Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

CNY celebs!

Ha ha. Not a bad cny this yr. Reunion dinner just like any other normal dinner, with just my immediate family (all other relatives overseas), with more dishes though. Great to eat a lot more after 7 days in the jungle. Can't say we all starved during field camp, cos we'd fresh rations on two of the days, n both lunches consisted of western! :p Anw, that also means I din reallie get much hong bao, cos not many places to go bai nian, so reallie slacked at home often during the hols. With the puny 350 allowance each mth, reallie have to save up. But as I dun reallie need to worry much about meals n tpt n accommodation, dun reallie've to worrie too much now.

Oh. And i used my bro's ezlink card yesterday! =D

Class outing yesterday at liming's house. Quite a few ppl went, inc some guys who're about to book in for more training at tekong a few hours later. Was the earliest, n surprisingly, not many who're supposed to reach at 1030 are late. (Prob cos many more ppl came later, n there isn't ws. :p) Made our way to lm's house, where we played cards n chatted 'bout tekong mainly. Pizza, then soccer, then lau yu sheng, then more cards. Guess the most fun thing's playing blackjack n "in between" after lau yu sheng. Din win or lose much during blackjack (betting 10c all the way), but won a little for in between, after getting two rounds of nice cards. Poor jy. Intro us to in between, got an ace and a king, then ended up getting another ace, losing 10 over bucks on paper.

Btw, in between's a card game involving each person taking two cards, then betting (if he or she wants) that the next card'll be something in between. If the next card's of the same card as any of the two cards, the person'll lose double. Oh. If the two cards're the same, person'll bet if the next card's higher or lower. Two times, wj got nice cards, and bet quite a bit, but ended up getting the same card! Not bad. Nvm. Gambling's bad guys. Must control! Can end up losing a lot if u aren't careful...

Dinner later at IMM. A few'd already left by then, before five of us (me, no no, lm, ms, jess) stayed on n chatted after eating. Chatted quite some time about basically everything, till nine plus. Guess everyone just wants the hols to be a little longer! Think my next hol's during the release of a level results, which I heard maybe a little earlier this yr. Would reallie just freak out if it's released next wk. Imagine delaying applying for scholarships till after A levels, cos no time in dec, n def no time in tekong. Suddenly've to settle everything two wks after the release of "a"s.......

Oh. Who already thinking of, or dreading, the results? Guess all, or most, of the ns guys won't; we onlie wanna look forward to the next meal or next book out.

Seriously why does duncan ferguson've to come on n punch someone in the stomach after just ten mins? Brainless.

Take care everyone now!


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