drinks only cost 10 cents! Not bad, right?

Not much happening later on. The end of another long day......

Oh yeah. Tried a new route to get to snec today. Dad's to take my bro to sch, so he dropped me off at the bus stop opposite chs, and I took 174 to outram. Not bad. Passed by places like holland v, orchard road and some other parts of the city which i've never been to so early in the morning.

How will I start tomorrow without you here?
Brute luck will guide me though the answer's disappeared
Is it too late? Are you too far gone to stay?
Best friends forever, she never had to go away
What will I do? You know I'm only half without you
How will I make it through?

(Chorus) If only tears could bring you back to me
If only love could find a way
What I would do, what I would give if you
Return to me, someday, somehow, some way
If my tears could bring you back to me

I've cried here alone, shall if you sail home again
Just your emotion will carry you, I know they can
Just like we'll guide you and your heart will chart the course
Soon you'll be drifting into the arms of your true love
Look in my eyes, you'll see
A million tears have gone by
And still they're not dry


Ooh, I'll hold you close in spite of the world
I only wish for before
For one more chance
For one last ounce
Inside of me that I would not of known

Nice lyrics, right? You'd never noe where I get it... from a pokemon website! Ha ha. "If only tears could bring you back"...

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Combined band concert


Combined band concert involving hcjc band and a few other jcs:

16th Dec
HCJC Auditorium
$6 each

Should be quite a nice concert. Why not use this as a wonderful way to round off our class chalet?. Popular songs like Fantillusion'll be played! Pls confirm your ticket on the class blog (link nearby).

A small impersonation...

Haven't done any impersonation for a long long time already. Decided to do so today, since I'm rather disgusted at some anonymous guy's attitude on others' blog... check yf's blog (i believe the link's nearby) to see why. Though i've to admit, what I did is not correct too, but nvm. Let that guy've a taste of his own medicine... (evil grin)

17 years old now...

Ha ha. I'm officially 17 yrs old now! Hurray! (Some birthday songs). Think no one (apart from my biological family) has wished me a merry one today. Ha ha. Nvm lah. You all have already done so on the last day of school.

Din really celebrate much today. Had a soccer marathon last night and this morning. First, watched man utd vs charlton. Then, interchanged between the liverpool and chelsea game, the latter starting later. Without any break, went on to watch the man city game. Ha ha. Slept at three plus. Not bad.

Got a little frustrated last night with my brother. Nvm.

Yahoo efficiency's of little use. Can't believe they change the pts (lower it by a lot) after updating it! Was pleasantly surprised to see the man city game updated early in this morn, while most of the matches last night hadn't been done so yet.

Anyway, stayed at home today. But, my family da bao for all 3 meals. The dinner at night's especially filling. Spent 30 bucks on fast food with promotions some more! Let's see what I ate: 1 burger, 1 regular mash potato, at least 1 and a half packet of fries, about 7 nuggets, 1 piece of chicken drumstick and 1 cup of coke. Ha ha. Was still a little hungry (ahem). Looking forward to a nice simple supper later.

Took out some tapes to watch in the afternoon. Lion King's very nice, since I haven't watched it for quite a long period of time.

Hakuna matata!
What a wonderful praise.

Hakuna matata!
Ain't no passing craze.

It means no worries,
For the rest of your days.

It's our problem-free philosophy.
Hakuna matata!

TAG tmr... 1 last wk. Hope it'd be enjoyable.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Nothing much... again.

Fine. Nothing much going on today. Band earlier in the morning. Played draw bridge before and after band pract. Ha ha. Stayed on for an hour after practice to do so, since i really have nothing much to do at home. Din feel like starting on the homework yet... remember all the stuff that we've to do? Remember maths and bio lect test in the first wk?

Watched soccer just now, the match between man utd and charlton. Pretty routine for man utd. Can't believe yahoo's so damn efficient this wk!

About 45 mins more....

Friday, November 19, 2004

Another long day...

Ok. Tag's fun... today: followed the scientists to collect tear samples from a patient, and made a solid cake-like structure using molten paraffin... Saw others make a heart shape a few days ago.. Maybe I can carve mine? See first.

