Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Wtj. Can't believe phy o session (or that tutor) is so slack lor. Ok lah. Slack's not really the right word to use. That guy just left us to do some qns, n anything we don't noe, we'll just ask him. Sounds quite nice, right, but few major flaws: first: he din go thru the concepts lor! I'm not too sure on the biot-savart's n ampere's law, n in the end, i understood the former, but the latter.... sigh. Then, he din even go thru the qns, except a few at the start. From then on, we're left to do our own work. Couldn't really do many qns, n was quite pissed with the enormous amt of maths involved, so was slacking all the way in the last hr or so. Learnt how to play backgammon! Nvm. Hopefully, tmr's session'd be nice. And nus or nie professor. Finally. Not some ipho participant like today's. And i don't even noe that guy's name lor! At least that indonesian for tue n wed's much better. Anw, tmr: some bidding system. We're supposed to bid for the qn that we want to present. Interesting.

Backgammon's actually quite fun! Who wants to play with me?


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