Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sian day.....

What do u do when u get stuck at some freaking qn? Quite sian lor. I just sat there, looking at that qn. Having frequent spells of stomachache doesn't help at all... in the end, just gave up, and skipped to do others first, which're a little more do-able.

Watched chinese drama serial show, miao4 shou3 ren2 xin1 (healing hands, hearts or something....), the second one. Very very thought-provoking....

Disappointed. Man Utd just couldn't break down palace... Wtj.

How's it possible for a side to have 20% less possession, n still get more chances?

Stayed up late last night, till around two. Ha ha. Doing time tunnel, which we may only present on thur. Not bad. At least, I managed to do the bare minimum for the ppt slides: put it only the info that needs to be copied into the notes. Pls engage in the discussion, or q n a session, actively! Prizes to be won! Though the music section.... those having diploma for theory, pls give others a chance to ans!


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