Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

Finally, 2004's drawing to a close... Just 3 and a half hours, which's about 12600 s. Start the countdown!!!

Anyway, shall use this temp from ms' blog. Easier.

What's changed in me: Er... more sociable (definitely: look at the number of class gatherings i've been to), more enthu in sch matters (taking part in many many competitions this yr, even chinese chess), more secretive (probably cos i don't have any secrets in the past?), a little more muggerish in terms of homework, though slightly lazier sometimes (when I just don't feel like doing any work), more sensitive.... Oh yeah: my sexuality and age are questioned many many times this year, though I'm always aware of what I'm... ha ha. Of course, may have forgetten completely on some instances...

What's changed in others: More sociable (class outings again!), more philosophical (first time seeing others discussing about complicated stuff when looking at stars), more fun to be with (probably becos no major exams this yr and jc life's diff from sec sch's), emergence of romance and crushes (stuck in an all-guy sch for 4 years)...

Where do I go from here: A-levels, thinking of future career... all those bollocks about growing up.

What I look forward to: new juniors! Hopefully, something like my class: interest in music n sports, serious when doing hw, fun to be with... syf: not something really enjoyable, but it may be my last yr in band, so, have to cherish the remaining few months... Oh yeah! Definitely: seeing my friends on a more regular basis (daily).

Most memorable things of 2004: Have to say, the london trip's at the top of the list. First time to a european country, which's very diff from hong kong n taiwan (which i've been to many many times), and australia (2 times). The two weeks there were full of fun (definitely), science (lectures, seminars, visits), and knowing more pple. Looking forward to seeing my liysf juniors from chs 3 days later, hopefully.. ha ha. Of course, all the fun i've at jc: with class, with band... Oh yeah: all the scandals at the start of the year.. Many of them are quite ridiculous looking at them now.

Biggest thing ignored in 2004: Er... I really have no idea for this one... Maybe. Coming back to this later.

Biggest current issue: if current means right now, and assuming that that issue regards me, it'll be how to finish all the hws and tutorials and study the 3 tests in two days time. Though out of the 3 tests, chem spa's the most crucial one, while i don't believe everyone can finish all the hw... So, this is not the biggest issue... No answer for this one too.. coming back later... Maybe: JC 2 life.. that's a big issue to many pple, inc me.

Biggest personal issue: No use worrying, but biggest personal issue's still how i'll handle n enjoy jc2 life, and definitely life after that...

Mum's biggest issue with me: maybe i should stop doing that pathetic cute puppy look so many times in a day...

Biggest mistake: Ha ha. Not making good use of some opportunities (that's assuming there's one in the first place)

New Year resolutions: Finish all hw on time, don't niao pple too much about personal stuff (like height, for instance), keep myself fit n healthy (soccer?), n try to influence others to do so too (sweets (or fries) 're fattening...), work hard on my instrument (syf year), be a better asl, be nice to everyone, esp my bro, whom i'm a little hard on nowadays, and be more helpful...

Favourite song this year: Ha ha. Not much preference. Though just check out the few lines of a song (never had a dream come true) at the bottom of the blog... Fantillusion's very nice too! One of the nicest songs in the concert repertoires this year.

Favourite quote: er... "life's great, iseneh?" is nice, though "not only gays have blogs; normal pple like me also have" also deserve some honorable mention...

Height: not much change, maybe 1 or 2 cm...

Weight: Trying hard to cut down a little.. just a little.

BMI: can't bother to check it out.. but should be within the acceptable zone...

What pple worry about pertaining to me: i try not to let others worry about me, since they'll have their own problems to deal with, but... how much i'll eat today is not exactly a worry, unless food's in short supply... My health's generally ok, except sometimes in the morning.. you noe what i mean.

What's left to say: Ha ha. Best wishes next year! 2005'll hopefully be as fun, as eventful, as joyful, as memorable, if not more, as 2004! So now, a very very happy, delightful, and fun new year!

So now, back to 2 sections above:

Biggest thing ignored this year: since I don't really ignore many matters, quite a big thing i ignored will be.. school rules? Ha ha. Skip lectures sometimes, playing soccer in sch u, playing soccer on the void decks, eating in audi n classrooms, late for lessons... you get the hint.

Biggest current issue: fine. JC2 life: how teachers, ccas n schwork will stress us out n deprive us of free time...


Thursday, December 30, 2004

Two more days...

Time to start the countdown.. official time now: 8.54 pm. So, roughly, 27 hours n 6 mins to count down.

27 hours 6 mins

1626 mins


That makes it about 100 000 seconds, though the precentage error of this estimation's quite big, n getting bigger the later u read this entry.


It just means, 2004's ending, n 2005's starting.

Shall look for good e-cards site other than hallmark.com. And yahoo, pls remove 1 clean sheet from each chelsea def n keeper for last wk's games...(though i don't really mind.) Making mistakes like this's horrible...