But... sad fate about working life: left home at 7, reached home at 7 plus, only 1 break per day... sigh. Ha ha. Think my stomach would just collapse by the end of next wk: lack of supporting materials... erp.

Yea! Can go for band tmr! My mentor said I need not come tmr, since they've nothing much to do too. Ha ha.

Tag-board sux.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Not much today...

TAG again... nothing much. Just found out that snec hasn't implemented the 5-day wk yet... There should be another work session on sat.... I hope not, since I heard from yu xin that we do not need to go on sats, but not sure... Band pract on sat!

I can see, i can hear,
I can do anything I want here.
Yet is our fate destined
the things that happen every year?

Star light, star bright,
One star I wish for every night.
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

Slightly modified and largely extended version of the popular (ahem) rhyme... done by me, of course. Sort of summarise what I feel now...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Loading of blogs are at a record low speeds now. Took like a few minutes to load finish one blog. It's all tag-board's fault! Everything on the blogs can be loaded quickly except the tag-board! Sigh... whatever.

Decided to write another entry for today. Missed band pract today (my fourth time in 3 wks, i think...). Ha ha. It's the first combined practice with 3 other jcs (serangoon, jurong, and nanyang). Not that sure about their standards.... But, nvm. Would miss another band pract next wk which, hopefully, would my last time this hols. Not really setting a good example as an asl... Tsk.

Great! Class blog loaded! Finally... But, nothing much.

Downloaded a card game called spades last night. Very fun! It's a mixture of hearts and bridge. There's a point system, a permanent trump (no prize guessing the suite), and a permanent partner. Each one would bid a number, which we think we'd win, while we'd to meet that number. Rules are more complicated, and don't really want to explain now. Who wants to learn it? It may be a little more fun than floating bridge!

An more interesting day...

Today's tag session: not bad. Met Kenny near the mrt station at about eight before going to SNEC. At least today, I touched and did some things at the lab. Yu Xin (the other guy under the same attachment)'s day's rather slack, or, very slack, since only 1 other scientist's present in his lab, and she's late. Ha ha. Starting to feel that tag's actually very fun. Anw, lunch today rox. We (that includes yu xin, me, and a few other scientists) da3 bao1 our lunch, and brought it to the staff lounge to eat. Can't believe that a small cup of hot drink like coffee and milo only cost 10c there! Tried the milo, while yu xin commented that other drinks are rather bad. Anw, there's a karaoke system, an electronic armchair, and a few computers in the lounge too! Ha ha. There's even a roof garden in SNEC. Logged into msn, and was rather surprised to see some other attachment pple (not necessarily tag) online. Wanted to play some games, but, the lunch break's not long enough... So, back to work. Nearly felt asleep in the afternoon, since the scientists were stuck at some problem, and I'd nothing to do for a long long time... Never mind. Helped out a little, before going home. End of a nice day...

Was rather appalled at the standards of Asian football. Watched a little of singapore vs japan. Though japan fielded second stringers, they really should have hammered singapore. However, the pace of the game was so damn slow. Then, switched to the premiership match between birmingham and everton.. and, you know. Totally different approach to the game. Watched until the penalty before going off.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


First day of tag attachment (at snec: spore nat'l eye centre. How's it? Er... not that boring... It's VERY VERY SIAN. Did absolutely nothing except to watch those scientists do some work and learn (i hope) from them... Maybe this'd change... it better be

Anyway, only stayed half a day.. Phy o pract in the afternoon. One qn: quite ok. Second qn: couldn't derive one equation, so, just collected the required readings and crapped a bit... Nvm. It's finally over now. Decided not to go back to SNEC after that...

Ha ha. Since no one's going to see the india pple off, i might as well don't go too... Bon voyage to those who're leaving!

Oh yeah. Last night msn convo rox. Ha ha... Nice discussion with so many pple... Discussed family tree, today's supposed changi outing.. even played zhong ji mi ma too! Erp. In the end, logged off msn 45 mins later than I'd initially intended..

Monday, November 15, 2004


Today: one of the most boring days in the hols. Nothing much to do. Sian....

Just a story....

On the first day of college, the Dean addressed the students, pointing out some of the rules:

"The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, and the male dormitory to the female students. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time."

He continued, "Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60. Being caught a third time will cost you a fine of $180. Are there any questions?"

