Once a guy, always a proper guy

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Life's bored... Think I'd very much prefer sch to staying at home for the entire day. Nvm. There's bt 2 coming up, and I definitely want to stay at home to revise. Not that I did much revision. Only started on bio-molecules. Slow but steady does the trick!

Quite surprised by the quality of pirated dvds nowadays. Just watched prisoner of azkaban at home. Though it doesn't cover the entire screen, it's one of the clearest dvds I've ever watched. Ha ha. Who cares about anti-piracy? No consumers'll give a damn, if the quality's gd enough.

Monday, May 30, 2005


(Btw, it's not provisional admissions exercise...)

Psychometric assessment exercise today. By psc. Think everyone's stunned by the very first qn. Though gradually, as the standard of the qns becomes higher and higher, you can see the look of frustration and exasperation on many ppl's face. :p Was rather surprised by the standard of the maths section: definitely much higher than the ns one.

Anw, ws was late! Ha ha. Really amused everyone by entering through the backdoor when we're just about to start. Ha ha. The look on the invigilator's face.... Ha ha. Anw, had to buy lunch for him lor, since he had to finish the sections he missed out when we're having our lunch break. But, we're late for chem s, and as liming and I went to buy his food, I was even later! :p Many surprised looks when I entered from behind, and that smell's heavenly!!! Don't think one and a half servings of rice's enough for me.

Chem s's quite sian. Sitting at the back sux, as you definitely won't listen attentively, though it does allow tired ppl to have a gd rest...

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Ha ha. Finally cleared up the piles of rubbish in my room today. Now, it's just some misc stuff, rough paper, waste (to be dumped), maths (haven't figured out how to file the notes), unneeded sch work (like practs), and 12 files. Well done, mm! Perfectly on schedule. Planning to start my revision slowly tmr. Hurray! Anw, packing them's very sian, considering that I've just left one and a half year's of work on the floor and the cupboard, so had to arrange them into subjects and their different headings. Luckily I wrote dates on most of the ws, or else I'd have taken a much longer time to finish packing. A slight backache, since I did everything on the floor. Nvm. At least most of my stuff're in order now!

Anw, quite surprised by what girls nowadays do. One watched pokemon yesterday (btw, it's beautifly), and another reminded me of a very very impt medical procedure for next thurs' operation, to spare me from some post-operational damage. Ha ha.

Reminder: that psc thingy at 815, and chem s in the afternoon tmr!

Saturday, May 28, 2005


Sigh... Not in a mood to do any work today. Only finished quantum physics (photoelectric portion), and started a bit on growth and development, even though it isn't included in the bt topics. Ha ha. Don't want to do hw right after bt. Nvm. So, overall, quite slack, in a holiday mood now. Really have to start on my revision soon!

Still wondering how come everyone update their blog at around the same time, after neglecting theirs for so long... Start of the hols, I suppose?

Choir concert now. Go for it, vernon and ws!

What one student wrote in a bio test paper:

Qn: State an example of incomplete dominance?
Ans: Race

Friday, May 27, 2005

Start of hols...

My tutee's so nice!!! Ha ha. Bought for me meshed potato from kfc! Really saved me from severe hunger, as I did not intend to grab a bite before going for bball. :p Thanks a lot!

Anw, last day of sch term. Think all, or most of us, are already in a slacking mood. Nobody paid much attention during maths lect. I just finished the vectors revision, before going off to chat with daniel, who's alone in his rox. Ha ha. Talking about old times, when he, his brother, samuel, yingjin and I would just shoot rubber bands at each other during breaks. We moved on to paper bullets soon, since they're easier to obtain. Anw, guess what's the slackest method of doing cip? Gift wrapping, on weekdays, at funan, during an x-box exhibition, and having a deal with an earlier grp! Daniel only wrapped one gift, and he got 45 hours for five days. Ha ha. Talking about value for hours. Oh yeah. Buying cip hours's now possible, with each hour going at two bucks each :p Din really bother with it, as who'd want to write it in their testimonial: "Cip projects're very meaningful. Selling post-it pads is indeed an experience of the lifetime. I really contribute to the society a lot."

My class celebrated irene l's and jo's bday today. Ha ha. Qiqi, after his fever, was showing off his special ability of turning everything into destructive uses, often in a spectacular way. Flicking a matchstick across the fire generating part and letting it fly into the air. Erp. Nvm. Happy bday to jo and irene again!