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Long, tiring, FUN!

A long day today: left at around eight for band, then reached home at seven... Band in the morning: no band practice: only clean-up. Moved the instruments, files n other accessories to a new home (a few shelves away) before clearing the scores from the files. Actually moved the instruments twice... ha ha.

Then, slowly made my way to amk for soccer. Had lunch at big mac centre (the food court), before going for dessert inside mac: a nice apple pie! Then, just slacked around at mac, before going to mrt station to meet jo n wj for soccer.

Soccer game at some street court at amk. Nice. Made some saves, scored once, and had been on the winning side most of the time... Who went: me, jo, wj, ws, tw n his 3 friends, qx n his friend from s78, n some malay kids (very young)... Scored once in a game of juniors vs seniors (qx n his friend weren't here yet). The last game was so so so long... 79 pple (tw included) against the rest. Forgot the first two goals (until 1-1). When they scored the second goal, we somehow scored a goal out of nowhere to equalise.. ha ha. Then, it remained that way for quite some time. Was quite pleased with myself for making some nice saves, though I was actually just blocking the shots with my legs most of the time.. Anyway, played for a long time, before the opposing team scored an own goal! Hurray! Very glad that the game finally ended well.

So, end of quite a fun day...

Btw, just found out from the seniors that there were surprise tests on the first day. They said that there was no use mugging, cos everyone'll fail. So, study if u want!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A boring tuesday...

Not much today, just that I've been thinking about public and private blogs lately. Blogging.. is it because u want to share anything with others, or u want to keep track of your train of thoughts?

Er... no band pract tmr; just cleaning up. Ha ha. Was actually looking forward to practice, but nvm now. Go there and do some housekeeping...

Mr. Lee and qi qi wreaking havoc over msn just now! They exchanged nicks!! Ha ha. Nearly nearly tricked me, but thanks mr. lee for the warning!

Secrets... Does everyone have one? And does everyone share their secrets with some other buddies? Sigh...

One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret
Never to be told.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Last wk of hols...

Sigh.. holiday's drawing to a close, and it's back to school from the 3rd of jan.. whatever. Have to rush through all my hw and start my revision SOON!

Yahoo's getting from back to worse. Nvm. Chelsea players getting TWO clean sheets after only 1 game!

Anw, in what profession are the pple the most hardworking?

Thieves and robbers: they're muggers!

(10pm) GREAT! Completed bio notes: 2 pages. Ha ha. Have to send to kenny soon, cos he'll need to compile by the first day, or else foo-lam'll be after us.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Even crocs mug

Family trip to the zoo this morning: saw animals, nothing much. Ha ha. The zoo changed quite a bit... nicer entrance, better shows. Saw the new elephants show at their new hideout, which's quite nice. Anyway, never knew that some crocodiles are called "mugger crocodiles". Ha ha. If even those creatures that've existed for several million yrs know that mugging's good, what about us?

Anyway, think there're some problems with the hallmark e-cards i sent... the msgs did come out in full... sigh. And now, that website's doing some HOUSEKEEPING. Ha ha. So, can only hope that that problem'll be solved...

Again, for those who failed to read the msgs in full.... MERRY X'MAS AGAIN! Though your msgs do contain more than just that.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry X'mas!

Ha ha. Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la.

Anyway, merry x'mas, and a happy new year, everyone! Busy sending out general and personalized e-cards.. Erp. Anw, think you all can see the diff between ecards.com and hallmark... Though the loading time of each webpage at hallmark's appalling...

Yesterday: went to support choir at conrad and fullerton with laura, joseph, kenny and gloria, who came later. Ha ha. Great performances, and I'm amazed with the sopranos.

Later on, went to merlion, and just stood there looking at the river with the rest + ws and vernon - joseph, who went for church. Ha ha. It's great just to stand there with so many of your friends in silence. Remembered many things, like the numerous class gatherings we've at the start of the year... Even did one forfeit there! Ha ha.

Shall treasure these few days, before term starts again... sigh.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Birthdays, housekeeping, last day of cip, gift exchange

Just a short story first:

In a faraway land called 0D(19)GI, pple can give birth at whatever age they want, regardless of their sexuality. Mei Mei decided to have a child, a test-tube baby, a girl, to be born on the 23rd of dec. So, on that day, she went to the hospital and gave birth. Being of a very small age of four, it's much harder for her to give birth. In the end, after a few hours of pain and struggle, cries of a new-born baby were heard outside. It's a girl! And now, for the name. In 0D(19)GI, all test-tube babies are assigned a sir-name. Mei mei's daughter's given "loo". Mei mei had gone to a fortune-teller before the 23rd of dec, and the fortune-teller told her that "li yi"'s an auspicious name. So, that'd be the name. But hey! What about the Christian name, mei mei pondered. So, she looked at the jasmine drink she's drinking, and presto! She knew what to call her daughter...

