Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, May 27, 2005

Start of hols...

My tutee's so nice!!! Ha ha. Bought for me meshed potato from kfc! Really saved me from severe hunger, as I did not intend to grab a bite before going for bball. :p Thanks a lot!

Anw, last day of sch term. Think all, or most of us, are already in a slacking mood. Nobody paid much attention during maths lect. I just finished the vectors revision, before going off to chat with daniel, who's alone in his rox. Ha ha. Talking about old times, when he, his brother, samuel, yingjin and I would just shoot rubber bands at each other during breaks. We moved on to paper bullets soon, since they're easier to obtain. Anw, guess what's the slackest method of doing cip? Gift wrapping, on weekdays, at funan, during an x-box exhibition, and having a deal with an earlier grp! Daniel only wrapped one gift, and he got 45 hours for five days. Ha ha. Talking about value for hours. Oh yeah. Buying cip hours's now possible, with each hour going at two bucks each :p Din really bother with it, as who'd want to write it in their testimonial: "Cip projects're very meaningful. Selling post-it pads is indeed an experience of the lifetime. I really contribute to the society a lot."

My class celebrated irene l's and jo's bday today. Ha ha. Qiqi, after his fever, was showing off his special ability of turning everything into destructive uses, often in a spectacular way. Flicking a matchstick across the fire generating part and letting it fly into the air. Erp. Nvm. Happy bday to jo and irene again!

More sporting activities. Played soccer on the field with qu kui just before bio lect. Tried to reach the ball in a spectacular way, but ended up landing hard on the floor. Nvm. The use of amniotic fluid's to provide cushion and absorb force, right? Talking about being lame. Conservation of mass is a law, and it's not possible for us to lose anything, especially pieces of paper! Ha ha. That reminds me. Eh... it's quite accidental, and natural, to mis-label male gametes as female, and vice versa. Not much diff, right? The end-result'd be the same!

Played bball after sch! Ha ha. Was a little guilty as I promised my tutee a super long session today, as we're lagging behind in schedule (we had to meet up in the hols as a result). Really wanted to move a bit around after sch, so sort of ended the session after one and a half hours. Nvm. Did what's minimal: finish vectors. Anw, bball. Made a few shots, though I was really guilty of some blatant misses when we ended up playing man jiang. Ha ha. The look of joel told the whole story, when we realised that ws only had 17 pts, out of 51, when the rest of us'd finished. Think he lapped ws twice lor. Anw, he could have thrashed him even more, as ws finally reached 51, and surpassed it, so he had to go back to 0. Ha ha. Nvm lah. Having fun's the most important!

Anw, think 77's getting more and more afraid of us. The buffer zone behind us seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and this was a surprise, as 79, except me, din play during the break. But seriously, we've already compromised much by changing before playing for long periods of time. There's nothing else that we can do, right? We can't stop doing what we want just because others're not happy about it. So, don't really think there's a need to be over-sensitive to what other classes think of us.

Btw, thanks ws for fixing my specs! Luckily, the frame did not break, so he's able to force the lens in easily. Ha ha.

Hols is finally here! Everyone, pls plan your time carefully, k? We've to improve upon our performances for bt1, especially in bio. We cannot let mrs foo down again. We've the best teacher, and we must show it with our grades. Just work hard, and also play hard, since it's the hols!!! And again, there's no need to care about other classes like s32 or s7a. (Notice that 7b's not in the list? Sorry qx. :p) As long as we work hard, and do well, we won't be bothered with what other classes get. Happy holidays again, and hopefully, get to see you all in the hols!


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