At this point, a male student in the crowd inquired:

"How much for a season pass?"

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Something to think about

Yesterday's history, tomorrow a mystery
Today's a gift, that's why it's called the present!

Nice, right?

PW meeting today

Yeah! PW rox! Should have recorded the minutes for today's meeting...

Let's see... reached causeway pt at 1.05 pm and found jas shopping in metro. Ws'd be late... ha ha. We just walked around kiddy palace (i suggested this, obviously) and pasar malam before going to laura's house at 1.30. There, table tennis and mahjong all the way! Ha ha. Ws arrived soon, around 2 plus. Played doubles and singles before mahjong. We played the real doubles, that's, people took turns to hit the ball. Quite fun, esp when there's commotion in 1 side as the two players bumped into each other. Mahjong's nice too! Me and ws won 3 times, laura twice, and jas once. Thanks jas for giving me and ws great tiles (not cards). Helped me to win twice, and ws once (at least, can't remember). Ha ha.

Oh yeah. New member in our family tree. Jas has kindly consented to be my daughter. So, that means jess and jas are siblings! Nice!

PW outing ended at eight, as laura'd to go out... Looking forward to our next outing!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Nothing much today...

Another early day... For the past 6 days, i've woke up before seven plus... sigh. Sleeping late did not help at all, but never mind.

Today's band pract's nice. Sectionals with tutor, which's alright. Before and after band pract... cards! Ha ha. Tried to play 3-men hearts, which's quite good. Managed to shoot the moon! Not bad, considering that we're a few hundreds of thousands of kilometres away from it... accuracy not bad.

Nothing much later on, just that my parents knew only today that I've been drinking alcohol away from home.. Ha ha. They looked a little surprised when I drank one whole cup of beer (which, disappointedly, did not taste that nice, but never mind), as they had never seen me drink...

Tmr'd be nice day. I think, since.... PW meeting! Ha ha.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Nothing much today...

OMJ! Want to know how empty my mailbox's now? Er..... 44% of 100 mb left... That means....... I'VE USED MORE THAN 50 MB!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha. Think I really should start clearing my mailbox and removing unimportant things, like..... PW STUFF!

Anyway, left leg still hurt a little, after overstretching the muscles in yesterday's soccer game. Never knew there's a grass pitch worse that the sch's... But, there's one at marine parade! Ha ha. Its unevenness is jeffing. Nvm. Should make a full recovery in time for the next pw meeting and class sports outing.

So, really nothing much today. Last day of phy o practical training, which's not much actually. Just finished from where I left off on wed. Tried all the apparatus available in the lab, took some readings, drew some graphs, and left. Ha ha.

Preparation of CIP later on. Not bad. Did some colouring before everyone left for lunch at coro. Today's zhong ji mi ma.... the penalty's again quite nice. I just added a little more chili..... Anyway, truth or dare: qns delayed till class chalet. Good thing: will miss 2 days due to band concert (combined with some other jcs... buy tickets from me when they are available!), so, may not need to answer any qns. Bad thing: will miss the fun.... sigh.

Sian... my mum, my real one, refused to believe me when I told her the correct time this evening. She thought that I'm joking, and deliberately told her the wrong time... Damn. Ha ha. As if i'm so immature as to joke about a very precious thingy called time...

Happy birthday jess! Somehow, you're seventeen already, while your mum's still reaching four in a few days time...

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Wonderful day!

Think there's really no need for me to write all of today's happenings here.. so, just want to say: class gatherings rox (real class gatherings with an acceptable attendance). Ha ha.

Anyway, lied once today. I definitely do not like madam yeo's mouth! Should have said: every part ____.

Met Remedios too! Ha ha. And PA/AVA gathering also at Parkway Parade. It's a small world.

Rather tired now... ha ha.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Lame.... genie!

A husband takes his wife to play her first game of golf.....Of course, the wife promptly hacked her first shot right through the window of the biggest house adjacent to the course.

The husband cringed, "I warned you to be careful! Now we'll have to go up there, find the owner, apologize and see how much your lousy drive is going to cost us."

So the couple walked up to the house and knocked on the door. A warm voice said, "Come on in."

When they opened the door they saw the damage that was done: glass was all over the place, and a broken antique bottle was lying on its side near the broken window.