Ha ha. Just crapped a bit lah.

Anyway, happy birthday, jasmine and yi kun (my brother, for those who still don't know)! Though you two don't know each other, it's always good to share your birthday with someone else. Ha ha.

Housekeeping took up most of my day today... Busy arranging my room. Sigh... din know that there were so much worksheets and notes in just one entire year of studying... Nvm.

Finally realised what I'd to do in the next few days:

1. Bio notes: causes of deforestation
2. Bio holiday assignment: to be gone through during the first tutorial session. Only found it just now
3. GP holiday assignment: 14 AQs. Completed two and the book review behind already... 12 more.
4. Maths: 1 last qn of tutorial 3, and if I feel like doing: integration assignment
5. Chem: can't remember whether there's arenes tutorial, but nvm. Can't find it, so, won't do it. SPA: completed.
6. Bio evolution and eco tutorial
7. Study for bio test (all topics after genetics), maths test (from integration tut 2), and chem spa skill a
8. Find some time to support vernon and ws. Anyone wants to go on Christmas day?
9. TAG report

Now for yesterday's update:

Went laura's house again in the morn to help her carry all the stuff. Quite a lot! Ha ha. Even had to put a few bags on the aisle of the bus, blocking the way. Nvm. Reached school, and saw yc! Ha ha. Great to see you again! Thanks for your present! We were all supposed to reach school by 10.42am, but in the end, many many pple came late. Jo din bring the roteiro, so I went to get a basketball from the band room to be used as a soccer ball. Played a while, scored some, before having some rest. Then, everyone's hungry, so we went for lunch! Erp. That means, go sch early just to play soccer and have lunch. Nvm.

After lunch, went back to school and played more soccer, before having the briefing. Then, went up to the reading room to prepare.. Somehow, many of the balloons burst when I was still blowing them, and they're not even large yet! Sigh... Then, cip: played games like poison ball, knots and blow wind blow, before having the art n craft session. There're two kids who were so naughty! Ha ha. Then, food time. Bought too much, so we also joined in the feast! Kenny and Vernon even bought 40 nuggets from mac. Overall: great fun!

Then, after clearing up, gloria, laura and I took a taxi to ps first to book seats at pasta. We went to buy gloria's present(s) before going down to book 16 seats. As the rest hadn't arrived yet, we spent some time playing truth or more truth and deciding on what to eat. Truth or more truth: pls be more specific in asking ur qns! Ha ha. Anyway, also prepared the lots for later gift exchange. Finally, the rest of them arrived, and dinner started.

After dinner, we went to istana park to play some games. Ha ha. First game: UFO, which involves charging, charging and discharging.. ha ha. Details of the game: quite hard to explain in words, but nvm. Ended up doing a forfeit with kenny. Then, played another game involving ranks. Again, don't want to explain details. Spotted a simple way to pay the game: just aimed at no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 4 and no. 5. Simple. Ken (again!) and yk did the forfeit this time round... Photos were taken, right? Ha ha.

Then, ws and vernon arrived, and we had our gift exchange! Thanks ken for giving me his, and thanks gloria and laura for helping me to prepare the lots just now... Interestingly, jess got yc's present, which's very very large! Ha ha. Fate? Then, we were all pleasantly surprised when yc asked us to stand in one line, and led us to say merry x'mas and happy new year to every single one! Ha ha.

Oh yeah. Brought my rudolph along too! Magnetic, and with small shining lights! Ha ha. Cute, right? Nearly nearly lost the magnet when jo took it off from my t-shirt. Ha ha. Guess where I found it? It's still on my chest, just below the neck! Ha ha.

So ends a long and fun day..

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Damn. Bro used my comp when I'm still typing an entry.. and he hanged my comp! Ha ha. I'm starting to feel how irritated, frustrated, flabbergasted, or amused (er..), people're when my spamming interrupted their work in numerous ways... comp hang, column on the right, sounds...

For some reason, that thought came back today, many days after I've decided not to think any more of it. 11 hours of sleep the previous night and 3 hours of afternoon nap today seemed so little when one's troubled... Sigh. Whatever. I know and have done what I think's the best for now. (the best... reminds me of fantasy soccer.... ha ha. A lucky wk 18!). Anyway, wrapping of my christmas gift's very hard, as it's of some irregularly shape. Hope that "lucky" (ahem) person doesn't mind the poor wrapping and likes the present inside when (s)he sees it tmr... Ha ha.

Tomorrow: last day of cip (CARE: some p3 and p4 kids. Held at school). And class Christmas dinner later on at pasta mania, followed by gift exchange. Bought the present yesterday. Hopefully, the person who gets it wears it often!

Contemplating whether to get a private blog or not. There're things that definitely shouldn't be said on an open blog... Not for now.

Read Grace Chow's blog entries on the papers today. Think blogs are quickly rising into prominence, and expect more people to start having one in the near future. The spirit of Mrs. Chow can be felt after reading her entries, even by people who don't know her (like me), though I'm still too young and immature to understand what death means to one who's seen so much in one's lives.