More sporting activities. Played soccer on the field with qu kui just before bio lect. Tried to reach the ball in a spectacular way, but ended up landing hard on the floor. Nvm. The use of amniotic fluid's to provide cushion and absorb force, right? Talking about being lame. Conservation of mass is a law, and it's not possible for us to lose anything, especially pieces of paper! Ha ha. That reminds me. Eh... it's quite accidental, and natural, to mis-label male gametes as female, and vice versa. Not much diff, right? The end-result'd be the same!

Played bball after sch! Ha ha. Was a little guilty as I promised my tutee a super long session today, as we're lagging behind in schedule (we had to meet up in the hols as a result). Really wanted to move a bit around after sch, so sort of ended the session after one and a half hours. Nvm. Did what's minimal: finish vectors. Anw, bball. Made a few shots, though I was really guilty of some blatant misses when we ended up playing man jiang. Ha ha. The look of joel told the whole story, when we realised that ws only had 17 pts, out of 51, when the rest of us'd finished. Think he lapped ws twice lor. Anw, he could have thrashed him even more, as ws finally reached 51, and surpassed it, so he had to go back to 0. Ha ha. Nvm lah. Having fun's the most important!

Anw, think 77's getting more and more afraid of us. The buffer zone behind us seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and this was a surprise, as 79, except me, din play during the break. But seriously, we've already compromised much by changing before playing for long periods of time. There's nothing else that we can do, right? We can't stop doing what we want just because others're not happy about it. So, don't really think there's a need to be over-sensitive to what other classes think of us.

Btw, thanks ws for fixing my specs! Luckily, the frame did not break, so he's able to force the lens in easily. Ha ha.

Hols is finally here! Everyone, pls plan your time carefully, k? We've to improve upon our performances for bt1, especially in bio. We cannot let mrs foo down again. We've the best teacher, and we must show it with our grades. Just work hard, and also play hard, since it's the hols!!! And again, there's no need to care about other classes like s32 or s7a. (Notice that 7b's not in the list? Sorry qx. :p) As long as we work hard, and do well, we won't be bothered with what other classes get. Happy holidays again, and hopefully, get to see you all in the hols!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

More soccer!

Sian. Entire entry got deleted just now.. nvm.

Vigorous soccer today, both during the one-period break (could have been more if jo and I hadn't played reversi.. thanks mr. lee btw) and after sch, at the street court and on the chs side field. Breaktime, quite slack, since there isn't no next team. So, din play well, and wj amused everyone with his wonderful own goal... :p After sch, we all played better, winning twice and losing once. Finally starting to get our act together! Hurray! Then, played on the chs side field, and we think we really pissed those ppl off by taking both balls that're present at the court. Ha ha. Er.... playing on side field's more hilarous. Hopefully, yc wasn't injured too badly by my tackle! The passing's horrible, though we all had a gd laugh with ws's cross into emptiness, and joel and wj missing from 1m out. Ha ha.

Oh yeah. Liverpool won the champions league after a superb comeback! Ha ha. They really should defend their title lor, for obvious reasons. There're should be a defending champion for every tournament, right? Anw, quite amusing to hear first-hand accounts of exchanges between an (or the) everton fan (how many do we know) and alwyn, who was watching the match too. What the everton fan smsed alwyn:

After liverpool's first goal (they're 3-0 down btw): "tyco"

After liverpool's second: "bah"

After liverpool's third..... no msg. Ha ha. Now that liverpool has won their final, it's time to focus our attention on their neighbours, everton, who found themselves in dreamland after QUALIFYING for the QUALIFYING ROUND of the champions league. We really hope, deep in our hearts, that they managed to defy all odds and move on to the next stage. Ha ha. The ball's round! You'll never walk alone! GO EVERTON!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

What a day!

Day starts as I got a call from my dad, that Mr. a. yap wants all math tutors (cip) to look for him by 7.50. Ha ha. Din catch what my dad say. As such, ms and I saw him. Ha ha. Too bad that ms and you-know-who had similar mandarin namings. :p

Still don't know why thy phy tutors only told us thy phy s qns to do, by tmr, today. Damn zai lor. Only 1 day to do thy qns. Luckily, qns not that long, and can finish thy qns quickly.

