Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, March 28, 2005

End of olympiad?

Ha ha. End of olympiad today, i think. Only have confidence in one qn and a part.. the others're all crapping some bollocks out. Nvm. Hope you guys enjoy bio!

Tmr's the end of exams! Hurray! Take some time out to rest n slack, k?

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Four more days...

Great. Four more days to go before the end of papers. Today sux. Spells of stomachache throughout the day, an afternoon nap of 2.5 hours, and got called a kid by my bro!!! Wtj.

Check out the band blog! It rox!

So few pple online these two days. Everyone's working very hard for our remaining papers! Sigh... All the best for bio, everyone!!!

Quote unquote: "Life's so short and So am I!!!" Ha ha. Guess who said that? Qiqi!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday...

Sorry. The ans to that waves qn's provided! Couldn't believe that I was looking at the jun 2002 ans yesterday! Damn. Anw, the ans're very diff from those provided by redspot, so couldn't be bothered. Hunted through my sis's stuff for that paper, since she took her "a"s a yr after 2001. Found paper 3 (practical i think), before paper 1(mcq), but paper two just couldn't be found... wtj. Nvm. Found more qns (mcq) in the tys very similar to those we had (just change direction of one arrow or something), not to forget that qn 2's also from some source. Ha ha. Conclusion: phy dept damn slack.

Four more days...

Thursday, March 24, 2005

End of a week...

Erp. End of the first wk of exams... One more wk to go. Take care everyone! The end's just two papers away! Kind of great to play soccer with so many pple for so long after phy today... let off a little steam, so less value for n, thus lowering pressure (pv = nrt). Nvm. One hour plus of soccer rox! Excellent finishing by jo n yc, with wonderful crossing by joel n sheer determination by wj (partly to ram the ball every time he touches it), we hammered the opposing team. Ha ha. Eh... said "boo" loudly behind gloria when she's not aware that i'm behind.... :p

K. Shall not go thru block test, though one of the qns today for phy's from nov 2001, paper 2, qn5! Erp. Nvm. I know, the tys does not have any ans, but there're other ways to get ans from other books. Shall i post the ans here? Nvm. Those who want the ans can get them from me! Quote unquote: "Slack Physics Department - Physics Block Test 1 2005 Section B Question 3 = A Level November 2001 Paper 2 Question 5 (TYS pg 418)". Seconded by me. Thanks sheng rong for the valuable info!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

End of hols

Finally, the end of hols is here, n a new term starts again. Ha ha. All the best for bt and common tests!

This blog shall be inactive for a wk or so.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Time to take a break...

Finally started my revision.. not bad.

So, one week of intensive training just ended, though i do doubt the effectiveness of some of the sessions. K lah. Definitely, every session's gd practice, but thurday's session's just that. Yesterday's one's more productive, though we got a shock when the tutor said that he's teaching us so that he could revise thermo himself! Wtj. At least bernard (on tue n wed)'s more effective, as he enthusiastically went thru all the concepts. He even asked if we knew how to prove calculus, which's....er. It's mainly practice, with so much math after only a bit of phy which remains to be digested...

Went out for the first liysf outing last nite!!! Hurray! Stoned at ps for one n a half hours before that.. nvm. Backgammon's addictive. Anw, who went last nite: charlene, joanne, hanrong, eric n me. Kelvin's uncontactable, n huixiang.. not that sure. All together, a fun outing! Basically, we had dinner at pizza hut, n chatted there for two plus hours. Other than discussing teachers, schs, s papers, zai pple. blogs, we lamed a bit. Hanrong n me were there discussing phy (critical damping, for instance, n lagragian formula, which raised several eyebrows). Erp. Hanrong actually couldn't hear clearly what joanne n charlene were saying, until he actually leaned forward a little. Conclusion: i served as a damping device, since I was sitting between hanrong n charlene, with joanne opposite charlene. Once, i also couldn't even hear clearly myself:


What's being said: "I haven't updated my blog for one or two weeks"

What hr n I heard: "I haven't updated my blog for one or two YEARS."

