Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, October 31, 2005

It's finished! Nearly...

Ha ha. Nearly got the first uni app complete. Should be the first one in the class to complete a us uni app rite? :p Anw, a rush today, cos I forgot to print out one form! Only found out about it when doing the online app yesterday. Nvm. Not much lah. Just getting signatures to acknowledge that I knew what "single-choice early action" is. Btw, the online app's a little screwed. For the essays, they stated that the character limit's 1600 (for eg), and when I got my count below this value, it still exceeded the limited amount of space I had!!! Sian. And in front, when I couldn't type the achievements further, there're still some space there!!! Had to write 05 instead of 2005. Wtj. Nearly settled le. Hurray!

Sigh... Could have got at least 30 pts more for the past two weeks, if I had not made stupid goalkeeping decisions.. Nvm.

Then this morn, chem rem. Everyone did have a nice time listening to the opera-like practice next door from the choir ppl. And who's the one who commented, "They did win a gold with honours, didn't they?"

Waiting patiently for the update...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

For the first time...

Sigh... Staying up till two just to watch a humiliating defeat's very sian. And very rare to see man utd players n bench not celebrating when they scored a goal. Hope it's the only time it happened. Sian.


Sigh... Started off promising, but once the games continued..... nvm.

And a stupid half-time score now. Three goals behind. Reallie brought back memories of the tottenham game a few yrs ago... Man Utd definitely showed the same, if not more, hunger, as they had that time! At least a goal by rooney. Gd enough for me... :p

Friday, October 28, 2005


Can't log on to msn for the last 2 days. Mac messenger becoming more n more unreliable. Nvm. Just an announcement to 79ers. Next mon wed fri chem remedial. Mon 9.20 i think. Cya there!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Somehow, involved in many cases of mistaken identity lately. :p The 2 emails, plus that short, no-msg email today, and my msn account being used so many times by others to chat. :D Then qq ah, even repeatedly shut off one of my chat windows on mon. Ha ha.

And today, there's this grp of chinese visitors coming into the lib. Me doing work at the comp, n they came, bent over n looked carefully at what I'm doing. Luckily, I was at this google page searching, or having searched, for info n doing my chem vj paper at the same time, and think I managed to give them the impression that hwa chong students were able to integrate IT actively into their studies (ha ha).. Thank all my lucky stars that I was not at fantasy football or msn at that time (in fact, I was, but luckily, not visible on the screen)... Then they took so many photos lor. Ha ha. And with another grp of chinese visitors visiting the lib last week (I was doing my uni app then), reallie have no idea how many photos of me that've been taken by those foreigners. Becoming famous, and I don't even noe it! Nvm.

Went to the reading rm for the first time to mug. Don't reallie like the env there, with ppl moving all over the place, n some ppl talking shortcuts thru the rm... But the lib's freaking cold today. Sigh. Best place to mug in sch.... haven't found it yet. Maybe there isn't any gd place to study...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


One day, Gary came home with his exam paper in his hand, and went crying to his father, "I flunked my test!!! I'm a failure!"

Dad's apologetic, "It's alright. Just work hard next time, and u'll get good results!"

Gary cried even harder, "Impossible, especially when I cheated in this one!"


So blogspot's started this word verification now. Hope the first character's an l (L) and not and I (i)....

Mug hard, work hard, but do take care k!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Results after results...

Took toefl this morn. Ha ha. Just rushed through the whole test lor. Not too difficult, though the reading of some passages can be reallie sian. Not the one about aristole and his law of motion though. :p Roughly know the results le. Fall short of expectations? =D Din reallie use the appropriate ID though. Passport expired le. Bleah.

SAT results also out just now. Enough said.

Tired... The effect of bball after not playing it for so long...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sense strand... Doesn't make no sense at all

Ha ha. Silverthorn vs mcmurry. Bio notes vs chem notes. Conflicting views on wtj the sense strand should refer to. Searched on the net. And the conclusion? Just use template strand! Sian.

Today's pokemon episode rox. Total mayhem, when five or six pokemon literally sprayed attacks around the battlefield with no one willing to control the situation. :p

Toefl tmr. Ha ha.

