Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Somehow, involved in many cases of mistaken identity lately. :p The 2 emails, plus that short, no-msg email today, and my msn account being used so many times by others to chat. :D Then qq ah, even repeatedly shut off one of my chat windows on mon. Ha ha.

And today, there's this grp of chinese visitors coming into the lib. Me doing work at the comp, n they came, bent over n looked carefully at what I'm doing. Luckily, I was at this google page searching, or having searched, for info n doing my chem vj paper at the same time, and think I managed to give them the impression that hwa chong students were able to integrate IT actively into their studies (ha ha).. Thank all my lucky stars that I was not at fantasy football or msn at that time (in fact, I was, but luckily, not visible on the screen)... Then they took so many photos lor. Ha ha. And with another grp of chinese visitors visiting the lib last week (I was doing my uni app then), reallie have no idea how many photos of me that've been taken by those foreigners. Becoming famous, and I don't even noe it! Nvm.

Went to the reading rm for the first time to mug. Don't reallie like the env there, with ppl moving all over the place, n some ppl talking shortcuts thru the rm... But the lib's freaking cold today. Sigh. Best place to mug in sch.... haven't found it yet. Maybe there isn't any gd place to study...


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