Treasure what's with us now, or one can only regret after one's failed to do so.

There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or neither been

Nvm. Life's great, iseneh? Reminds me of Mr. Ng, sec 3 and 4 geog teacher. Ha ha. He used to say that (without iseneh) often, though his "why like that"'s even more prominent.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Second day of cip...

Second day of cip.. much longer than yesterday's...

Reached laura's house at 8.15 to carry the cip stuff, before going to buy groceries at sheng siong. Then, took her to relc to register for sat. Luckily, I knew the way, having been there before with gloria and yc (the day on which we went to look for jo.. ha ha). Anw, quite a few pple also registering for sat today. Saw qi qin, elaine and jun yang, the latter two being band's assistant band major and band major respectively, for those who don't know them. Anyway, left for novena, had lunch, before waiting for more pple to come. Then, went to shop around novena for a while, before going renci.

Cip today.. not bad, just that we ran out of plates and paper cups... And before it even began, disaster struck. We're all playing around: balloons, movable chairs etc. Then, gloria and i started pushing a movable chair (with ms on it) in opposite directions. Result: gloria "twisted" her knee, which ended up to be another dislocation... sigh. Really sorry, gloria! Blame me for being much stronger than my brother! Should play less from now on.

Yc's back! Hurray! Chatting with him online now.

Oh yeah. Talking about jun yang and elaine, there's supposed to be a band concert (philharmonic winds), which's compulsory for all hcjc band members to go.. I got the date wrong. Thought it's on the 22nd, so, i didn't order any tix. Ha ha. Cip (and dinner) after that... erp. Nvm. Too tired to go to that concert...

Sunday, December 19, 2004

First day of class cip...

OK. my class's first day of cip at SDA. Quite fun, tiring, and nice. We reached toa payoh earlier to practise the carols. Ha ha. Quite hard to think of a nice place, so went to the stadium.. erp. Luckily, we din embarrass ourselves, as there're not many pple around... Then, lunch, before going to SDA. Overall programme: food, games, singing, art n craft. Quite a success, just that the old songs we get are considered new to those old folks, so we can't play guessing the singer.. nvm. Great to do our part for the society.. erp. Another day of cip tmr.. at renci. Hope it'd be as fun, if not more!

Another long day..

Another long day.. sigh.

Reached sch at 8am, supposedly for meeting, but later found out that it actually started at TEN (for sls)! Ha ha. Nvm lor. Just slept a bit in sch. Din noe why so many pw files (not from our class) were doing on our class bench... Anyway, after band meeting, decided to go for band cip. Went SPD to play some songs. Still can't believe that I'm the only clarinetist going for it! Others had something on... Whatever. Sightread one piece (abba gold), missed a few notes, but heck.

Then, went laura's house to provide some additional manpower for cip.. erp. Stayed there till eleven plus. Sigh.. changed tmr's meeting time at ten plus to 9.42am. Ha ha. Had tremendous difficulties calling pple... nvm. Hope tmr's cip'd be fun!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Long cip day...

K. Another long day. Reached sch early at 8.45 to settle cip stuff... Had a horrible stomachache then.. sigh. Nvm. Somehow, no more stomachache after playing soccer... Two rep from CARE came down and briefed us a little, before we went to do some shopping. Had lunch at ps, before taking a bus to concourse. We actually missed the correct bus-stop, and went all the way to marine parade and back (loop service). Ha ha. Wasted one hours on the bus.. not bad. Went concourse, before walking in the rain to suntec city.. Luckily, 4 pple out of 7 brought unbrellas.. good. Did more shopping, before going back..

Can someone suggest what's one gd gift for Christmas? For class gift exchange... I need one gift that both guys and girls lile..

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Second time I din update my blog for 2 consecutive days... Anyway, hi yc! Hope u've a great time at foreign parts... And did u buy PSP?

Anyway, class chalet and intensive band pract for the past few days... 14th to 16th: class chalet. Band pract: everyday. Will write more about it later, but not today... Too tired to write so much.

Anyway, band concert today. Think it's a success. Full house (definitely with a few empty seats. When is there a concert in which all the seats are filled? Maybe a few, but not sch band concerts). Pieces are nice. Some wrong notes which I din expect to play, but nvm. Cheers, jess, laura and ws for coming down to support me and joel! Hope you all enjoy it!

Chalet now: very fun, iseneh? Though I've no particular liking for the bbq food I got: Somehow, I got the idea of it being physically abused before being cooked... Nvm. Thanks to all the pple who've organised it.

Monday, December 13, 2004

The importance of regular meals...