Poisson ball...... who wants to play tmr?

Bio: amusing! Talking about growth hormon', n jy's trying to pick up my writing tool on thy floor, with it so far away from "wj" lor. (I'm in thy row on top of jy, n it's down from my chair lor.) Ha ha. Don't think I can pick it up from jy's position lor.

Vigorous football now. Playing in that prohibit'd spot's not that gd: as thy bola drops down, a particular guy (who kicks it down, or ppl bully him) has to follow it. Sorry jo for that ball I ram! Anw, go for thy talk at 2.30. Basically, just sign in n walk out, continuing our football on thy grass. Wj, yc, ms and I basically just shoot n pass thy bola around lor. :p

Ha ha. Noticed anything in the above 5 paragraphs? I din use any "e"! :p Very very tough to write without using that letter. Have to resort to so many grammatical flaws, and even replace "irene" with "you-know-who". Nvm. Just crapping a little.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

600m of debt...

Nvm. Man utd'll soon be facing around 600 million pounds of debt, under that money-faced american. Whatever. Just hope they don't end up like leeds.

Back to soccer! Ha ha. 8 in the class played! Not bad. Don't think we've played soccer like this for quite some time liao. Anw, scored a predatory goal, which definitely caught ws offguard. But let in two goals later on. Nvm. Overall, very fun! Jo ah. Injured ms and broke her specs. :p

Another peer tutoring session cancelled. Sigh. That means I've to meet up with him four and a half hours in the next three days. Sian..... Nvm.

Mood sux lately. Fine lah. Not in a bad mood, but not in a gd mood later. Quite sian nowadays. Whatever. Hopefully, the june hols'll give me time to recover... Kadabra, recover!!!

Looking at this entry, count the no. of words with at least one "e" in it. Quite hard to see how some one can go 50,000 words without using that letter at all. :p

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sigh... May sux

Not really in such a great mood lately. Din do much hw these few days, even though I've done more than most other pple... :p If you force yourself to do something, you'll def do it, just that you'll feel totally sian after some time. That's why I only did 3 bio st qns for the entire sunday, and 2 qns today, plus 4 chem s qns and some complex revision-cum-peer tutoring qns. Nvm. Got time to do other hw in the next few days...

May's a horrible month. Can't wait for it to be over.

Chem spa tmr, the penultimate spa assessment. One more to go: phy spa skill a, which's during the bt period. Ha ha. All the best, everyone! Just like last time, we've a brief idea on what'll come out. Thus, it'd be good to look at all possible reactions, list out what do write for safety and reliability (should I write more than a page of reliability aspects again?), take note of the impt pts to take note of for general strategy, justification, procedure etc (MUST STATE CONCENTRATION OF ALL REAGENTS AND SIZE OF ALL APPARATUS!)... Early in the morn too. Can enjoy the two breaks, if it doesn't rain...

Strings concert. Nice classical pieces. The last movement of the last piece rox :p Great show! Just too bad that we've a non-energetic, slacking, chameleon-like emcee, which only said a few lines throughout the concert. Why like that? Reason quite obvious... Think we took a few pics of her! Btw, cheng yen ah. Nice t-shirt!!! Would be better if the bottom's of the same colour and a short length.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Just to be lame...

Julie, the blonde, was getting pretty desperate for money. She decided to go to the nicer, richer neighborhoods around town and look for odd jobs as a handy woman.

The first house she came to, a man answered the door and told Julie,"Yeah, I have a job for you. How would you like to paint the porch?"

"Sure that sounds great!" said Julie.

"Well, how much do you want me to pay you?" asked the man.

"Is fifty bucks all right?" Julie asked.

"Yeah, great. You'll find the paint and ladders you'll need in the garage."

The man went back into his house to his wife who had been listening. "Fifty bucks! Does she know the porch goes all the way around the house?" asked the wife. "Well, she must, she was standing right on it!" her husband replied.

About 45 minutes later, Julie knocked on the door."I'm all finished," she told the surprised homeowner. The man was amazed. "You painted the whole porch?" "Yeah," Julie replied, "I even had some paint left, so I put on two coats!" The man reached into his wallet to pay Julie.

"Oh, and by the way," said Julie, "That's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari."

