Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, January 31, 2005

Flying tackles...

Ha ha. Decided to run a lot during soccer today, cos of the abnormal (or ordinary) diet I've had on fri. Ha ha. Too bad none of those runs resulted in a goal. Other than runs, made a few (around 2) sliding tackles today, one resulting in a groin injury to yc. Ha ha. Really sorry, n hope it's alright now! Ended up sweating a lot, which's gd (for me) n bad (for others). Gd: can burn some fats gained over the weekend. Bad: think u should know.

Nice pe session. Just running 3 rounds.... erp. Initially tried to jog slowly the entirely 3 laps, but ended up jogging 2 laps after meeting jo. Walked the rest of the distance back. Ha ha. Great cooling down. Anyway, discovered that I'm more fit being a girl than a guy, since on the boys' weight against height table, my weight was borderline healthy, whereas for the girls' table, I was nearly exactly at the median of the healthy range.

Phy s: quite slack, other than 1 qn at the back, which involves some summation n substitution. Finally learned the difference between the mindset of guys n girls. Guys (me n yk)'d do a qn in a complicated way (like using simultaneous eqns n integration, whereas girls (like liming)'d do the same qn in a slack way. Ha ha. Showed the rest the ipho qns that've to be done... Definitely freaked them out.

Before phy, got chased up from the field by the soccer team, so we decided to play cards (after eating n drinking, of course). Ended up changing only at 5.30! Lucky all the phy lecturers're not very strict (unlike holy n mrs foo, for instance), n mr. loi's quite a lenient teacher.

After phy, stayed on to play cards for a while. Ha ha. As a result, my bro n dad'd to wait for me a while. Then, spotted my bro with kevin n ms! Never know what things of me that my bro've told them. Not that he knows any secrets of mine. Bottleneck effect...

Was quite amused by some of the things that me dad'll get angry about... Today, I just forgot that he changed his hp no with my bro (permanently), n sent a msg to his old no. It's not that it matters much, n it's definitely human nature to be a little forgetful sometimes, when u've other things to bother about (like hw)

End of the first month.... Quite a gd month, actually, even though it definitely could have been much better in many ways. For further details, read every entry this month! Ha ha. Don't think any one'd be that free to do so.

Oh yeah. Borrowed second order notes from jun rong today. Thanks!


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