Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, October 21, 2005

How many swans...

Ha ha. Played for open house today. :p Sightreading's ok, prob becos the pieces're slack, but still made mistakes (though no one in the audience can hear). Not many ppl came for this yr's open house though. So, taking a number of goody bags won't hurt... though justin'd to turn his in after trying to get another one... then some of us met miss ng, who told us about incidents when some hwachongnians tried to take a few goody bags by wearing a diff uniform... tried hard not to laugh... who needs to do so when one can just take five (or six, if u considered passing one to jun yang) n bring them to library? Nvm.

Anw, regarding that prank email to 79 yahoo grps n some other ppl... Shall respond to it after two days of ignoring it... who with some sense'll send it to the person in qn, then forward it for 30 plus ppl, inc seniors n grand-seniors n bandmates (i showed some of them today to see if they believe the legitimacy of the msg.. :p)... and reallie lor.. on the assumption that i like someone, i won't like tell him or her (ahem) a few wks bef a-levels, n i def won't send an email... that's like so insincere. Hope not many ppl've not enough sense to believe that msg. I mean, quote unquote from wen li, it's too gd to be written by me. :D Hope this'll remove any lingering doubts anyone's.

25 bucks on henry... resort to extreme measures now to get back to top 500. :P


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