One day an out of work mime is visiting the zoo and attempts to earn some money as a street performer. Unfortunately, as soon as he starts to draw a crowd, a zoo keeper grabs him and drags him into his office.

The zoo keeper explains to the mime that the zoo's most popular attraction, a gorilla has died suddenly and the keeper fears that attendance at the zoo will fall off. He offers the mime a job to dress up as the gorilla until they can get another one. The mime accepts.

So the next morning the mime puts on the gorilla suit and enters the cage before crowd comes. He discovers that it's a great job. He can sleep all he wants, play and make fun of people and he draws bigger crowds than he ever did as a mime. However, eventually the crowds tire of him and he tires of just swinging on tires. He begins to notice that the people are paying more attention to the lion in the cage next to his. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he climbs to the top of his cage, crawls across a partition, and dangles from the top to the lion's cage. Of course, this makes the lion furious, but the crowd loves it.

At the end of the day the zoo keeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction.

Well, this goes on for some time, the mime keeps taunting the lion, the crowds grow larger, and his salary keeps going up. Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion he slips and falls. The mime is terrified. The lion gathers itself and prepares to pounce. The mime is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the lion close behind. Finally, the mime starts screaming and yelling, "Help, Help me!", but the lion is quick and pounces. The mime soon finds himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and the lion says,

"Shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?"

Place and time: somewhere in the Soviet Union in the 1930s.

The phone rings at KGB headquarters.


"My neighbor Yankel Rabinovitz is an enemy of the State. He is hiding undeclared diamonds in his woodshed."

"This will be noted."

The next day, the KGB goons go over to Rabinovitz's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept, break every piece of wood, find no diamonds, swear at Rabinovitz, and leave.

The phone rings at Rabinovitz's house.

"Hello, Yankel! Did the KGB come?"


"Did they chop your firewood?"

"Yes, they did."

"Okay, now it's your turn to call. I need my vegetable patch plowed."

Friday, May 20, 2005

What's a break?

Topic of the day: breaks. Are breaks solely used for having some food and "preparing for the next lessons"? Break's defined as a "pause or interval, as from work". I believe that it's up to us on how we decide to spend our breaks, since it's us who've the breaks. And is there a sch rule stating that we can't use our sch's sporting facilities during curriculum times, and that only the pe grps're entitled to use them? Fine. We noe we aren't supposed to play sports wearing sch uni, though he should just tell us that, and not waste our time by giving us another of his long needless lects. Moreover, we're chased off the bball courts even when we're wearing the pe t-shirt. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we're allowed to play games even wearing half pe attire; many pple've done so in the afternoon. So, I don't see any reason for not allowing us to play sports in the bball court during our breaks if we're wearing pe t-shirt, iseneh?

Ha ha. Look at what ms ong wrote on my bio pract: (beside my name) "aka mei mei. Written by........" Fill in the blank yourself! :p

No peer tutoring. Sian. Tutee got cs, and his hp spoilt. Nvm. Just read some bks in the lib lor. Nice to read about adrian mole in his 30s!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Don't care

Some fun stuff:

Sleeping during lects's quite normal, though to do it with style, it takes something, or someone, special. Quite sure that some saliva's dripped out! (Link to chem mass tutorial today.)

Watching pple niaoing others's indeed fun, and it's much more interesting watching one niao someone right in front of his other half, at the same time pretending that she isn't there. (Link to chem lect again). And to add some oil, carry on the niaoing, this time directly on the female half by claiming that she's waiting for him to feed her... those're chocolates, right?

Bball: so what if you're outnumbered? Number isn't the limiting factor: it's how you plan ur tactics wisely (joel to run around, wj to show off his determination, and me to stand right under the hoop: elementary). And there's no such thing as gender advantage or disadvantage: the guys team got thrashed in the afternoon by the girls team. Ha ha. We rock!!! Though the screaming.... Wj ah. So bad. Make the girls,esp your *ahem*, scream.

Sms: Very interesting when two pple're msging each other about the same topic at exactly the same time. Ha ha. So, the person who send first's going to be baffled by the "reply". And being observant doesn't mean one's stalking another person lor! :p Have to say, the sausage sure looks tasty!

Conducting: great to see that inexperience, shock at only being notified in the last min, and an abundance of cuteness (though with a lack of vertical attribute)'s only resulted in some, or much, laughter (after being told to stand at attention), and a slight mistake at the start. Ha ha. Not a bad start!

