Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, February 07, 2005

Pri sch gathering

So, went back to qihua for a pri sch gathering tonight with vernon n bing fu. It started becos there're some rumours that our p sch teacher's not very well, n is (PROPER TENSES) going to "kick the bucket" soon, as she put it herself. Just glad that she's alright! Anyway, left sch just after 7, n the gathering's supposed to start at seven!!! Nvm. Later found out that only yu zhi n chia niap're there. So, we were not that late after all! It's quite good to see all of them again, though I couldn't remember the names of all of them.. sigh. Then, had dinner, crapped around, and had a tour of our sch! Everything's changed dramatically. In particular, there're no more pond at the garden! Sigh.. Then, after the guided tour, a small grp of us had our own tour. Two of us, grace n say lin, walked in front first, n the rest of us followed. Grace n say lin tried scaring us by hiding behind some pillar on the third floor, which's all pitch dark. Ha ha. Then, we left, went to fushan garden (just a park) for some chit-chatting, before me n vernon left, the rest going to play basketball...

Oh yeah. Was late for band by more than a period, due to "extended pe" n me not finding the rest of the section. They told me that they're in a203, but in fact, they were in a206!!! Ha ha. Nvm. I don't mind actually...

Played some light soccer (passing) on the void deck with ws n cy. Result: ball got confiscated. Ha ha.

Have to go do my gp now.. sigh.


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