Friday, October 21, 2005

How many swans...

Ha ha. Played for open house today. :p Sightreading's ok, prob becos the pieces're slack, but still made mistakes (though no one in the audience can hear). Not many ppl came for this yr's open house though. So, taking a number of goody bags won't hurt... though justin'd to turn his in after trying to get another one... then some of us met miss ng, who told us about incidents when some hwachongnians tried to take a few goody bags by wearing a diff uniform... tried hard not to laugh... who needs to do so when one can just take five (or six, if u considered passing one to jun yang) n bring them to library? Nvm.

Anw, regarding that prank email to 79 yahoo grps n some other ppl... Shall respond to it after two days of ignoring it... who with some sense'll send it to the person in qn, then forward it for 30 plus ppl, inc seniors n grand-seniors n bandmates (i showed some of them today to see if they believe the legitimacy of the msg.. :p)... and reallie lor.. on the assumption that i like someone, i won't like tell him or her (ahem) a few wks bef a-levels, n i def won't send an email... that's like so insincere. Hope not many ppl've not enough sense to believe that msg. I mean, quote unquote from wen li, it's too gd to be written by me. :D Hope this'll remove any lingering doubts anyone's.

25 bucks on henry... resort to extreme measures now to get back to top 500. :P

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Back to sch...

Ha ha. Gone back twice every day, no, once every two days this wk (nvm) to settle uni stuff. Quite glad to finally get it over n done with (the giving all the teachers references part), though the essays're still lagging. No more trouble settling stamps n envelopes n printing docs (after jamming the damn printer at least twice in the last one wk)... Reallie fun to settle all the stuff with the likes of jy, glo, joel, yk n even ks. =D Neopets, the email pranks, n picnic in the lib're just... priceless. Shall heck any consequences. Laughed a lot, n got so many weird stares from that guy beside me. Nvm. Mugged in sch for a while on mon n wed. Will mug in sch tmr too. :p

What would u have if u can hold 15 apples in one hand? Not big hands. U have a doc being kept away for 15 days...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Sigh. Have to call college board just to change my name. Tried on sun, and found out that they're not open. Yesterday, called several times at nite, but was greeted with some machine saying all customer service rep're busy. Finally got thru, n had to ans so many qns before they agreed to change my name for me. Ha ha. Would have been so much easier if we're allowed to do so online...

Study leave le. Must take care of yourself k. Weather's getting hotter n hotter, n more water's definitely needed. Can get more oxygen (atoms) that way too. Nvm.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Ha ha. What a debut! :p

Sian... Din noe that country code for us's an amazing "1". Nvm. Finally called college board, but they're not open on sundays!!! :p Btw, oct sat scores may be out the mon after next. =D

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Last day of sch...

Sigh... Last day of sch yesterday. Ha ha. Whole day feeling a little sian. Two years's just too short. Whatever. Doesn't mean we'll all never meet up again to chat, play ball, eat, laming... There's still A-levels (which ends in exactly 6 wks from now), and we must all work hard now!

Yesterday, last day of sch. Started off with (vice) principal's add, when a nice video's shown, before our special ct period. Quite funny, as jo n I insisted on writing "you rox" to rem, even when rem asked us to write somethin' more meaningful. And rem helps in niaoing jy too! =D

Class lunch later. We ordered pizza, after a short bball session that's ended by a downpour. Celebrated the oct, nov n dec bday babes too! Ha ha. To think I'm the only person who's a paper for a bday prezzie, and it's a great paper lor! Sigh.

Chem s, bio lect later, in which not many ppl paid attention... Expected lah.

After bio, just hanged around in the audi, writing autographs, waiting for the rain to end... Got all the papers from the photocopying rm except bio. Will come back sometime next wk to see if they're on sale. Oh yeah. The photocopying rm's become a common spot for all of the students lately. Ppl crowding outside it trying to buy papers :p

Bball, which's aggressive n fast n a little freaky. Played centre at first, n caused lots of injuries to the likes of jo n wj. Sorrie! :p Then, got frustrated by the lack of space there, so just stayed outside, n occasionally strayed in to block ppl. Even kicked the ball once into the far end. Might be the last time we've such a game lor. Nvm.

