Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, June 26, 2005

End of hols...

Ha ha. Two more days to bt. All the best everyone!

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Can never, and will never, understand why some teacher forces students to memorise stuff blindly without even teaching them in the first place, and what's more, those poor students have to sit for that test on the first day of the new new term! And the marks do count towards the final yr grade. Eh.. not hc lah. Just the high school side. Eg, how can you remember acid + base gives salt and water when the students don't even noe what an acid or base is???

Now, don't get too stressed up, k? It's only another bt. The real "fun" comes during prelims and the actual "a"s. Ha ha. Must learn to enjoy life! Cracking michael jackson jokes's one way; niaoing definitely's a great way, esp when it's unidirectional, like blood flow in the heart. Valves're very impotent!!!

Actually, natural selection's already known a long time before darwin's era. Remember the old chinese saying: "One mountain no two tigers?" :p

Friday, June 24, 2005

Four more days...

Ha ha. Just four more days to go.... Ha ha.

Class chalet: 3rd to 5th july, east coast, coastal sands. :p Something to look forward to at the end of bt...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

One big farmaly again...

Ha ha. Mum and sis finally came back from hk! :p And they brought home so much stuff lor, from mushrooms and other food to shoes and clothes. Bro's already complaining that he got less stuff than me, but after a while, when I had one sleeveless shirt that cannot fit me well (he had none at first), he's too glad to have that. Ha ha. Biasness... prob becos the ppl who bought us those stuff're all females (mum n aunts)?

Everton vs man utd: first game of the new season, and arsenal vs chelsea the following wk. What a start!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

On the football scene...

Man utd just signed park ji-sung, chelsea signed del horno, and what about arsenal??? Ha ha.

Eh... Interesting how effective doing hw next to the comp can be... :p

Less than a wk to go. Mugging's fun!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Some answers...

Previously-posted riddles:

1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? An interesting riddle. Too bad no one gets it w/o having any hints first. Really highlights the fact that we should never assume anything so quickly. The ans: a towel! Ha ha.

2. What can you catch but not throw? A familiar one. Ans: cold.

3. From the beginning of eternity
To the end of time and space
To the beginning of every end
And the end of every place.
What am I?

Eh... One habit of the mind: "Begin with an end in mind." Must know what you're looking for, or else you def can't give the right ans, which's the letter "e".

4. I move stepwise, jumping when I've to. Often do I jump against my will, yet only in 1 direction I can move, before I reach the end of the road. What am I?

My very own!!! Ha ha. Not really a fair riddle, and only ppl who're into board games, or at least have some understanding of them, can give the ans. It's "checkers discs", or whatever u call that.

5. What sch contains the highest percentage of model students? HCI? RJ? Sigh... How come no one post any ans on the tag board right on ur right? The fairest ans would be... a modelling sch! Ha ha. Can just picture the stunned look on your face right now.

So, end of riddles. Will post just one more. "After you take away the whole, some still remains. What am I?" Quite simple. Don't assume anything!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005


Bizarre week of sports last weekend. US Open: campbell won it with an even par!!! Wtj. And F1's even more... appalling. 7 out of 10 teams pulled out, due to some tyre safety issue. Ha ha. Nvm.

Went to neighbour's wedding dinner last night. Quite nice, even though I was just replacing my mum. (She's still overseas... woohoo!) Food's nice, programme's great, though think I wore too formally... wore my concert attire! Ha ha. Nvm.

Went back to sch today. Would have been much better if we'd play something, like soccer or bball, but nvm.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

What rubbish!

Was left totally appalled when I read this:

Manchester United Supporters' Association (IMUSA) want the club thrown out of European football due to the debt Malcolm Gazer is placing the club in.

IMUSA are keen to force the American tycoon out of The Red Devils and want Uefa to look at the strain Glazer's takeover has exerted on United.

Around 30 fans interrupted a Uefa meeting on Saturday to stage a peaceful demonstration at the City of Manchester Stadium.

Nick Clay, of the Independent Manchester United Supporters' Association, is hoping Uefa can review whether United are allowed to compete in the UEFA Champions League.

"Malcolm Glazer is saddling Manchester United with a huge debt and 98 percent of supporters are against him," explained Clay.

"We want Uefa to look at whether the clubs in debt should be allowed to continue in European competition."

What bs lor. It's pretty confirmed that glazer's now in charge of man utd, in spite of many protests and objections by fans worldwide. But, no matter how much noise we make, we can never change this fact. If those fans really love man utd, they should always be firmly in support of the club. Ways to force glazer out, like trying to get man utd kicked out of champions league, boycotting games, and setting up another club to replace it, will not achieve anything. Instead, man utd'd be in greater financial strain. To all fans worldwide, u may not like glazer, but spare a thought for the club!

