Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, November 21, 2005

Can't stand commercials...

Ha ha. Was enjoying potter just now (on channel 5, not in the theatre). Just too bad, had to be interrupted by so many commercials after every 10 or 15 mins. Totally disrupted the flow of the movie. No wonder they've to split it up into 2 parts. Missed yesterday's though, for the common-sensical reason that the last paper of the A-levels's today. Believe s papers, my two s papers, n bio p3 belonged to a separate time frame. Have to slack first lor before plunging into tys tmr!

It's the end of A levels! Nvm. Being optimistic's its own gains.

Btw, a quiet celebration of bd today. Thanks everyone! Really touched by the numerous ppl who sent msgs before this morn. Woke up to a great start lor. Some of the msgs're reallie reallie lame. No need to write any here. Have a gd enough pensieve. :P Do hope bday luck's been felt by all of u too! Bio p3 sure's interesting, with Bing adding some much-needed humour by calling out to the invigilator in quite an... unusual way. Ha ha. Anw, not everyday one turns 5, or 18 rite? So, today's an official rest day! Quite glad to be online at this time, n not worrying about anything tmr. Wouldn't be saying this on thur... Ha.

Oh. And yk forgot qq's bday yesterday!!! Ha ha.

Potter blues. Goblet's a must watch after watching chamber just now. Haven't watched it for quite some time le. Seeing that many've already watched, must reallie find a day to go watch soon. Still, other impt issues first, like bouncing back after a totally dismal 61 pts last wk. Reallie. Owen can be superb if he only plays. And reallie reallie thanks to the two ferdinands, one whose slack defending costs van der sar at least 8 pts (clean sheet + goal conceded) (fine... not reallie his fault, but heck), and the other whose last min goal against tottenham cost me another 7 pts (1 winning goal, n 1 clean sheet). Damn. But, with lamps value dipping, n ppl injured coming back cheap, have a small war-chest to make major investments le. Ha ha.

Qn: Why're bulbs hot?

Ans: Cos lamps can score goals! Top scorer so far! :p (he's permanent in my team now.:p Some guy in TT said he can outscore the entire midfield sometimes, n i agree.)

Ans 2: Resp takes place on the storage leaves, releasing heat. (Oh. Who did the asexual qn for essay today? Did hormones to do some justice to the amt memorised in the past few days...)

Ans 3: P = I^2 R

Ans 4: High temp, relative to surroundings, so detected by receptors on hands, which send signals via afferent pathway to the control centre, which...


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