Naturally, we got a shock... nvm. Another conclusion: i served as a self-damping device. Ha ha.

So, a fun nite! Finally understood how srpians were selected from the aptitude test. They're actually looking at the top few percentiles of each subject combi, instead of adding up the marks of all the sections. Ha ha. Looking forward to future outings!

Back to mugging.... sigh. All the best, everyone! Anw, tmr's the 79th day of the yr! What a day to mark the end of the hols! We should celebrate... by mugging more!

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Wtj. Can't believe phy o session (or that tutor) is so slack lor. Ok lah. Slack's not really the right word to use. That guy just left us to do some qns, n anything we don't noe, we'll just ask him. Sounds quite nice, right, but few major flaws: first: he din go thru the concepts lor! I'm not too sure on the biot-savart's n ampere's law, n in the end, i understood the former, but the latter.... sigh. Then, he din even go thru the qns, except a few at the start. From then on, we're left to do our own work. Couldn't really do many qns, n was quite pissed with the enormous amt of maths involved, so was slacking all the way in the last hr or so. Learnt how to play backgammon! Nvm. Hopefully, tmr's session'd be nice. And nus or nie professor. Finally. Not some ipho participant like today's. And i don't even noe that guy's name lor! At least that indonesian for tue n wed's much better. Anw, tmr: some bidding system. We're supposed to bid for the qn that we want to present. Interesting.

Backgammon's actually quite fun! Who wants to play with me?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Familiar faces...

Interesting how many pple u get to see at ntu. Yesterday, saw hao quan, my band junior from chs, who's on some research stuff there. Couldn't recognise him until he started speaking to me. Ha ha. He's become quite dark lor. Anw, today, guess who I saw early in the morn? MRS FOO! Ha ha. She's at this bench marking some scripts, n I greeted her before going away. She's on some course at nie. Then, during lunch break, we saw mrs foo, ms ong, n mrs magdalene tan (hope i get the spelling right)! Ha ha. After that, we discussed the bio teachers in hc. Some interesting info n irony about angel yang! I even compared her with mdm yeo... guess u all noe why.

That pic on gloria's blog sure looks familiar!

Found out that srp today's a waste of time. Da wei went, n he said that all they did is to sit there n listen to presentations (for those not presenting). The certs're not collected individually, so they won't noe if anyone din come. Ha ha. Jun yong n many rj guys made the right decision not to go! Ha ha.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Second day of hols...

Not bad. I haven't started revising for bt! Woohoo!

Anw, second day to nie today. Another long day, n this time, i really fell asleep for a few mins or so. Two min break every hour din help at all, n think the only reason why I managed to stay awake for the rest of the time was that I couldn't help but giggle at the numerous hand gestures n expressions made by the instructor, who was an indonesian who won a gold at a recent apho. Ha ha. Oh yeah. We could use those comps there! Logged into msn for a while during lunch break, before playing hearts.

Saw Hao Quan at nie today! Glad to see a familiar face!

What's the worst thing one can do when one's not feeling well? Had fish n chips for lunch, potato chips after dinner, and stayed in an air-con rm without any warm clothing for long periods... Nvm. Will drink more water. Take care, everyone!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sian day...

Nothing much today. First time taking a mrt to boon lay! Hurray! Ha ha. Should have looked out of the window more often: some nice scenery which I missed... Nvm. Training for the entire day (nine to five) at nie, which's... er.... mind-sapping. Whatever. It'd be all over in just a wk!

Kind of nice talking about soccer on the entire ride back, blasting some blue club with jun yong, and criticising some mismanagement of that club full of galacticos. Just relieved that he din support that freaking blue club. Ha ha.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Ha ha. Capriccio last nite! Thanks to everyone who came to support us! Late-comers..... tsk tsk. Couldn't help but notice those familiar laughs n two unique balloons bobbling up n down... Anw, apart from some techical n admin glitches, n some screwing up of the first few songs, the entire concert's a success. And a full house! Fabulous. Just kind of sad that it may be my last band concert in hc. Nvm. Class outing after that, which's fun!

