Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Every thur's chem day!

Ha ha. Whole day of chem today: chem pract, chem lect, n chem s. Nearly nearly could have been a totally chem day, if there's no gp. Mrs. Goh's late. Ha ha.

Interesting chem pract today: titration with double indicators, n use of data logger's fun! The all-girls grp got a very very nice graph! Excellent! And, mr. lee even played some music when we're doing the experiments! Hope we can have the same thing during the spas!

Soccer after sch: first, played with gloria n yk. Got kicked many many times by Gloria, when she tried to get the ball from me! Ha ha. Then, seniors vs juniors, which's interrupted by wei wen (apollo chairman) who dragged the juniors to go dance... Anyway, seniors won 2-1. Not bad. Girl power!

Really really sorry, laura. Din know that my sis's not coming home along with us, until my dad told me on the car, n there's ONE MORE SEAT. Think I'm going to get niaoed a lot (n have got niaoed a lot) becos of this.

Yf's birthday today! Happy birthday, n have fun being 18 yrs old!

Tmr pract! All the best, guys (and girls). It's alleged that the exp's about the diff in rate of respiration between big n small beans. Supposedly, big beans have a faster rate of respiration. Faster metabolic rate, right? That means, chi-sq test allegedly not likely to come out.. Oh yeah. It's alleged that there're too many anomalies to repeat the t-test, n it's also alleged that no indicator's used. Hope this piece of information allegedly about bio pract tmr's useful, n I din make any mistake in any of these alleged info about pract! Nevertheless, pls study as much as u can, esp about plotting tables, graphs, the standard ways of commenting on trends. Go dig out last yr's practs!

Interesting n frequent use of the word "alleged".


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