Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sigh... May sux

Not really in such a great mood lately. Din do much hw these few days, even though I've done more than most other pple... :p If you force yourself to do something, you'll def do it, just that you'll feel totally sian after some time. That's why I only did 3 bio st qns for the entire sunday, and 2 qns today, plus 4 chem s qns and some complex revision-cum-peer tutoring qns. Nvm. Got time to do other hw in the next few days...

May's a horrible month. Can't wait for it to be over.

Chem spa tmr, the penultimate spa assessment. One more to go: phy spa skill a, which's during the bt period. Ha ha. All the best, everyone! Just like last time, we've a brief idea on what'll come out. Thus, it'd be good to look at all possible reactions, list out what do write for safety and reliability (should I write more than a page of reliability aspects again?), take note of the impt pts to take note of for general strategy, justification, procedure etc (MUST STATE CONCENTRATION OF ALL REAGENTS AND SIZE OF ALL APPARATUS!)... Early in the morn too. Can enjoy the two breaks, if it doesn't rain...

Strings concert. Nice classical pieces. The last movement of the last piece rox :p Great show! Just too bad that we've a non-energetic, slacking, chameleon-like emcee, which only said a few lines throughout the concert. Why like that? Reason quite obvious... Think we took a few pics of her! Btw, cheng yen ah. Nice t-shirt!!! Would be better if the bottom's of the same colour and a short length.


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