Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Long time no blog...

Shall keep it short n sweet, since I'm really really busy nowadays.


Half day for my sch today... just too bad that there's a band rehearsal at conference hall after sch, so half-day's of no significance to me at all. Saw two sides of our conductor today. When he's conducting his sec sch, he's mood wasn't gd, n it's quite obvious why. Then, when he took us, his mood became very jolly! Interesting. Anyway, a lot of waiting time, so my section was playing our lame game involving fingers first, before moving on to another one..

Band pract after the rehearsal cancelled! Hurray! Just too bad that I still had to wait for my dad, so I practised a while more with a few others...

Sian lah. Missed THREE open goals today. Wtj.

Some niaoing going on over lunch with my bandmatestoday. Guan Min launched a verbal attack on chs guys, n I retorted by saying implicitly n explicitly that some rv girls talk too much, n should behave more femininely. Ha ha. Then, she started raising her pitch to become some sort of miao2 tiao2 shu1 nu3, but, have to say, she failed horribly...


Ha ha. DOCTOR SAM LEE! Appendicitis's on the right, not the left! Right's gastric pains! Three cheers to yk for bringing up the suggestion of greeting him as Dr Lee after the lesson, and it's quite gd to spread info secretly throughout the class during a lesson...

Make-up pract, which involved a lot of waiting (DAMN SIAN!), and joel and I just rushed the experimental part before going for band. Think I shouldn't be complaining about so many band practs, since I've been missing them on wed n thur, which means that effectively, I only have practices four times a week, which's nothing basically, esp when u get to take the section for sectionals... Shall try to be more compassionate in the future! Harmonica's so noisy... talked so much while waiting outside LT 5, disturbing our sectionals. Tsk.


Record no. of pple turned up for phy o training today: SEVEN! Out of twenty plus pple. Ha ha. Many of them're involved in ssef, and no rjians're present.. their common test has started! Gp today! Ha ha. Have to start mugging, even though I may have less to study than you all.... not saying things that're not confirmed yet. See first!

SSEF ROX! Hope you guys've enjoyed it! All the best for the results tmr!

Time tunnel blues..... blues sux.


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