Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

DSTA visit...

K. DSTA visit today. The day din get on to a very gd start, with heavy showers all over singapore, though it does help to bring down the temperature. Went to the lib to borrow a few bks, since it's still early. Nvm. Went to class bench and slacked around. We only got onto the bus at nine thirty lor, fifteen mins later than planned. But still, we had to wait for around 20 mins, at dsta, before the actual talks started. K lah. The talks're interesting, though it's mainly the speakers who made it that way. One of them gave us the impression that all he does at work is to play computer games. :p His speaking style's quite entertaining though; many of us were giggling throughout his talk. Lunch rox! Ha ha. Around six dishes, and think I shouldn't be so greedy to fill my entire plate with food. But, if I din take that much, I'd have taken a second helping, and so, not much difference.

Second half: went to changi naval base. Basically, just explore around the place lor. We even played around with both the weapons simulator and some ship emulator. Jamming up the system's quite fun! Ha ha. Just closed all the valves, and as a result, nothing flows. Then, this red box with the word "alarm" lights up, and... you know.

Overall, not a bad visit, though I've to think twice before accepting a dsta scholarship, since they'd prefer engineering graduates, while engineering's not really what I like. But, you can never know...

Interesting how reading a book can result in a time contraction. Realised famished road isn't very nice, so switched to sophie's world, which's more interesting. Philosophy's rather.. captivating. Hope to do the book review in chalet! Ha ha. Just joking lah.


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