Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, January 03, 2005

First day of school...

First day of school. Must have been one of the earliest to reach sch (6.05), cos first, the lousy weather, second, bro needs to reach sch for band by 6.30, n third, he wants a gd seat.. so, poor bro of his had to go to sch so early, on the left wings lights, and waited for other souls to turn up. When I reached school, some of the councillors were already there! Wow! Certainly impressive.

Glad to see all my friends again! Ha ha.

New class com. Me, jo, liming, joel, ws n yifeng retire for good! Ha ha. Curious curious... our chem rep's qi qi! Ha ha.

Anyway, mr, remedios (our phy), mr. lee (our chem) and ms ong (our bio pract) will still be teaching us this year! Great! New teachers are not bad too. We got bluffed that ang lai kuin (pls collect any spelling mistake)'s our new gp teacher, but it turned out that in fact, mrs goh (choir teacher i/c) was our real teacher. Quite nice, humorous, some degree of strictness n sarcasm... Hopefully, gp'll be a nice subject.

Din go chs for flag raising n din take part in chs sch song learning lessons in the hall. Ha ha. Band's supposed to perform a short piece for the teachers to walk into the audi to be introduced to the new j1s. So, went to the audi early, around 7.15, to prepare. Some admin problems: hard time finding the scores, but nvm. Overall, quite ok. Had to stay back to listen to mr. ang's speech, but enjoyed it! He hesitated before saying "family" correctly (after saying hwa chong) when he welcomed the new j1s. Ha ha. And think that's the only pronunciation prob he's solved. Not bad! Humanities is another word... Forgot whether there're any more words or not.

Interesting number of late-comers this morning. So many late! Ha ha.

Just heard, other than maths lect, we'll be having our lects with the rest for the faculty (s7). Interesting, n our first maths lect tmr!

Some soccer today: during lunch break n after sch (after pe). Not bad. As usual, a goal per day, no matter how many games. Whatever. Time to go back to hw...

This entry's quite fast to finish, probably becos i need to go soon... Have to finish 1 last qn of fluids (tip of iceberg), some eco n evo, study for maths test, study for bio test... sigh. What a start to the first day of school!


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