Can you all believe all impotent regular meals are? Today, had a very early breakfast (around/before six), cos I had to leave at around six thirty for nyjc (second last time... hurray!). And I misjudged my timing! Reached nyjc at around 7.20, which's way way too early... Luckily I saw samuel (ling.. part of the twin brothers) going for breakfast before pract, so, just went along and had another bite. Otherwise, I'd be starving when pract ended... After pract ended (around 1.30), I still had to go chs with my parents and bro (settled some admin stuff), before going Giant to buy groceries... In the end, just bought some bread of litle calorific value... and only ate a bowl of congee at four! Really ate like a pig then... Wtj.. Nvm. End result: slept like a pig for three hours! Sigh... No wonder animals hiberate in winter! No food, brain stops functioning, eye closes, and there u're!

Band pract's quite nice today. The last pract with tim reynish (guest instructor / conductor). Though we din really play well, he tried to boost our morale by wearing some funny t-shirt (forte's still a light dynamic), and even dancing with mr. leng (hc conductor) in one piece! Ha ha.

Class chalet tmr! Ha ha. Too bad I'm checking out after wed... concert on thur.

Sunday, December 12, 2004


Eh... always thought that margarine's much better than butter. Eric's blog entry's quite interesting: margarine being 1 molecule away from being plastic and of no nutrtitional value.. Don't noe whether it's true or not. Seem to have read some reports on margarine being much better than butter. But, nice reading! As i do not eat margarine often (cereal's nicer), I don't really care. Believe it if u want to...


Ha ha. man3 yue4 today... Nvm. Nothing much to write, so...

A farmer got pulled over by a state trooper for speeding, and the trooper started to lecture the farmer about his speed and, in general, began to throw his weight around to try to make the farmer uncomfortable.

Finally, the trooper got around to writing out the ticket, and as he was doing that he kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing around his head.

The farmer said, "Having some problems with circle flies there, are ya?"

The trooper stopped writing the ticket and said—"Well yeah, if that's what they are—I never heard of circle flies."

So the farmer says, "Well, circle flies are common on farms. See, they're called circle flies because they're almost always found circling around the back end of a horse."

The trooper says, "Oh," and goes back to writing the ticket. Then after a minute he stops and says, "Hey… wait a minute, are you trying to call me a horse's ass?"

The farmer says, "Oh no, Officer. I have too much respect for law enforcement and police officers to even think about calling you a horse's ass."

The trooper says, "Well, that's a good thing," and goes back to writing the ticket.

After a long pause, the farmer says, "Hard to fool them flies though."

Saturday, December 11, 2004


One of the most tiring days in the hols.... Band pract.. sigh. Nvm. And to make things worse, NO AIR CON! Whatever...

Not much today... Fnally started on chem spa skill a... ha ha. Can someone tell me when we need to hand it up?

Nice match going on now... Liverpool vs Everton. "Going at a thousand miles per hour..."

Wei Sheng, happy birthday! Nice spamming just now... How many msgs in total?

Friday, December 10, 2004


Another day of band pract... I actually forgot that my dad's fetching me home at 2pm! Nvm. Only remembered it when he smsed me.. Luckily, he was 15 min away from nyjc. However, I actually got off one mrt train at the khatib stop, and so nearly went back to amk, when I realised I should just go home myself... Whatever. Just waited for the next train lor...

Reached home, and watched boro vs man city... I actually fell asleep while watching soccer, and as a result missed two goals... Sigh...

Wei Sheng's birthday tmr... Happy birthday!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Another long day...

My very first combined pract. Ha ha. Reached there early, at 7.20, to help carry percussion instruments. Our conductor's asked all hc pple to come early, if possible, to help the nyjc pple. This's to make up for the mistake hc made on mon (wrong schedule). Anw, went there, but only a few hc pple. Ha ha. Some of them din sleep well, or din even sleep. Liverpool match. (they won 3-1... not bad. Man utd second stringers got thrashed...) Later, realised it's quite lucky that I reached there early, as practice started at 8 am, and not 8.30, in contrary to the schedule (the real one everyone's...). Sigh. Quite a few pple were late... Not their fault actually. Schedule's fault.

Anw, band pract ended at one. Went to orchard to waste away a few hrs... Ha ha. First: settled food. Go far east plaza to eat at kfc, which was full of rgs pple. Din noe what so many of them were there wearing sch uniform on holidays... Nvm. Then, intended to go to borders via the underground path. Spotted isetan: the supermarket along the way, so just went in and had a look around. Jap food fest! Tried some jap stuff. Quite ok, though the price... tsk. One small piece of cake costs over two bucks, not to mention other even more ex stuff... Then, proceeded to the top level, toys section, and had a look around. Quite surprised and impressed by the attitude of those stuff members. One of them came and gave an intro on some game (jenga, i think) which I was just holding to have a closer look. In the end, told her that I would have a look around, and went away from that section. Ha ha.

