Once a guy, always a proper guy

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Can never, and will never, understand why some teacher forces students to memorise stuff blindly without even teaching them in the first place, and what's more, those poor students have to sit for that test on the first day of the new new term! And the marks do count towards the final yr grade. Eh.. not hc lah. Just the high school side. Eg, how can you remember acid + base gives salt and water when the students don't even noe what an acid or base is???

Now, don't get too stressed up, k? It's only another bt. The real "fun" comes during prelims and the actual "a"s. Ha ha. Must learn to enjoy life! Cracking michael jackson jokes's one way; niaoing definitely's a great way, esp when it's unidirectional, like blood flow in the heart. Valves're very impotent!!!

Actually, natural selection's already known a long time before darwin's era. Remember the old chinese saying: "One mountain no two tigers?" :p


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