Weather: rain's unpredictable. Why's it that the rain only came after I've left the bball court (late) for some cip talk? I don't mind actually.

What happens when one's bro n one's son mate? Final product: uria, after some transformations........

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Early dismissals.......

Ha ha. Released early for so many lessons today. Just too bad that the weather din permit fun outdoor sporting activities.... Sigh. For some reason, we've been missing our pe modules every wk. It's either becos of napfa, bad weather, holidays, or the absence of the pe teacher i/c. Playing full field'd be fun!!! Too bad we din get to try it.

Peer tutoring rox. Though today's session's very long (about 2 hours), it doesn't really matter, as time does fly when one's enjoying oneself. Quite a delight to see my tutee answering qns correctly!

Wonderful way to get printing paper: use the lib comp, realise that there isn't any paper, ask the librarian "sweetly" for some paper, get rejected, advised to use photocopying machine to print out blank paper, insert own photocopying card, discover some error, remove card, bribe and borrow a photocopying card from a sweet and kind passer-by, realise paper that comes out sux (black patches all over), and blame that poor girl after that.. :p Ha ha. Laming's fun!

End of another season of premiership. Quite proud to say that despite missing the first wk of action, "The Best" still managed to climb to a respectable 1157th position (a safe 99th percentile). Ha ha. Have indeed been quite fun, though it's quite time wasting, esp in periods of time when there's a lot of hw and other stuff to do. Besides, sometimes, I'm not too sure if we want man utd to win, and chelsea to lose, as investing in chelsea players is very common throughout the season. Ha ha. Anw, that damn glazer's gained control of man utd, and his policies aren't that favourable to the club. Who wants beckham back at old trafford? Think all the players, coaches, manager and other stuff should just quit that club, and set up another club of their own. That'd be nice!

How can the sch be turned into a chalet? When teachers don't come, and there're enough pple to play hard attack in a classroom... Only drawback's that niaoing's become so frequent during the game, though it does add to the laughter and excitement if you're not the one being niaoed. Realised pple like kenny don't often suffer as a result of our childishness.

Last spa yesterday. Sian. Make one horrible mistake which's going to make me drop two levels. Whatever. Who cares? Got other spas to pull me up... hopefully. That reminds me.. chem spa skill a's coming! Hope someone spots the correct qn again!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

A rare class convo...

Ha ha. Had quite a rare class convo just now, but got out of it an hour later, as it's horribly lagging my comp. :p Discussing of phy spa's fun!!! Mr. Rem would be quite surprised to see our ans.... Somehow, it turns into a laming convo very quickly, and it's very hard to type so quickly... Nvm. All the best for spa tmr!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Spa's now drawing to a close, n mon's phy spa skill c and d (for my class)'ll be the last that requires us to do some experiment...

Why it rox:

Most students (other than those who take it on the first day) know what'll come out and what to write for each and every section beforehand. That's great for those who take them later.... :p

Why it sux:

Bloody waste of time. Can use the time to do other hw. Ha ha.

Talking about hw. Think I've done quite a bit of hw today, and I don't feel ashamed to write them here: periodicity, charged particles, first 3 stats tutorials, and bio practs.. Not that much, right? Ha ha.

Now that man utd's about to be taken over by that american glazer, can only say that since we can do nothing about it, we can only hope that he can bring utd back to its glory days, even though this's not that likely... Sigh. Whatever. 300m pounds of debt can easily be settled in one or two yrs time. Man Utd'll be back!

Some lame stuff....

A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?" He said, "Call for backup."

A couple was celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. Their domestic tranquillity had long been the talk of the town. A local newspaper reporter was inquiring as to the secret of their long and happy marriage.

"Well, it dates back to our honeymoon," explained the man. "We visited the Grand Canyon and took a trip down to the bottom on the canyon by pack mule. We hadn't gone too far when my wife's mule stumbled. My wife quietly said, 'That's once.'

We proceeded a little further and the mule stumbled again. Once more my wife quietly said, 'That twice.'

We hadn't gone a half-mile when the mule stumbled the third time. My wife quietly removed a revolver from her pocket and shot the mule dead.

I started to protest over her treatment of the mule when she looked at me and quietly said 'That's once.'"