Sunday: nothing much, just that man utd hammered southampton 4-0, where arsenal're held to a one all draw. Ha ha. Oh yeah. Marcus wore this chelsea shirt to last nite's concert! Ha ha. They're going down!!!!!!!

7b's challenge to us. Only have this to say: there's no need to bother with other classes. Just do our best, n no one can beat s79!

Friday, March 11, 2005


Had not been getting enough sleep nowadays. Slept at twelve plus everyday even though I've to wake up at five forty everyday.. sian. Wednesday: had to settle time tunnel at night. Some technical difficulties, with my dad's windows comp not being able to read thumbdrives (wtj), and large size of the mp3 files means that I've to temp move some of andrew's files to my comp before putting in the files.... Ha ha. In the end, just sent one mp3 file n the ppt to my dad's comp, n tested it once. Quite glad that it turned out well, though I din really expect the whole presentation to last two periods!

Band till EIGHT THIRTY on thur. Sian. Though I'm glad that there's this sterling phy talk on that day, which gave me an ideal excuse to be late for band. :p. The talk isn't exactly nice to hear, like friday's talk. Many of us fell asleep! Ha ha. Quite amused to see chs boys taking down notes during the talk. Made me wonder whether they actually understood the stuff or not. So, after the talk, me n yk just watched a bit of junior soccer at the thirty storey, and tricked jy into coming up to mug. Ha ha. Some girl talk later on, which hopefully would remove any persistent rumours that've been circulating for the past few days. Band later, which means I'm exempted from chem s. Ha ha.

Oh yeah. Played soccer after sch instead of going to the napfa project. Ws scored a brillant goal!

Friday: fantastic game of soccer today, esp during the second break. The tempo's fast, quality excellent, and there're enough pple to make it a fun game. Lamed a bit by scoring one or two goals by throwing it directly into the opponent's goalpost. Ha ha.

Chem talk later on, which me, yk n vernon din fall asleep, cos we're all busy talking!

Shopped a bit later on. In the end, settled on buying some goodies. Thanks gloria, andrew n liming for helping me with the shopping n the wrapping!

Don't come late for capriccio tmr, esp those going nus open house! And go arts for dinner! Best is if you all reach sch by six thirty, to get gd seats. See you there! It'll be a gd concert!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Long time no blog...

Shall keep it short n sweet, since I'm really really busy nowadays.


Half day for my sch today... just too bad that there's a band rehearsal at conference hall after sch, so half-day's of no significance to me at all. Saw two sides of our conductor today. When he's conducting his sec sch, he's mood wasn't gd, n it's quite obvious why. Then, when he took us, his mood became very jolly! Interesting. Anyway, a lot of waiting time, so my section was playing our lame game involving fingers first, before moving on to another one..

Band pract after the rehearsal cancelled! Hurray! Just too bad that I still had to wait for my dad, so I practised a while more with a few others...

Sian lah. Missed THREE open goals today. Wtj.

Some niaoing going on over lunch with my bandmatestoday. Guan Min launched a verbal attack on chs guys, n I retorted by saying implicitly n explicitly that some rv girls talk too much, n should behave more femininely. Ha ha. Then, she started raising her pitch to become some sort of miao2 tiao2 shu1 nu3, but, have to say, she failed horribly...


Ha ha. DOCTOR SAM LEE! Appendicitis's on the right, not the left! Right's gastric pains! Three cheers to yk for bringing up the suggestion of greeting him as Dr Lee after the lesson, and it's quite gd to spread info secretly throughout the class during a lesson...

Make-up pract, which involved a lot of waiting (DAMN SIAN!), and joel and I just rushed the experimental part before going for band. Think I shouldn't be complaining about so many band practs, since I've been missing them on wed n thur, which means that effectively, I only have practices four times a week, which's nothing basically, esp when u get to take the section for sectionals... Shall try to be more compassionate in the future! Harmonica's so noisy... talked so much while waiting outside LT 5, disturbing our sectionals. Tsk.


