Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, May 13, 2005

Nice (or boring) cs session...

Ha ha. Went for cs for the first time today! Woohoo! Nothing much lah. Just stoned there for one and a half hours, before we're let off one and half hours earlier. Not bad. Think some of them had a sms convo even though we weren't supposed to.. :p Anw, tried to balance my water bottle on one of its edge. Good way to waste your time, though I failed. Ha ha.

More sports, since we're let off a period earlier for bio today... Legs aching. Sian.

Went for the overseas talk at night, since I missed the one in the afternoon... Rather thought-provoking. Where you want to go, what you want to study, which uni you'll like to enrol in... these're critical qns, yet i've no answer to any of them. Ha ha. Whatever.


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