Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Damning. Failed to go online via mac messenger now. Some techical prob... Sigh.

Felt totally horrible for the past two days. Din listen attentively during lectures, din pay attention during tutorials (except bio, of course), din mug in the mornings, which's quite rare, din update my blog. Sigh. Even left halfway during phy lect for a ten min break, chatting with 1 bandmate (michelle) outside the bandrm for a while. Whatever. Couldn't pin-point any reason for this.. maybe faking 2 bio tutorials is the problem... very tired to redo the qns by copying some ans n marking them afterwards. Misplaced two of my bio tutorials, so, have to redo lor. But, mugging can't be the prob, right?

Probably the only things that've kept me alive's crapping a lot during lessons (chem pract, for instance. Me, vernon n yk're doing the assignment together. Joke a bit at the same time), soccer (nearly every break), n cards in the mornings (late for band as a result). Never mind. Normal service shall resume tmr, or so i hope.

Still can't go online!!! Mac messenger, e-messenger all failed!!! Woohoo.

Finally got a reply from my mortal (my angel's still slacking). What I wrote to him: "if u continue like this (mugging every break, doing maths lect examples bef lessons have even started), u'll end up like jeff, weijian or even yong kang." Ha ha.

Din go k-box today, since time doesn't allow for many pple to go n enjoy thoroughly, n too much funds to be paid in recent times. Instead, played soccer for a while with yk, yc, wj, ws, joel. Joseph was watching from the railings. Then, after a while, he came down to sit at the top of the terraces. Finally, after some time, he joined in the game! Talking about itchy legs. After the game, watched a crappy game at the middle of the field between some other guys n girls. No running, no passing, no tactics, no diving keepers... Ha ha. Just like watching a comedy. Freak goals being scored at both ends.

CCA orientation yesterday. Played once, better than tue, but still made several stupid mistakes. Then, stayed on to watch co performance, before going to lt3 with gloria for some other performances. Just missed string performance! Sorry, laura. Watched guitar n huang cheng too, before going off to find other classmates, n visit the booths. Went to check on women's soccer. Ha ha. They've a flexible schedule.. Not bad.

Got pissed off with my bro lately. Sigh. Temperament!


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