Anw, enough of that crap. Was quite stunned when I was sent a book, "stealth force", written by me, from the navy, and even with my address at the back. Wtj. Open it, and it's blank!!! Ha ha. Shall leave it aside, in case I really do join the navy... One more wk of hols. Keep up the hard work!

Friday, June 17, 2005

One more...

What sch contains the highest percentage of model students? HCI? RJ? Prob will receive many biased responses, but pls use some reason!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

What can you catch but not throw?

From the beginning of eternity
To the end of time and space
To the beginning of every end
And the end of every place.
What am I?

I move stepwise, jumping when I've to. Often do I jump against my will, yet only in 1 direction I can move, before I reach the end of the road. What am I?

Feel free to post the ans on your right!

Btw, only 1 of them's original. Guess which!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

DSTA visit...

K. DSTA visit today. The day din get on to a very gd start, with heavy showers all over singapore, though it does help to bring down the temperature. Went to the lib to borrow a few bks, since it's still early. Nvm. Went to class bench and slacked around. We only got onto the bus at nine thirty lor, fifteen mins later than planned. But still, we had to wait for around 20 mins, at dsta, before the actual talks started. K lah. The talks're interesting, though it's mainly the speakers who made it that way. One of them gave us the impression that all he does at work is to play computer games. :p His speaking style's quite entertaining though; many of us were giggling throughout his talk. Lunch rox! Ha ha. Around six dishes, and think I shouldn't be so greedy to fill my entire plate with food. But, if I din take that much, I'd have taken a second helping, and so, not much difference.

Second half: went to changi naval base. Basically, just explore around the place lor. We even played around with both the weapons simulator and some ship emulator. Jamming up the system's quite fun! Ha ha. Just closed all the valves, and as a result, nothing flows. Then, this red box with the word "alarm" lights up, and... you know.

Overall, not a bad visit, though I've to think twice before accepting a dsta scholarship, since they'd prefer engineering graduates, while engineering's not really what I like. But, you can never know...

Interesting how reading a book can result in a time contraction. Realised famished road isn't very nice, so switched to sophie's world, which's more interesting. Philosophy's rather.. captivating. Hope to do the book review in chalet! Ha ha. Just joking lah.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Gender differences...

Finally, peer tutoring's ended! Hurray! All the best to my tutee for his bt2, and no more tutoring for me! Ha ha.

From skysports:

Whilst Women's Euro 2005 has been hailed as a resounding success at bringing the game to a wider audience, despite England's failure to get out of the group stage, the signs are that the female version of the world's best sport is not quite sitting comfortably in the new media spotlight. Gender confusion seems to be running riot, and not just about the German goalkeeper. In the 2-1 defeat to Denmark, with Kelly Smith off injured, the BBC commentator was heard to say "They are down to ten men now", whilst in the studio the panel were thanked at the end of the programme with a polite "thanks ladies". A panel including former Chelsea player Gavin Peacock.

Reminds me of some occasions, when we said "man on.. no, girl on!" when ms or some other girl's sneaking up onto some other player... :p

Never ending game...

I just wanted a short break, like 10 mins or so, so I decided to play pinball. Since the previous games that I played only lasted that long, I never knew that once I started playing, I couldn't stop. It just went on and on lor. Now, I'd 9 balls, and over some hundred million in pts, which's like 8 times the previous high score. Wtj. Decided to just suspend the game, and get on with it some other time.... :p

Sunday, June 12, 2005

World-class transport system? Fat Hope!

Read the forum today. Realised that one writer's quite frustrated with the bus system here. Ha ha. For the second time, some bus refused to stop even when I waved properly last fri. Whatever. Not that I'm over-concerned with it, since I'm already used to substandard services, taking 961 for the past 6 years... And they even raised the bus fares recently, which doesn't reflect the type of quality we get in return, unless bus fares're inversely proportional to standard. Can only say: wtj.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Math's pointless...

Theorem: All numbers are equal.

Proof: Choose arbitrary a and b, and let t = a + b. Then

a + b = t
(a + b)(a - b) = t(a - b)
a^2 - b^2 = ta - tb
a^2 - ta = b^2 - tb
a^2 - ta + (t^2)/4 = b^2 - tb + (t^2)/4
(a - t/2)^2 = (b - t/2)^2
a - t/2 = b - t/2
a = b

So all numbers are the same, and math is pointless. (No more math revision... Hurray!)

One equal to one half

Theorem: 1 = 1/2


We can re-write the infinite series 1/(1*3) + 1/(3*5) + 1/(5*7) + 1/(7*9)

as 1/2((1/1 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/5) + (1/5 - 1/7) + (1/7 - 1/9) + ... ).