Class dinner at curry wok, when we made a hell lot of noise. 15 ppl turned up, which's reallie not bad lor. Ha ha. Showed signs of disrespect by not telling vernon n laura to eat, but instead asked ken to do so. Nvm. Anw, started of with dinner, then there's this mass learning of how to use the chopsticks in the proper way, when no one seemed to be able to do so. Wj ah. Still wanted to teach everyone his own unique style. :p Then we just talked about everything from uni to dreams. Those at the other table commented that they're mainly hearing two things throughout their dinner: the music, and us. After that, mass photo-taking session. =D Took photo with everyone, n got niaoed badly. Prob one of the last times I'll get to experience it. Waited twenty plus mins for the accursed 961. Damn. So ended the last day of sch...

Finally got my ns enlistment letter. Guess the date! Was a little sian about it, though it's hard for me to delay my entry even for a day, as it'd cause all sorts of admin probs for the ns ppl. And just doesn't make much sense to go into tekong for half a day, then go out, then go back on the next day right? Sigh... Nvm. At least, class trip to look forward to, and can always disturb u all when u all're enjoying prom...

Mac messenger still not loading. Damn.

Last two yrs: full of fun, joy, occasional moments of sianness n disappointment... Can still remember orientation times, when we'd like 1 outing per wk, leading to some of our parents complaining... :p Then wj n I'd compete a little to see who can finish ma tutorials the fastest. Ha ha. Nvm. Think everyone can remember most of the things that'd happened in the last 2 years, so no point saying them all out. Just wanna say, the last 2 yrs's one of the most valuable times ever, and we must cap them off with a brillant performance for A-levels!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Very, very tired...

Sian... slept for only four plus hours last nite, n lasting consecutive games of soccer n bball's horrible. Reallie no more energy to last another round after sch...

That qq ah. Kept the class diary for three whole months w/o doing anything worthwhile to do. Quite stunned when I saw that I actually wrote the last entry, even though I can't remember when I last touched or saw it. Nvm. First entry of the term, n "wj"'s to tarnish mine with an actually very nice pict, but horribly untrue annotations...

Think I'll go sleep early later, if I'm going to go sch at my usual time tmr. Sigh. Have to settle my applications very very soon. Anw, since I still've two more yrs, can afford to apply to the less prestigious uni next yr lor. NS's finally been useful for once. :D

Btw, ms ong addressed me openly by my proper name today during lect today. Kind of soft, so not as much laughter. Got some weird looks from the class below us though, n my band mates even said that it's gross. :p To quote mr lee, I'm finally recognised! Ha ha.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Sleeping at one plus, two plus for two consecutive days isn't nice, esp when I've to wake up early each day (I consider waking up at 12 to be normal). Quite interesting to see ppl coming online so late at nite, n only started chatting at eleven plus. If everyone's trying to emulate owls, have to say that's the right way of doing so. :p Oh yeah. Still can't figure out how I forget to bring my bio a3 size ws (I photocopied later on), when I'm reminding everyone that I can to do so. Must be fatigue.

Possibly my last assembly at chs today. Some nice treats for us, with them repeating different permutations of the national anthem to emphasise the importance of national identity, while their version of the chinese sch song rox. Din noe that sch songs can be that nice to hear. Must be due to playing the same two lines three times each wk for 4 yrs n a half...

Will get an early sleep today. =D

Full of riddles lately: I can multiply or divide. Yet, when I do so, I will never change, in spite of any change in environmental conditions, in spite of the progress of time. What am I? (High evolutionary potential.. nvm)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The end in sight...

Less than a month to go before we've our a levels, while only one more wk to go before we all leave for our study leave. :p

Shall write a more meaningful entry today. A few highlights of the wk:

1. SAT. Ha ha. Had it at aj with wj n glo. As usual, rather slack. Point's not to sleep during the tests, or careless mistakes'll just start flooding in. Saw several others there, like daryl, kailiang (who came despite having a 11 day mc) n thia. Three hours's quite sian. Nvm. Mugged for it from tue onwards. Actually, I just mugged on tue n fri. =D Hopefully, not many careless mistakes! Btw, who wants to sit for toefl soon? Looking for some company.