There were three little boys visiting their grandparents.

The oldest came out and asked his grandpa, "Can you make a sound like a frog, Grandpappy? Grandpa (being in a kind of ill mood) responds, "No, I don't really want to make the sound of a frog now."

So, the second little boy comes out and asks his grandfather, "Will you please make a sound like a frog?" Grandpa again says, "No, not now. I don't really want to do that. I'm in a grumpy mood. Maybe later."

Then the third little boy comes out and says, "Grandpa, oh please... Please, please will you make a sound like a frog?"

"Why do all of you boys want me to make a sound like a frog?" Grandpa asked.

The little boy replied with a hopeful face, "Well, Mom said that when you croak we get to go to Disney World!"

Friday, May 13, 2005

Nice (or boring) cs session...

Ha ha. Went for cs for the first time today! Woohoo! Nothing much lah. Just stoned there for one and a half hours, before we're let off one and half hours earlier. Not bad. Think some of them had a sms convo even though we weren't supposed to.. :p Anw, tried to balance my water bottle on one of its edge. Good way to waste your time, though I failed. Ha ha.

More sports, since we're let off a period earlier for bio today... Legs aching. Sian.

Went for the overseas talk at night, since I missed the one in the afternoon... Rather thought-provoking. Where you want to go, what you want to study, which uni you'll like to enrol in... these're critical qns, yet i've no answer to any of them. Ha ha. Whatever.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What a day...

Not a bad day after all. Started with quite a pleasant surprise, with arsenal hammering everton 7-0!!! Ha ha. Excellent news. Led to ws writing "everton rox. 7-0" on a piece of filter paper during chem pract and putting it on the teacher's table, and mr. lee forcing him to stick it on his head... :p Too bad no photos can be taken.

Played finale! Only a little sad that not everyone played, so we've a few missing parts, but overall, quite glad that we can still perform it!

After sch, had to settle the gic thingy. Met liming n ms outside staff room! Ha ha. Since remedios wasn't at his desk, we had a brillant idea to go up to the staff lounge and look for him there! That led to him threatening to write some bad comments about me, since he already told me not to go up there a few days ago. Talking about being disobedient...

Vigorous sporting activities. During break, when we got chased off the bball court by a pe teacher for not playing w/o a pe t-shirt... Played street as a result. :p After sch, played both street n bball, so ending up very tired for phy s... Nvm. Played cards after sch at the class bench! First time seeing liming play. Ha ha. Played for a while, before I really had to go off: dad's been waiting for quite some time. 25 mins, to be exact. :p

Back to hw now....

Couldn't help but say....


Wednesday, May 11, 2005


"Go string concert to study string theory!"

Why the mike so lousy ah? "Made in malaysia..."

Just some of the lame stuff that's going on nowadays, not excluding the scandalous remarks made so frequently :p Take care now! (Phy s's horrible...)

Monday, May 09, 2005

Just a quick update...

Yeah. Hw piling up now. Have just a few hours to finish nmr, since I lost my tutorial sheet... :p Nearly done now! Now, phy pract and chem prac to go.

Back to soccer now. Thanks to the guys for buying a new ball! Having possession of it for a nite. Not bad! Just kind of sad that after its first day of action, it's already starting to peel off.. Maybe cos it hit a sharp object (the fence), and was not actually the ball's fault, but nvm. Had to take gd care of it now!

Really have to improve upon my keeping before inspire, after some... dismal, performance today. Sian. Luckily it got postponed. Don't want to let in own goals during the tournament. How bad's it that u dive but miss the ball, and the ball hits the wall, rebounds, hits the back of you while you're lying there, n crawl into the empty goal?

Have to say, I'm very very touched for what pple wrote on the council board for the band members. Many cheers to the council, and I now do believe that getting a silver's actually a blessing in disguise: it's brought the band members much together.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy mothers' day

Ha ha. Din really do much for mothers' day today, though this is usually the case each yr. Think on her bday (in a wk's time), we'll celebrate more :p

A rainy day. Though our water supplies'll definitely increase a little, after the rain, there's def a drawback of so many large flying insects entering the house. There's one that landed in my room, on my desk. Din scream or cry out, but let it roam freely. Let my bro do the screaming :p Anw, he finally killed an insect ever! He let his sch bag drop on the poor old bug... ha ha. Oh yeah. Mum also voiced out her disgust, fear n shock that many others entered. Got niaoed becos of that by us.