A man reclining on the couch asked, "Are you the people that broke my window?"

"Uh...yeah, sir. We're sure sorry about that," the husband replied. "Oh, no apology is necessary. Actually I want to thank you. You see, I'm a genie, and I've been trapped in that bottle for a thousand years. Now that you've released me, I'm allowed to grant three wishes. I'll give you each one wish, but if you don't mind, I'll keep the last one for myself."

"Wow, that's great!" the husband said. He pondered a moment and blurted out, "I'd like a million dollars a year for the rest of my life."

"No problem," said the genie. "You've got it, it's the least I can do. And I'll guarantee you a long, healthy life!"

"And now you, young lady, what do you want?" the genie asked. "I'd like to own a gorgeous home complete with servants in every country in the world," she said.

"Consider it done," the genie said. "And your homes will always be safe from fire, burglary and natural disasters!"

"And now," the couple asked in unison, "what's your wish, genie?"

"Well, since I've been trapped in that bottle and haven't been with a woman in more than a thousand years, my wish is to have sex with your wife."

The husband looked at his wife and said, "Gee, honey, you know we both now have a fortune, and all those houses. What do you think?"

She mulled it over for a few moments and said, "You know, you're right. Considering our good fortune, I guess I wouldn't mind, but what about you, honey?"

"You know I love you sweetheart," said the husband.

"I'd do the same for you!"

So the genie and the woman went upstairs where they spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other. The genie was insatiable.

After about three hours of non-stop sex, the genie rolled over and looked directly into her eyes and asked "How old are you and your husband?"

"Why, we're both 35," she responded breathlessly.

"NO SHIT. Thirty-five years old and both of you still believe in genies?"

(title) (title) (title)... untitled

Can't think of a suitable title, so... there it's.

Tired. Reached school very early. Just before 8 am. Phy o practical session's quite nice. Did several experiments. Though the teacher left at around 10.15, and we had to continue on our own, which was quite alright actually. Missed bio o (biostats) because of that, but never mind.

Only found out that band pract has been moved to an earlier time (9 to 1) during the practical session. So, had to miss it lor. Sigh... May have to miss band on sat too. Not that sure.. and from next week onwards, more band practs to miss. What to do?

Looking forward to tomorrow's ecp outing, which, hopefully, would be more fun and exciting than the tue's outing at BK. I'd be there on time! Hurray! I think....

Remember, a day not wasted is a day wasted!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The good, the bad, and the ugly...

WARNING: some of the jokes below may not be that clean...

GOOD: Your son studies a lot in his room.
BAD: You find a heap of porn movies in there
UGLY: You're in them.

GOOD: Your son is finally maturing.
BAD: He's involved with the women next door.
UGLY: ...so are you.

GOOD: Your wife isn't talking to you.
BAD: She wants a divorce.
UGLY: She is a lawyer.

GOOD: Your son has developed an interest in religion.
BAD: He's involved with Satanism.
UGLY: ...as a sacrifice.

GOOD: You take your wife out to see a show.
BAD: It's a strip show.
UGLY: Your daughter is the headliner.

GOOD: You want to be a grandparent.
BAD: Your child is determined to wait for 'Mr Right'.
UGLY: Your child is a boy.

GOOD: Your neighbour exercises in the nude.
BAD: He weighs three-hundred and fifty pounds.
UGLY: Your blind wont close.

GOOD: You always taught your kids to be prepared.
BAD: Your daughter is on the pill.
UGLY: She's only eleven.

Some lame jokes...

These are some of the jokes that're too long to be spammed over msn:

Man calls home.

Maid answers phone.

He says, "Can I speak to my wife?"

She says, "No, she's upstairs in bed with her boyfriend."

He's mad--says, "Ok, go to the hall closet and take out my shotgun. Go upstairs and kill them both."

Being the loyal maid, she says, "Ok."

5 minutes later she picks up the phone and says, "Ok, they're both dead. What should I do with the bodies?"

He says, "Throw them in the pool, and I'll take care of them when I get home."

She says, "We don't have a pool."

He asks, "Is this 555-1234?"

Another boring day?

