Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, December 01, 2005

What a trip!

Ha ha. Genting rox. (Class trip). Enjoyed everything we did there. Took more roller coaster rides in the past two days than in my first five yrs of life, n reallie liked the turns n double 360 n flying coaster. Other stuff like vertical drop n spinner also nice lor, though got quite sian by bumper cars when my car just stopped moving totally IN THE MIDDLE of the place, so ended up getting rammed left right centre. Nvm.

Think the highlight's reallie the second day, when everyone went karaoke. Losing voice sux. Shouldn't have screamed so much on the previous day. But, great fun there, as all of us picked the songs that we liked (inc songs like ABC n it's a small world), n we all sang together in unison (not in tune though, more screaming than singing sometimes, but who cares) n just rocked the whole place down (It's my life). Some songs're quite sad lor, like auld lang syne. Nvm.

Anw, some shortlists:


1. Ability to stay awake. Esp impt when u wanna enjoy late nite movies n several hours of bridge. Onlie downside's that ppl started dozin off at dinner if they onlie slept for like less than an hour on the ride to kl from genting...

2. Cards! Ha ha. Mass bridge sessions that last all the way to the morn n for the entire train ride. Though brain cells start dying very soon, n ppl start becoming crazy n making crappy remarks...

3. Flying coaster. Look quite scary from outside rite. But actually, quite fun n slack lor. Like all the turns when we faced the nice blue sky. Started to get used to having ur body being thrown around at weird angles to the ground, so the corkscrew ride became quite slack.

4. All the roller coaster rides. Ha ha. The rapid drops n double 360're nice, n the abrupt turns for the indoor one make them very memorable1

5. Singing! Ha ha. Enough said. Having 19 ppl singing together rox!

6. Weather! Quite coolin' lor. At least this's expected from genting, unlike 29 deg celsius from some european c'try aug last yr...

7. Bowling n table soccer (lumped these two together for the simple reason that they're found at the same place). Composure's def needed for table soccer, otherwise one side'll end up winning 5-0 without any shot on target. Bowling's fun! Reached my first 100. :p

8. Shopping! Ha ha. Quite liked the free time before dinner on the second day, when I could just wonder about n doing some window shopping. Spotted numerous others (we all got separated), n even saw kelvin li from s78! =D Actually he spotted me first, but nvm. No diff.

9. New country! Nice culture to be exposed to rite, and learning to sing songs of other languages reallie promote racial harmony n understanding.

10. Everyone who went! Cos u all made this trip great!


1. Bumper cars. Somehow the power connection got cut off in the middle. Sian.

2. Go kart. Totally boring due to lack of speed, esp when u've a lousy car that can so easily be overtaken.

3. Weather. Having such strong winds rushing at u along the slope sux. And mountain rain n mist just made things even worse. Felt... sad, about those ppl freezing at the outdoor ferris wheel.

4. Train. Din sleep well at all on the way to kl. Woke up numerous times throughout the 3 hours of sleep, prob when the train starts decelerating or accelerating. Not to say, the lack of space's horrible. Hard to fit my luggage along with my body in the same compartment, n even harder to play cards.

5. Lack of clear road directions. Jo n I went to a diff arcade as the rest of the guys lor. Wasted an hour which can be put into other gd uses. And quite interesting to see ppl going diff ways to the same destination (since yk's grp n irene's grp insist their way's rite), n end up meeting again before we arrived at that place. Displacement same, time same, so avg velocity same! :p

6. Food n service. The hotel ah. Why did they have to serve all the food at one go? They're assuming all the plates can fit onto the table. And some of the food sux. RAMLY BURGER!!! Nvm.

7. Poor pranking skills. Onlie banging on walls and prank-calling're notable. Too bad the cleaning service din operate at nite...

8. Lost voice after so much screaming. Sigh.

9. Failure to grab ws back into the rm, n ended up getting 3 kicks on the same part of the leg.

10. Time to part. Ha ha. Guess saying gd-bye after being together is the inevitable part of life. Nvm.

Wanna wish yk n glo an earlier happy bday first now. Take care at tekong k! Cya next wk! :p

Oh yeah. Talking about bdays. We bought cakes for those born in dec, n think there're some left-overs on the table... The moth should like it. :p


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