Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

Finally, 2004's drawing to a close... Just 3 and a half hours, which's about 12600 s. Start the countdown!!!

Anyway, shall use this temp from ms' blog. Easier.

What's changed in me: Er... more sociable (definitely: look at the number of class gatherings i've been to), more enthu in sch matters (taking part in many many competitions this yr, even chinese chess), more secretive (probably cos i don't have any secrets in the past?), a little more muggerish in terms of homework, though slightly lazier sometimes (when I just don't feel like doing any work), more sensitive.... Oh yeah: my sexuality and age are questioned many many times this year, though I'm always aware of what I'm... ha ha. Of course, may have forgetten completely on some instances...

What's changed in others: More sociable (class outings again!), more philosophical (first time seeing others discussing about complicated stuff when looking at stars), more fun to be with (probably becos no major exams this yr and jc life's diff from sec sch's), emergence of romance and crushes (stuck in an all-guy sch for 4 years)...

Where do I go from here: A-levels, thinking of future career... all those bollocks about growing up.

What I look forward to: new juniors! Hopefully, something like my class: interest in music n sports, serious when doing hw, fun to be with... syf: not something really enjoyable, but it may be my last yr in band, so, have to cherish the remaining few months... Oh yeah! Definitely: seeing my friends on a more regular basis (daily).

Most memorable things of 2004: Have to say, the london trip's at the top of the list. First time to a european country, which's very diff from hong kong n taiwan (which i've been to many many times), and australia (2 times). The two weeks there were full of fun (definitely), science (lectures, seminars, visits), and knowing more pple. Looking forward to seeing my liysf juniors from chs 3 days later, hopefully.. ha ha. Of course, all the fun i've at jc: with class, with band... Oh yeah: all the scandals at the start of the year.. Many of them are quite ridiculous looking at them now.

Biggest thing ignored in 2004: Er... I really have no idea for this one... Maybe. Coming back to this later.

Biggest current issue: if current means right now, and assuming that that issue regards me, it'll be how to finish all the hws and tutorials and study the 3 tests in two days time. Though out of the 3 tests, chem spa's the most crucial one, while i don't believe everyone can finish all the hw... So, this is not the biggest issue... No answer for this one too.. coming back later... Maybe: JC 2 life.. that's a big issue to many pple, inc me.

Biggest personal issue: No use worrying, but biggest personal issue's still how i'll handle n enjoy jc2 life, and definitely life after that...

Mum's biggest issue with me: maybe i should stop doing that pathetic cute puppy look so many times in a day...

Biggest mistake: Ha ha. Not making good use of some opportunities (that's assuming there's one in the first place)

New Year resolutions: Finish all hw on time, don't niao pple too much about personal stuff (like height, for instance), keep myself fit n healthy (soccer?), n try to influence others to do so too (sweets (or fries) 're fattening...), work hard on my instrument (syf year), be a better asl, be nice to everyone, esp my bro, whom i'm a little hard on nowadays, and be more helpful...

Favourite song this year: Ha ha. Not much preference. Though just check out the few lines of a song (never had a dream come true) at the bottom of the blog... Fantillusion's very nice too! One of the nicest songs in the concert repertoires this year.

Favourite quote: er... "life's great, iseneh?" is nice, though "not only gays have blogs; normal pple like me also have" also deserve some honorable mention...

Height: not much change, maybe 1 or 2 cm...

Weight: Trying hard to cut down a little.. just a little.

BMI: can't bother to check it out.. but should be within the acceptable zone...

What pple worry about pertaining to me: i try not to let others worry about me, since they'll have their own problems to deal with, but... how much i'll eat today is not exactly a worry, unless food's in short supply... My health's generally ok, except sometimes in the morning.. you noe what i mean.

What's left to say: Ha ha. Best wishes next year! 2005'll hopefully be as fun, as eventful, as joyful, as memorable, if not more, as 2004! So now, a very very happy, delightful, and fun new year!

So now, back to 2 sections above:

Biggest thing ignored this year: since I don't really ignore many matters, quite a big thing i ignored will be.. school rules? Ha ha. Skip lectures sometimes, playing soccer in sch u, playing soccer on the void decks, eating in audi n classrooms, late for lessons... you get the hint.

Biggest current issue: fine. JC2 life: how teachers, ccas n schwork will stress us out n deprive us of free time...



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