All terms after 1/1 cancel, so that the sum is 1/2.

We can also re-write the series as (1/1 - 2/3) + (2/3 - 3/5) + (3/5 - 4/7)
+ (4/7 - 5/9) + ...

All terms after 1/1 cancel, so that the sum is 1.

Thus 1/2 = 1.

I've a dream (or nightmare)...

Sigh. Had quite a horrible dream this morn. Dreamt that hols's over, and it's the phy paper that day, and I'd only studied bio! Erp. Had only 30 mins (after gp) to do some quick revision. Sian. Nvm. Woke up to quite a shock. Nvm. Shall work hard these two weeks! And pls take gd care of your health when studying hard for this coming bt. Don't play vigorous bball under the hot sun for a few hours. Got a headache as a result yesterday. :p The weather really sux lately. More water'd be excellent! Remember mr lee's promise of another treat!

Friday, June 10, 2005

What a day...

Sigh. One of the longest days in the hols. Went out quite early, since bro's to get to sch too. Last day of peer-tutoring today. Finally. Ha ha. At last, can get enough sleep liao. The round-up talk's er... quite interesting, with mr. han (hope i got the surname right) using physics to get the msg clear to the students that they'd to work hard, and the sch making the tutors feel embarrassed by presenting certificates to each of us. :p

After the session, and the short reception, we went to played bball in the sch! Ha ha. Me, yk, ken, vernon and jackson (a tutee of qiqi) went there first, before some other guys joined in, and we had to play full-court. Sigh. Wtj. Haven't been exercising for quite some time, and our legs're all aching by the end of it. The weather din help much either. At least we won! Special mention went to yk for scoring like 4 or 5 shots, n jackson for scoring 2 vital three-pointers!

We decided to take a rest after that, letting the chestnut ppl've the ball to play among themselves, and went down to see some rabbits! So cute and energetic! Had great fun feeding them with "unlimited" hay, since that's what they're supposed to eat. Anw, there's this rabbit which's very shy or timid, and I din help by knocking against the metal door when stroking it, scaring it to run away from me. Ha ha. Nvm. Later, we went back, and played more bball by ourselves, before going to ken's place to play table tennis. Jackson's new, so he din manage to win any matches. Really enjoyed watching some fantastic swerves and plays made by the others! But, too tired by the end of the day... Whatever. Just want to slack now.....

One more possible career option: military pilot? Just received a letter to notify me of another test this july: computerised pilot selection test. At that damn depot road again, where waiting for buses take 30 mins. Nvm. Just go there for fun lor. Anw, anyone who're going too, can tell me, k? :p

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Surprises, surprises...

Ha ha Interesting day of peer tutoring. Finally went to teach the sec 4s this wk, since my tutee(s) for the past 3 days were late, n my sec 4 tutee last wk's here. So got to tutor him and another guy in a room separate from the sec 5s, without any supervision from any teacher. :p Ended up with some groups slacking n even playing hard attack, and one of my tutee playing hp games after the break. Btw, the whole sch's infested with millipedes and centipedes. Managed to remove a millipede from the lib, though I may have dropped it near the lib door. Ha ha.

Finally knew why woodlands lib's so crowded now. Saw samuel (ling) and shaun (band junior from chs) on my way home! Ha ha. Great to see them!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Special One?

Chelsea Jose Mourinho may revel in the awe and praise levelled at him, he even calls himself 'The Special One' for goodness sake, but his ego must have taken a slight battering on Thursday as he turned up to a press conference before the Blues' friendly against Suwon Bluewings only to find that his gracious hosts hadn't quite got his name right....

(from sky sports... don't want to be sued for infringement of copyright...)

Not a bad day!

Ha ha. Weather's getting more and more unpredictable nowadays. Remember geog? Usually, heavy rain in the afternoon, due to heating up of air, rise of water vapour in the morn, and forming clouds and all those crap? Now, how come it only rains at night, and in the morning??? And this morning, the rain rox. Expect the sch field to turn into a padi field again... Anw, there's no sheltered roadway to chestnut. Ha ha. Luckily, yk got an umbrella, so just shared with him lor.

The rain did have some uses too. It led to the attendance rate being horrible today. Only one of my three tutees came. :p So joined yk's table lor. At least he did more work without the other two. Btw, I'd some fun competing with yk to see who can teach faster. Ha ha.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ha ha

Read this:

Shola Ameobi has provided a fine excuse for his sending off against Everton after a clash with Tim Cahill. "I haven't tried to push him in the head, but unfortunately he's a short guy and I've got his head." That's certainly the kind of accuracy you want from your centre forward.

Great excuse!

Long day....

