Once a guy, always a proper guy

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Long day....

One peer tutoring session's gd enough, but two in a day???

As usual, went to chestnut early in the morning. Couldn't control those guys that I'm supposed to teach, so just sat there and remained silent for most of the time. Sian... only talked when they'd qns to ask, which's quite rare, and when other tutors (like yk and eric) spotted some mistakes in the tys book. Redspot sux lor. :p Anw, qi qi's displaying more of his natural (and wild) side now, punching ken, yk and I at least once, and even threatened to manhandle a chestnut student. Watching him and yk play lao3 yin1 zhua1 xiao3 ji1's fun! Even joined in for a while later. Erp. Btw, laura's started to niao ppl too! Not bad! Prob becos niaoing's become so common n frequent these few days. Too bad we only have limited ppl to niao; two short ppl not here... :D

So, after a brief lunch outside with my dad n bro, I went to the lib for the second session with andrew (phua). Ha ha. At least this session's more effective, and time seems to go faster then. Woodlands lib very crowded, so we went to the cafe on the ground floor. Forced to buy a drink to stay there. :p

Very tired now............ Bleah.


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