Record no. of pple turned up for phy o training today: SEVEN! Out of twenty plus pple. Ha ha. Many of them're involved in ssef, and no rjians're present.. their common test has started! Gp today! Ha ha. Have to start mugging, even though I may have less to study than you all.... not saying things that're not confirmed yet. See first!

SSEF ROX! Hope you guys've enjoyed it! All the best for the results tmr!

Time tunnel blues..... blues sux.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sian day.....

What do u do when u get stuck at some freaking qn? Quite sian lor. I just sat there, looking at that qn. Having frequent spells of stomachache doesn't help at all... in the end, just gave up, and skipped to do others first, which're a little more do-able.

Watched chinese drama serial show, miao4 shou3 ren2 xin1 (healing hands, hearts or something....), the second one. Very very thought-provoking....

Disappointed. Man Utd just couldn't break down palace... Wtj.

How's it possible for a side to have 20% less possession, n still get more chances?

Stayed up late last night, till around two. Ha ha. Doing time tunnel, which we may only present on thur. Not bad. At least, I managed to do the bare minimum for the ppt slides: put it only the info that needs to be copied into the notes. Pls engage in the discussion, or q n a session, actively! Prizes to be won! Though the music section.... those having diploma for theory, pls give others a chance to ans!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Band rox!

Ha ha. Band's great today! Think we played close to our best for combined today, and mr. leng even commented that theatre music (a particular piece)'s a little too neat. And phantom sounds wonderful today, after all of us managed, to some extent, to cut our volumes wherever needed, making the whole piece bearable to the ears. mr. leng said that he felt contented after listening to it! Not bad. More crappy jokes by him, which're a little... er..... lame, disgusting, n basically crap.

Section lunch today! Haven't had one for ages, since there're no more sat practices this yr. Some laming going on, esp at the (other) girls' side, when they're playing this lame game involving fingers...Ha ha.

Soccer after sch! Hurray! Conceded a stupid goal, but otherwise, not a bad game, esp when so many zai pple're on my team, n so many pple're playing.

Yesterday... can't remember much, just that we'd our bio lect in a lt, our first lect there. Though some pple've to sit on the staircases..

Come for band concert! Those who still want to order tix (other non 79 pple, or non hc pple who read my blog), sms me latest by mon. Thanks!

Btw, remember last chem s section? mr. pang asked me for some word to add to some reaction process, and I said water to add to the last step (LiAlH4/dry ether)? Sian lah. Official confirmation by mcmurry n mr. lee: water or acid can be added slowly, dropwise at the last step to destroy LiAlH4 n protonate the alkoxide ion, though it's not really required. Embarrassed myself for nothing. Wtj. Ha ha. Whatever.

What's this? Not shots on target, n no saves made by either keeper after 45 mins at villa park?

"when u've got no legs, ppl dun notice yr tears". Well said.... sigh.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Long day...

Band pract ended at eight today! Sigh. It's ending later n later...

Toe injury today, after kicking the white goalpost when trying to cross the ball. Freak. Forced me to use only my right foot.

Quite tired now. Shall update more tmr....

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Fine. Not much to talk about today. A fun chem pract in which me n vernon're playing with chemicals (add 10 of them at one go) after completing our work beforehand. How to test for benzaldehyde? Smell it. With elimination n spotting going on (we got all our chemicals, n hoped to reduce wastage by spotting the correct chem), chem pract skill b part ended quite early. Got a surprise when we tried adding iodine, NaOH and Brady's reagent (too lazy to get a fresh sample) one after another for two diff tests. Reddish-brown colour actually evolves again! Not bad.

Chem lect: tiger lee spent 10 mins or more trying to defend her english. Din figure out what she's trying to mean when she brought out a strange chinese name, n just shot some chinese names for elements at us, until quite close to the end. As if we're concerned with her linguistic ability, which's not bad actually. Not many of us were actually paying attention in the first place. Ha ha.