One peer tutoring session's gd enough, but two in a day???

As usual, went to chestnut early in the morning. Couldn't control those guys that I'm supposed to teach, so just sat there and remained silent for most of the time. Sian... only talked when they'd qns to ask, which's quite rare, and when other tutors (like yk and eric) spotted some mistakes in the tys book. Redspot sux lor. :p Anw, qi qi's displaying more of his natural (and wild) side now, punching ken, yk and I at least once, and even threatened to manhandle a chestnut student. Watching him and yk play lao3 yin1 zhua1 xiao3 ji1's fun! Even joined in for a while later. Erp. Btw, laura's started to niao ppl too! Not bad! Prob becos niaoing's become so common n frequent these few days. Too bad we only have limited ppl to niao; two short ppl not here... :D

So, after a brief lunch outside with my dad n bro, I went to the lib for the second session with andrew (phua). Ha ha. At least this session's more effective, and time seems to go faster then. Woodlands lib very crowded, so we went to the cafe on the ground floor. Forced to buy a drink to stay there. :p

Very tired now............ Bleah.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Start of another wk....

Din want to know the exact time i woke up today. Let's see... after a breakfast, and a bath, it's 5.40. Ha ha. Whole family went to see mum n sis off. They're going to hk. Would have loved to go too, but too bad, this hols's one busy one! Activities lined up every wk, exc mugging, so can't go. Ha ha. Nvm. Was still wondering how come I can last throughout the whole day, without a nap, or caffeine, since I slept at one plus this morn.... Erp. Late nights rox.

Anw, peer tutoring today's quite diff from last wk's. O level now, and those 3 guys I taught made the most noise. Ha ha. Can't believe they only finish half a paper in two plus hours, which's like.... er.... shocking, considering that we're supposed to complete at least two papers. But that's also becos they prefer to ask qns instead of doing papers. Papers can be very sian. :p Btw, new additions today: laura n qiqi. Really sorry laura, qiqi n yk for the constant niaoing from the morning. But it can't be helped lah. Building up pressure at home, n when one reaches a limit, one just lets go....

Sunday, June 05, 2005

BT venues

Ha ha. Nothing much to write, so might as well tell you all the venues for bt this coming term 3. For my class, all of our papers'd be in the hall, except chem, the last paper, which's in a201. Sigh.... better hope the weather then'd be good, and won't be anything like the weather now. But, we can make a hell lot of noise lor after chem!

Global warming sux.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

What a trip....

Yeah. Went with dad to sentosa for the balloon hats festival. Chs band performing (parading), and we had two complimentary tix. :p Met juniors there, and they hadn't changed a bit. Ha ha. Quite amused by their 'act'. They made this balloon hat, which's quite long, vertically (may have been used to disguise their height... think some pple in the class'll like to have one of that). Nvm. Heard from ms lam that they used the same design from last yr. Ha ha. Eh... so, basically missed the first part of their performance, but got to see them marching. They marched ok, though the prob's, it's not much entertainment value at all. When they stopped by the emcee, the emcee asked, "Hwa Chong how're you feeling?", and pointed the mike at them. Guess how they ans... You're def wrong, cos they made no noise at all. Ha ha. All the other bands're dancing and making a hell lot of noise, and then you've one band that's just marching according to the drum beat. Got niaoed by the emcees many times, and at the end, when every band's waving their balloon hats, they just stood there. Luckily they burst their balloons when the others did the same thing. Think there's a time to be strict and solemn, and there's a time for you to just let loose.

As a result, I only finished one set of notes. That means, along with me slacking the entire day of yesterday, I'm behind schedule. Nvm. Shall work hard!

Friday, June 03, 2005

What a day...

Imagine teaching four pple, who're doing 4 diff papers at the same time. Wtj. One din finish one paper, two finished that paper, but did diff mcq papers (cos one of them had already finished one!), and the other one... forgot what he's doing liao. Luckily, the two of them moved on to the same paper later. Really really tired and sian by the end of the whole session. No break at all, even though we're supposed to have one. Nvm. So, went home and just slacked. Slacking's good!!!

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Holidays sux. Only gd thing's that u've more time for revision, but what's so great about it anw?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

First day of peer tutoring

Ha ha. Quite fun and slack! Just some minor difficulties, such as forgetting what's the colour code for live, neutral and earth wires. Nvm. :p Anw, quite surprised to see none of the hc pple there when ken, yk and i arrived at 8.05. Vernon's late, but the sch bus's even later than him! As a result, we reached the lib at 8.30, and after the briefing n intro, we only had about 2 hours left. Who cares? Overall, quite enjoyable.

Eh...... don't pressurize me lah. Mei mei doesn't like to be under so much stress! :p