Once a guy, always a proper guy

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Fri: an even longer day...

Last day of tag. Sigh.

Went to the staff lounge early to retrieve the presents. Left them in a cupboard, since we din want to bring them home. Reached the lab even earlier than on the previous day, but somehow, the door's left open for me. Ha ha. So, tag till five plus. Had to thank those scientists, esp those working alongside me, for guiding me throughout these two weeks. When it's over, we took more photos, and gave out presents. It's quite sad to leave that place, esp since i've been there on every weekday for two wks. Nvm. Hope we can have a chance to meet again in the future.

Anyway, thanks yu sin for borrowing the two cameras during the two weeks. Taking candid shots's getting more fun, since it's quite hard to take good ones as the others've become more careful after being the victims for quite some time already. Yu sin's second camera's nice. Can take black and white photos and coupling ones (take 1 half of the photo first, before taking the other half). Had lots of fun using this feature. Can't wait for him to send me all the photos.

Anyway, had to leave at six. Rushed to take 174 back to chs to attend bro's band concert. Couldn't decide whether to take 174 (which goes through CBD) or 961 (too much waiting time). In the end, saw 174 at the bus stop, so just took it lor. Luckily, I only arrived at chs one or two mins late, and the concert hadn't started. Sadly, had to delay my dinner AGAIN!!! Anyway, concert: quite nice. Mistakes now and then, but generally, quite good lah. Rather surprised to see a few pple not buttoning their blazer, and a sec four performing too (bass clarinetist). Ha ha. Great to see juniors, and even seniors, again, esp in my alma mater too.

K. Had my dinner after nine thirty. More curses.


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