Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, December 23, 2005


Today is my book out day, book out, book out
Today is my book out day, book out book out day.

(Sang to the tune of some song of which i forgot the title)

First two wks of ns rox. Even watched LOTR once, the third one, after the sergeant major (CSM) brought forward the foot drill to before lunch, so we've a whole afternoon off.

More interesting stuff:

We're banned from running up n down the stairs! Ha ha. Cos some joker slipped when doing so during a 1-min toilet break. That person's already fallen a few times before lor. So, maybe it's his prob. No one's complaining though...

Reallie reallie a great thank-you to prom. Went in one day late, so entered a diff company (pegasus instead of mohawk (i think) ). Quite gd for me, since those mohawk ppl once woke me up half an hour early by their marching n shouting. Wtj.

Digress a bit. Mac messenger reallie sux. Unreliable. Some prob again. Nvm.

Talking about digressing. Our OC (officer-in-command) n CSM reallie rox in doing so. Esp the CSM. Can reallie talk for so long, like one entire afternoon, while all of us're sitting down. Imagine listening to 4 continuous periods of lectures without getting up. But their talks quite interesting lah. So no complaints.

My bunk's haunted! Sian. Got this guang yin hanging on the door, some ppl seeing n feeling... excess stuff, n OC confirming it when we got him to tell ghost stories. Sigh. Went to the toilet once at twelve plus at nite alone. Din see anything though. So good. Maybe onlie a selected few'll see stuff.

Think everyone's cursing the route march yesterday, esp since it came so close to being called off, after some rain before it. But it's the most fun of the marches lor. Cos we got to sing... unofficial n more vulgar variations of boring army songs... led by our sergeants of cos.

Anw, book out rox. But book in... sian. The suffering'll start from tue. Merry Christmas!


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