2. Return of prelim papers. Enough said.

3. Frequent bball sessions. Not really a highlight, just that it's rare to see 16 or 17 ppl in half a court desperately to get a touch of the ball. Some of them din even touch it at all. And really fun to see 5 or 6 ppl swarming to the person who had the ball at that instance, not to mention three kids fighting the ball in the wrong half, with the last one coming late n giving them half a football tackle... Btw, will show more... care, when blasting the ball out of the area next time. Ha ha.

4. Van der sar saved a penalty!!!!! Becks got sent off again. Nvm.

5. Essay writing. Not for A-levels, though if I'm going to apply for early action, have to get my act together soon. Luckily, some of the essay topics're more interesting, like writing to my future room-mate about one of my personal experiences. Stayed up till two this morn to do them. Sian.

6. Autograph books. Still owe four girls what they want. Most prob return them (the cards, not the persons) to their respective owners (the girls, not their respective guys... no names mentioned here) some time during a levels, since I haven't started on any of them...

7. Some answers.

1. In only one direction it flows, going faster, going slower, yet it can't be seen, touched nor heard. What's it?

Simple. Time. =D Going into relativity...

2. A cause for different evolutions to occur. Comes in different forms for different purposes. Seemingly solid, yet no living person's ever held it or touched it with his or her hands before.

Ha ha. Pokemon evolutionary stones. Nvm. Tell u guys it's not a fair riddle liao.

3. The shortest thing in the world, yet the longest it can be as well. Guess what?

Ha ha. Time again. :p

8. Learn to treasure life. Just too short for regrets. I'm just happy I've none so far. Who knows, I may make some mistakes five or ten years from now, and end I regretting it, like choosing the wrong type of food... But for now, life's great, iseneh?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ha ha

My longest no-blogging period ever. =D Kind of busy lately. Sigh. Have to rush a few short essays in 1 day. Nvm.

SAT II today. Ha ha. Kind of slack, really. The examiner really rox. Nvm.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sorry blog!

Ha ha. Have been neglecting you. So sad... :p Sentosa outing on thur, police station trip on fri, meaning that I got home rather late on both days...

Sentosa outing's fun. The luge's really a great experience, and the choice to go for three rides paid off, with the last one being error free and the most hilarious of all (avoided wj, who bumped into ws n jo, before bumping into some barrier...). :~D Beach soccer, monkey, volleyball n sea adventure's nice too, in spite of the numerous feet injuries, minor sun burns and a low rating of 5 or below for nearly everyone. The guys tried dunking ws. Not really dunking lor, if u all do it like 5 m off the shore. Should have done it on the platform lor! More fun that way. Ha ha. Pushing others off the platform... nvm. Betrayal rox. Btw, the guys met up first before the girls did. Sigh... Girls met up later cos they felt the time's too early, while the guys actually thought that the girls din wanna play the luge. A class outing's a class outing. We should go for lunch together, go for luge together, go for everything together. Next time, think it'd be better if we meet up at a time which everyone's happy with lor. :p

Police trip... Qq ah. Ha ha. Wallet missing since the first bball session. Went looking for it after the second bball session. Sigh.. The guys, me inc, would have done better to help me search lt4 n the toilet beside it, instead of playing cards.. Nvm. So, after that, everyone of us, inc the girls, went to look everywhere (GO, bball courts.. ), but still couldn't find it. Decided to make a police report later. Me n vernon left earlier though. Found out earlier that qq made a missing report after all, which may be better than a stolen report, since the wallet may not be stolen in the first place. He's badly shaken after being interrogated severely by the officers toug. Have to say, his story isn't that believable, but just glad everything's over liao. I hope.

Dsta outing today. Quite interesting. Was impressed by the staff lor. First, they opened up the reception specially for us when jy asked where the cafeteria's (we arrived half an hour earlier). :p And their staff's very friendly. Anw, we left earlier, and went holland v to slack around. Ha ha. More niaoing went on there.

Really really time to start on my ps now. JIayou!