Sian... today's bio practical session: more boring than yesterday's. Only study plant histology before drawing plan diagrams of leaves, stems and roots... Yesterday's session's much more interesting... sigh.

Class outing called off after those pple already at marina felt sian waiting and went for lunch. So, I might as well go home earlier, have a good lunch, and enjoy a movie all alone...

"Aladdin and the King of Thieves", sequel to the first movie: quite nice. Though that cassette tape's (yup: cassette tape) quite old already, it being bought around 8 yrs old, I can't remember whether i've watched it before... So, just watched lor. Nice way to waste my free time...

A good long afternoon nap's always nice...

Let's see... tmr: long long day. 8am to 6pm. Sigh... Anyone going sch tmr?

Shall I spam tonight like yesterday, or should I not? Hope you all like those jokes!

"Few women admit their age; few men act theirs. I'm both."

Monday, November 08, 2004


Still can't believe my luck.

Ok... Not really impt: Man Utd can only earn a goalless draw against man city... what a boring game. Completely screwed up my fantasy soccer this weekend, but nvm...

Still can't believe... I got into next round of phy o! Hurray!

Sian.. turned my phone to silent mode. Then I was not around when ms quek, the phy o teacher i/c, called. She left a voice msg, without leaving her number! No caller i/d: jeff it. Whatever. Frantically tried to get her number from other people. Target: sheng rong, who should have her number. But didn't have his no too. Asked wj, but sheng rong's probably not at home, so... Next: asked jun rong (fellow clarinetist) to pass me zhi wei (band percussionist)'s no, since zhi wei and sheng rong're in the same class... But, had some problems smsing him.... WTJ! Then, asked mr. rem, but mr. rem din have her number (ms quek's). Finally, remembered andrew. Also in MAC with me and sheng rong. So, asked andrew, who gave me his number in a matter of seconds. Ha ha. So, contacted sheng rong, got ms quek's home no, and received the news. Rather complicated, but nvm.

Thanks everyone above for helping me out!

So, 35 people got into the next round: 1 each from acjc, njc and vjc, 13 from hcjc, and 19 from rjc... Nvm. But.... clash with tag! On the first day some more!!! Sian. Heck about tag lah...

Time to start mugging? Not sure... but what to mug for practical? I don't even noe what'd come out. So, just give myself a few more days of rest... Ha ha.

Anyway, bio o session today. Dissection of flowers and cockroaches. Yup, cockroaches. Tore the cockroach apart, and created a mutant butterfly out of some of the parts (alimentary canal, wings...) Erp. Quite fun!

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Getting rather annoyed by yahoo...

Was happily playing spades just now. With 3 robots, so that my opponents will make their moves quickly and won't get pissed when I'm doing other stuff... Then, suddenly, all the robots went away, ending the game, Tried getting them back, but found out that THERE ARE NO ROBOTS AVAILABLE!!! What the jeff.

Not a single shot on target after about 30 mins, boro vs bolton... Ha ha.


What's great about holidays:

1. no need to mug, until probably towards the end of the holidays....

2. can stay home more often

3. more class outings

4. more free time

What's BAD about holidays:

NOTHING MUCH TO DO!!!!! sian. Nvm.

Had some fun with my bro at the comp this afternoon. Downloaded the latest version of mac messenger, which has more colours than my old one. BUT THAT'S ALL! No file sending (or receiving) features... When would they learn....

Anw, so, had some fun with my bro. Taught him spamming...... Ha ha. Good thing is, one of his band external outdoor instructor's online at that time.. so. Erp. Nvm. Sad thing is: their friends don't appreciate the spamming. As in, there're no replies, both positive and negative, at all. So unlike you all.... Thanks again for tolerating my spamming... Erp. Oh yeah. He added himself to his own contact list, so, ahem. When he spammed.... Luckily I muted the computer beforehand.

Btw, finally knew why the msn on my comp din work. Stupid microsoft removed that service some time ago... The newer versions of msn (mac) are not compatible with my comp... sian. So, have to wait for newer versions of mac messenger....

Shall play some online games now... mahjong? spades?

Great day

Couldn't update yesterday... some server problem. Nvm. Nothing much actually. Just bio o. Went there, and guessed nearly all the way. Ha ha. At last, no more olympiads. Can enjoy holidays now... hopefully.