Finally, borders. Tried, and failed miserably, to finish the whole of da vinci's code in a few hours. Book's quite nice. Read till halfway before being forced to jump to the back and finish it, as it's getting late... Anw, walked to somerset mrt, and did more shopping at john little. Found an amusing, cute though virtually useless toy that's an ideal present. Will buy that if can't find anything else... Anw, met up with gloria, who was with her friends, had a quick dinner, and went to chs. Forgot that there's one bus stop between the hcjc stop and the chs one (opposite ny). So, got off one stop early.. erp. Nvm. Anw, vernon and liming hadn't arrived yet from nus, so played a few rounds of cards. Din noe that gloria's actually quite observant... nvm. Got into drama centre just in time for the concert, which was quite short (1h).

When it ended, we just hanged around. Informed liming and vernon of the latest updates in the tree, and acted like small kids, calling out mummy and daddy... Then, when we got out, did some screaming and shrieking (erp)... ha ha. So, end of another nice day...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Not much to write...

Today: nothing particularly interesting or meaningful to write.

Last night: another class convo... Ha ha. Crapped quite a bit, before adding them to a total of THREE chat windows... Barkin' mad already...

Scottish history's quite interesting... read a nice story about it. "Hostage in the highlands" by duncan watt. Funny scottish names like haar for a fog, and ha-ha for a special type of ditch found commonly in castles.. nvm. Not that interested in scottish. Though i don't mind a claymore for a present!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Interesting joke:

A group of men are sitting in a sauna discussing business and stocks when suddenly a cellular phone rings.

"Hi honey, are you at the club?"

"Yes, dear."

"Honey you won't believe this but I'm standing in front of Giovanni's and there's a beautiful mink on sale in the window."

"How much is it, dear?"

"They're giving it away. Only $5,000. Can you believe it?"

"But you already have fur coats?"

"Please dear it's absolutely exquisite!"

"Fine, fine go ahead and buy it!"

"Thank you sweetheart. Oh, not to keep you much longer, but I passed by the Mercedes dealership this morning and saw their new convertible. It was to die for! I talked to the salesman and the one in the showroom is brand new, leather seats, power everything, gold coloured. What do you think?"

"Honey, come on, we already have cars!"

"You promised me that I could get a convertible!"

"How much is it?"

"You won't believe it but he said he'd let us have it for $85,000 fully loaded with all the options!"

"Okay, okay, go ahead and purchase it!"

"I love you, you're the best husband a wife could ask for. I hope I'm not pushing it, but remember our trip we took to Paris? Remember the Brown's place with the swimming pool, tennis courts? It's on the market to be sold. I saw it this morning at the Real Estate agency. If we bought it we would have a perfect place to stay during the cold winter months!!!"

"I had actually thought about it. You say it's on the market?"

"Really, you were actually thinking about it? Can I go make an offer on it? You know it's not listed very high, and it would be perfect for our type of lifestyle!!"

"How much is it listed at?"

"Only $425,000 sweetheart. It's a steal!"

"I guess we've got money put away. Go ahead and make an offer but no more than $415,000."

"This is turning out to be a great day! Can't wait to see you later tonight to celebrate!!!"

"See you tonight dear."

The man hangs up the cellular phone and asks, "So, whose phone is this?"


In the midst of making a temp entry on my old blog when blogspot recovers... so, heck diary-x, and here I'm.

Nice day of cip-cum-shopping-cum-slacking in the sch and at CBD. Went to sch and found jac yeo with yc and gloria after looking for laura and jess first, before going orchard and thereabouts with those two... Have some fun at diff places (RELC, RED cafe, mac, toys r us, borders, popular, raffles city, vch......). Even met thia there (the tyrant from my old class, remember). Interesting day, such as making jokes out of ERP, PAP. Eg: ERP in operation. Where's the doctor? Which part's injured? Ha ha. Hanged around at raffles city (food court) before yc went off, and gloria and I tried to find our way to raffles place mrt, and actually found jo outside vch on some church camp business! Quite unexpected, iseneh, i think..... Then, went off, before dragging ws to see him. We met ws in the raffles place mrt station. Wasted 40 cents just to get in and out of the station... nvm.

Borders: interesting books. We looked for the little prince and had some fun browsing through the books, such as teen astrology (i hope i remember it correctly.. not sure). Thia spotted me. Quite nice to see him actually... am i crossing my fingers?

Toys r us: ha ha. Great toys there. Got the catalogue, and spent some time finding nice christmas gifts.... some toys for babies?

Btw, this sunday: man3 yue4 of my first child! Ha ha. Should i buy those red eggs? Have to remind kenny too... he's the foster father.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Surprises surprises

Just accidentally deleted my entry.. nvm.

Supposed band pract today in the afternoon at nyjc. Morning: received msg that we only needed to bring all the stuff to ny. No band pract. Then, found out that there was actually a band pract in the morn, but as the time on the schedule we've is not correct, no one from hcjc went.... Nvm.