Your Birthdate: November 21

Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.

The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.

There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.

You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.

Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.

You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.

You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too many superficial matters.

Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.

You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive.

You are subjected to rapid ups and downs.

Corrected some spelling errors. :p

Reminds me of the numerous tickle tests some of the bandmates n I did last thur, when we're all in the fish tank. Can't believe I'm 76% masculine!!!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Hw piling up...

Quite sian lor. So much work to do nowadays. Just creating a list of hw to be done's demoralising enough. And recurrence of that damn bug just makes things worse. Can't go for guitar concert tonight n cip tmr as a result; have to stay at home and face four walls. Sorry jo, liming n gloria!

Think I'm really not used to staying at home for one whole day. Sigh... Haven't done so for ages. Whatever. Have to pull myself together.

Friday, May 06, 2005

So what? We still rock!

I noe. If i'd written this entry yesterday, the title'd be very much diff. Nvm. Yesterday, I admit, I'd have cried if I thought any more of syf. I wouldn't be in the correct state of mind to do several things, like updating my blog. Still, we've to think of it in a positive way. We may not have got what we want, but that doesn't mean we've failed. These few months, we'd all worked hard together as one band. We came down to practise everyday, and had so much fun n laughter together. Why should we let our results spoil our mood, affect our morale, and hurt the band spirit? I do not think that there'll be our first band outing, when everyone, absolutely everyone, of the band goes out together, if we'd got a gold with honours. Yes, there'll def be section outings, but a band outing together? I also don't believe that so many of us will go attend maths lect together, with the j1s, one period late (ahem), making so much noise at the back of the audi, if the results've been any better. We must all move on. The band spirit shall never die. We're the hc band! If we're not proud of ourselves, who'll be proud of us? Heck the sch authorities who demanded a gold. Why should we care about them, if they're to make so much noise about us getting a silver? We played to our best. That's all that matters. Let's cheer up, and don't give a damn of the colour of that medal.

And I'm really really proud to be part of this band. For once, in six years, I get to enjoy what I play, under not much stress or pressure. We can play pieces that we like (fantillusion, phantom, riverdance), and everyone in the band works very hard always. The newbies last yr have definitely made remarkable progress, and I dare to say that they're even better than some of the sec 3s in chs. And for all these, I will say that we're still the top band. Let us treasure the remaining time we've playing in this band!

Monday, May 02, 2005


Yeah. Think it's all down to how much we prepare ourselves psychologically for thursday now. There's no time anymore to work on any techical aspects. To be mentally fit's crucial towards reaching our aim to be the top jc band. Whatever. Hope it's true that our performances follow an exponential curve :p, and mistakes follow a y = e^-99999999x curve.

Btw, all the best too for co and choir!

Not bad. Did quite a bit of hw today. Finished amines, ac, bio pract, structured of excretory, and bio summary for nervous this weekend. Ha ha. Shall really start mugging from friday.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

PW outing!!!

Hurray! Finally had our pw outing: stayover at laura's house. Thanks laura for being so hospitable. Reached there at six plus and played xbox! Think there's indeed a difference between guys n girls when it comes to gaming. Ws is definitely the most experienced one, and jas and I are the newbies. At least I din anyhow shoot my allies or forcefully take others' controls :p

We then played table tennis and mahjong after dinner, before reaching the hightlight of our outing: midnight movie at causeway pt: coach carter. A great and touching movie. First time watching a movie or walking outside so late into the night (we came back at two plus), so it's indeeed a nice experience. Went back, and continued our mahjong till early in the morn. We din sleep! Ha ha.

After breakfast, continued mahjong a while before watching passion of christ. Couldn't help but fall asleep soon after the movie started. Nvm. Should have kept myself awake by consuming food. Din really eat much during the outing. Ha ha.

Anyway, we all slept after the movie, and went back at around one. Din ans any calls or smses during the outing. Ha ha. Sorry to those who called or smsed!

Band before the outing. The weather sux. It's so hot, yet we still have to wear long-sleeved shirt for the full-dress rehearsal. Sigh. And I still don't have a blazer yet!!! Why are the blazers all so puny?

Have to do some hw this weekend, esp bio.