Anyway, today. Thanks yc for inviting me to celebrate jess's birthday. Had a great time. Nice movie (sharks tale), followed by an equally good dinner at marche. Didn't want to niao anyone here, so, nvm. An early happy birthday, jess, my guai daughter!

Oh yeah. I believe it's time to extend the family tree. Jess is now my daughter. And kenny adopted her as his foster daughter! Ha ha. Joel had violent objections in becoming my great grandfather.... so nvm lor. Ha ha.

Found out that I screwed this weekend's fantasy soccer.... nvm.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Never, never before have I felt so sleepy for two consecutive days... Yesterday: took four and a half hours of afternoon nap. Mugged a little before turning in at eleven plus. Slept for nine hours, woke up, and tried to mug. But, could't really concentrate. Repeatedly dozed off, and woke up... Sigh. Then, another afternoon nap: about two and a half hours. Now, it's really time to mug. But, reality check. I definitely can't mug finish the entire a-level syllabus and some supplementary info in just a few hours. So, guess work again.

Now to find a map of nie...

Just realised: 17 days to go. Hurray! The only thing to cheer nowadays...

Air-con in car: spoilt. Sian...... At least, natural breeze wouldn't go #*$#)(@, unless we're talking about thunderstorms...

Everyone, pls bring along an umbrella when you all go out. Weather definitely not looking fine nowadays up here.... Not sure about the weather for some of you down there... Some of you'd probably feel the raindrops later than the rest: difference in distance that needs to be travelled from the atmosphere.... Just bring along an umbrella, ok?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Finally, PW's over... No need to stay awake for the entire night to do pw work.... PW's horrible, iseneh? Just jeff it lor. Now that it's over, i really have to start mugging for bio...

PW camp, which was quite effective.... Lucky we had it, or else we definitely won't meet the deadline for submission of gpf...

Lunch today... quite fun. Zhong ji mi ma, and truth or dare. Was the victim for both of them, and the sole victim for truth or dare... I picked dare! And the rest left before I could do it lor.... So, just did the dare anyhow, and got out too...

Sleep... Sleep... Sleep... Had some great afternoon nap today. The ride of the bus: think i dozed off immediately after getting a seat (immediately after getting on the bus). Then, reached home, and slept till eight! Still desire some sleep........

My baby......

Monday, November 01, 2004

PW for the whole day

Ok. Woke up late, breakfast, PW. Lunch, PW. Long Afternoon nap, dinner, PW.... PW sucks. The person who came up with it... Nvm. Don't think there's a need for me to curse him/her; I'd leave this for the rest of the hundreds of thousands of people outside.

Yahoo's becoming very slack. Only today, at two plus, did they update the SATURDAY'S RESULTS!!! Not to mention yesterday's, which's still not out yet. Anw, an ok week. Just sacrificed my second position to ws by one pt for a few hours. Hopefully, okocha and shaun wright philips will deliver the goods.

OP tomorrow, and I still haven't recovered from my sore throat yet. Sian.....

What a day...

PW for the whole day... or is it?

Great start to PW today. Was supposed to have lunch with the rest of the PW grp members. So, told mum that I was eating outside. Then... 11 plus, laura sms me to say that I'd only have lunch with ws... Erp. Then, reached mrt station, and found out from jas and ws that they were still at their own place! Ha ha. Nvm. So, went to have kfc, despite having a sore throat a flu... Erp. Nvm. Then, ws arrived and had a quick lunch at bk, before joining up with jas at a nearby pasar malam and taking a rather long walk to laura's house.

Wow. Though I knew Laura had a table tennis table, I'd never seen it before. Kind of great lor. So, first thing after reaching her house, played table tennis. Ha ha. Did pw after that till about five, before slacking. Mahjong! Cards! Table tennis! Jasmine had to go at about seven: had to go to her ___ 's bday (forgot who liao. Father?) We also played blackjack using mahjong tiles as chips. I was not a bad dealer, and placed some gd bets. Like, betting more than half of the few no. of chips that remain, and winning it. Ha ha. Quite nice, but would be much better if there are more pple. Nvm. Went home at eleven thirty! Erp. And still planned to do PW (while watching soccernet.com: gamecast). Ha ha.