Nyjc: near so many construction sites. And not very accessible too. I'd to walk 15 mins to get to some bus-stop and take a bus to AMK... Later found out that there's actually another bus that can get to AMK from a nearer bus-stop (5 mins walk from ny). Sigh... Stupid bus-guide. Din state explicitly that the jubilee stop's directly opposite AMK mrt... whatever. Din get lost good enough already.

Had quite a late supper (one plus) and watched some parts of the second half of the palace vs charltion match... Was happy that johnson won a penalty, and sad that he missed it. Glad that he still managed to scrap some pts, unlike henry on the previous wk... And happy and sad're understatements.

No band practs on the next two days, but band pract on everyday (except sun) till the concert.. sigh. That means: may be late on the first day of chalet (pract ends at one). Btw, pls come for the concert if u can!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Long cip...

Sigh. Today cip: selling charity tix. Something like flag day: you've to go around begging pple to buy, except that it's MUCH MUCH harder. Two bucks's harder to be given than a few cents... In the end, had to absorb 4 more tix (bought them for me) so that I can claim that I've sold 1 complete book. We'd FIVE to sell... Whatever. Then, at tampines (we went there first before going bugis), some lady actually begged us for money, by kneeling down and all that, so that she can buy "food and medicine". As if I'm so kind and so soft-hearted as to lend a complete stranger TEN BUCKS (that's the amount she asked for). Anyway, she got chased away later by someone, who told us that she's been collecting money to buy 4-D. Damn that lady lah.

I can at last appreciate the diff between girls and boys, esp in terms of persuading pple to do things (donate money for charity). How guys ask: "Good afternoon. Want to buy a ticket for charity?" What girls do: they babble on and on very quickly: "sir, want to buy a tix for the society of the physically disabled? It's an organization for......." and so on, until the customers smile, take out their wallet, and u noe... And the charming power of girls.... sigh. Ha ha. Btw, the girls sold many (a few books), I sold six tix, while jun rong sold even fewer... Ha ha. I even saw on a list that someone actually sold 8 bucks worth of tix (four tix). Don't think that I've seen wrongly. Not bad. Must be a guy.

Din have my lunch today.. sigh. Only ate some free chocolates and titbits when the whole thing has ended.

When cip has ended, we hanged around expo, visited some of the booths there (exhibition on the disabled), and collected a nice goodies bag! Though the T-shirt's too small... nvm.

Tried a nice route to get there and back: direct bus to changi, then change to mrt and take it to expo. Not bad, esp on the return trip: have a nice, dreamless nap...

Looking forward to my first combined pract with the other jcs...

Btw, I still need to sell TWO more books of charity tix.. who wants to buy them? Can approach me in sch on mon and tue...

Saturday, December 04, 2004

The best channel for kids..

So, which's the best TV channel for kids? There're kids central, disney, nickelodeon, cartoon network to name the more popular ones... So?

Cartoon network: think it's the widest range of cartoons, from popeye and captain planet to mickey and tom and jerry. Sadly, some of the quality of animations isn't as good as that of disney's. Also, many of the cartoons have been shown for quite a long period of time before they're renewed. Popeye, for instance. Some of the episodes are repeated many times till pple feel sian watching them.

Kids central: though its range's more limited, and it doesn't show cartoons or other kids stuff all the time (most kids, esp young ones, like cartoons!), it broadcasts some of the more popular cartoons like pokemon and digimon. And it's the only free channel out of the four. Remember.. central's not just made up of kids central... u can get to watch some indian drama if u switch to that channel sometimes, esp at night. Dark for the dark!

Disney: again, not as many cartoons as cartoon network, and more shows for teenagers (that's so raven, even stevens...). Yet, have to say, the quality's still the best! Totally spies and tarzan're some of the better ones. Also, it broadcasts movies frequently, like princess diaries (1) and other disney movies.

Nickelodeon: Not bad, though I don't watch it frequently. Heard that the spongebob movie's nice, though I find that the cartoon series's quite retarded. Nvm. And the cartoons I like aren't shown on this channel...

So, which's the best channel? There're always discovery channel and channel news asia for them to watch, but don't think most kids like them. Think the most impt thing's, know what cartoon or show u like to watch, and switch to that channel. If one just wants to watch the tv and find some interesting show without one in mind already, i'll say disney's the best.

Pls post any comments on the tag-board. I only start this cos gloria highly recommended cartoon network on the same board.

Pt to note: u can comment that this discussion's brainless... It's true!

Some lame jokes....

Number 1:
The CIA had an opening for an assassin. After all of the background checks, interviews, and testing were done there were three finalists: two men and a woman.

For the final test, the CIA agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. "We must know that you will follow your instructions, no matter what the circumstances. Inside this room, you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill her!" The man said, "You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife!" The agent said, "Then you're not the right man for this job."

The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. Then the man came out with tears in his eyes. "I tried, but I can't kill my wife." The agent said, "You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home."

Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one shot after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman. She wiped the sweat from her brow, and said, "This gun is loaded with blanks. I had to beat him to death with the chair."

Number 2:
A couple of Tennessee hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head.

The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911. He gasps to the operator, "My friend is dead! What can I do?"

The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, "Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."

There is a silence, then a shot is heard.

The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says, "OK, now what?"

Number 3:
A man is dining in a fancy restaurant, and there is a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He has been checking her out since he sat down but lacks the nerve to talk with her.

Suddenly she sneezes, and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket towards the man. He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back.

"Oh my, I am sooo sorry," the woman says as she pops her eye back in place. "Let me buy your dinner to make it up to you," she says.

They enjoy a wonderful dinner together and afterwards the theater, followed by drinks.

They talk, they laugh; she shares her deepest dreams, and he shares his. She listens.

After paying for everything, she asks him if he would like to come to her place for a nightcap… and stay for breakfast the next morning. The next morning, she cooks a gourmet meal with all the trimmings.

The guy is amazed. Everything had been incredible. "You know," he said, "you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you meet?"

"No, she replies, "You just happened to catch my eye."

Friday, December 03, 2004

Band tune-in

Band tune-in today. Reached there quite early, and found jo refusing to go to guitar pract. So, play cards with him for a while before he finally decided to go for cca. Then, just loitered around the band rm, waiting for the rest of the pple and juniors to come. Sian... only 3 chs pple came, and ONE clarinetist from ny! Slightly disappointed, but whatever. I also din come for tune-in last yr. Hopefully, more pple'd come next yr. Anw, played cards with those chs guys (bernard, samuel and hao quan) before being forced to abandon our game. Proceed on to play some games (whacko), perform the ensemble piece, lunch break-cum-cards, band pract. End of tune-in, and a few of us stayed on to play soccer at the netball court. Not much running involved actually, esp towards the end of the game.

Finally. A Saturday without band pract tmr! Ha ha. At last... cartoons on kids central!

Can still remember at the start of the yr: 4 clarinetist came for the first band pract: THREE chs guys (ahem) and 1 dunman. Then, one chs guy left after a while, while the dunman girl (our sl now) temp din come for band (forget why already). So, for a while, it's been me and jun rong as the only j1s in the section. Then, march came, and more and more girls started to come.. sigh, resulting in a sudden and drastic change in the sex ratio.. ha ha. Now, looking at the newcomer(s), quite hard for this situation to repeat itself next yr... nvm.

Lately... relieved of a burden? Or just hiding from reality? I don't know...

Thursday, December 02, 2004


One of the most boring days in the hols... nvm.

Happy birthday, gloria and yong kang! Definitely nice to have ur bday on the same date as another friend, iseneh? As i've said once before, a birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip!

Time flies, and everyone's growing up so fast. The more birthdays we've, the older, and hopefully more mature, we'd be, though some of us'll always be of the same age inside.

Birthdays are nice. They're special occasions that only occur once every 31 500 000 seconds, to 3 sf, assuming each yr has 365 days. Treasure this moment in your life, think over and recap all interesting, meaningful and memorable, though not necessarily happy, events in the past year, and look forward to the whole yr ahead!

Next yr: A levels.. ha ha. My bday'd be in the midst of exams! Damn...

One bday per 31 500 000s... if bday's sound, we won't get to know it when it comes!

Band tune-in tmr... Get to meet those that are interested to join band. 1 SYO clarinetist coming too! Hurray!

Surprise, surprise...

Just checked out statcounter for my blog. Was surprised and shocked to see that someone actually got to my blog by typing: "silent night holy night note" on yahoo search! Ha ha. Proud to say that that's the only result obtained.. cool.

Anyway, happy bday yk and gloria! Always nice to share ur bday with some other friends, iseneh?

Taufik won... ha ha. Great!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Legs strained...

Another long day of band. Practised a jay chou piece (ge qian.. did i type correctly) arranged into a wind ensemble for this friday's tuning in. Song's quite nice, though I mostly, or all the time, playing the baseline part. Nvm, cos I don't really care much. More practice after lunch. Right before lunch, some of us had a small debate on which bus to take to queensway. One of my section mates, mallery, claimed that she managed to get there one previous time taking a tibs bus without crossing the road, and she thought that 961's the right one. Ha ha. As if lor. She's talking to someone who has taken that bus for 5 yrs running already. Could have bet with her, but nvm. Anw, a tiring day of practice. After pract, stayed on to play soccer for one hour. Damn tiring. esp after playing yesterday too. Legs strained a little, and the ball doesn't help at all, being so jeffingly hard. Whatever.

Tmr may have seniors vs juniors (band) soccer. Not sure whether I want to go or not... sigh.

One ex band member's joining back band from next yr onwards (justin). Former sl of chs clarinet section. Ha ha. Do hope his addition'd be valuable to the section.

Should start on hw today, iseneh? First up, bio notes on deforestation.