Listened to a twenty mins long lect by joe lim after our pull-up-cum-star-jump training. K. What he says is true, but repeating the same thing over n over again.... Sigh.

Chem s. Nice lect by pang, though, somehow, he liked to pick on our class lor! Four of us being called. Think we made too much noise during lect, playing around. Quite interesting at the last row, with gloria, ws, me, vernon n yk sitting in that order. We started a passing-down game, in which the person at the end would do something to the person next to him (like vandalising), n that action'd be passed down. Saboed ws many times, by rubbing his arm, and poking him. Can say he's afraid to do this to gloria, cos of the pple sitting below not being impressed if he had done so. Some embarrassment later on... Ha ha.

Talking about pace of lectures. Lately, bio n chem lect've been quite fast. Mrs Foo actually finished 33 page (inc content page, appendix etc) in just a lect! Ha ha. Phy.... ha ha. Electromagnetism's still far from completion.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Sian. Was really really sleepy during phy o training today, partly due to the teachers not being able to solve some (or one) particular qns, n me being quite tired. Nvm. So, slept a little right under the teacher's nose. Erp.

Some niaoing going on during phy lect today, out of which what jo niaoed me about's totally bs, n that can be said of what I niaoed him about too. Though yc.......... Great weather today, right?

Ha ha. Arsenal only won sheffield united by a penalty shootout! Btw, norwich director, delia smith, is totally inspirational. The Canaries director took it upon herself to wander on to the pitch at the break, seize a microphone and harange the crowd. "We need a 12th man," said Delia. "Where are you? Where ARE you? Let's have you. Come on!" The crowd's bemused reaction is equally as priceless and Norwich went on to lose 3-2. Inspirational. 

A litlte pissed with justin for taking my clarinet n not returning it to me in full after the national anthem's started.... Whatever. We're all just playing around.

Another way to prove that girls are absolute evil:

Girls require time n money. Making them happy means giving up time n money. So,

Girls = Time x Money.

Time is money, so girls = Money^2

Money's the root of all evil, so: girls = (sq root of evil)^2

Evil's negative, so we've to mod it to allow it to be sq rooted.

Thus, girls = I evil I

Girls're absolute evil!!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Ans to riddle!

Ha ha. Marcus, u're so close, n on the right track too! They're not interpreting 100 to be 60s; this is how a microwave works, according to that website I've been to. If u key in 30, it'd be 30s. 90, 90s. 60, 60s. But 100's equivalent to 60s. Ha ha. Excellent!

More lame stuff'll be written here n in the class diary, since it's now in my hands! Thanks to whoever that wrapped it up so nicely!

Fries galore!

Ha ha. Every tuesday's fries day! Again, another mass order for fries, but this time, more organized. Passed around a piece of paper during chem lect for the rest to place orders (no. of bags, with or without pepper or salt, n any other orders). Btw, think I forgot to mention this. Pple who've eaten fries, pls drink lots of water!

Mrs. Foo rox. She's a nice teacher, though her eyesight's..er... ahem. She asked pple in alternate seats to answer qns. Then, when jiayi besides me've answered, she asked ME to ans. She claimed that I should ans, or else only the girls'd ans the qns. Ha ha. There're some things that she doesn't know...

Hurray! Maths tut changed back to thursday! Ha ha.

Betrayal. Mistrust. Some themes for gp today. The guys're so nice lor, but the girls... tsk. Ha ha. Esp enjoyed the moment when the guys can tut at the girls for breaking some agreement TWO TIMES. Can see the sheepish look on their faces... Ha ha.

Band pract today, which ended ONE HOUR LATE!!! Sian. Incurred the wrath of my dad, which I don't really much care actually....

Oh yeah. Last night, some intensive spamming before I went to bed. Reminded a few pple numeorus times to bring bio tys. Ha ha. Did I mention that I slept on my desk for an entire hour, and woke up to drink a cup of rotten milk even without finding the taste bad? Luckily, no stomachache...