Once a guy, always a proper guy

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy v day, n a great new yr ahead!!!

Haha. V day on wed. Hope everyone's enjoyed it. I din, though it's great to give n receive presents! :p

Jo n jas crashed the practical lesson yesterday. Din join them, as mine's first shift, and went out later with my anat grp (just 5 of us: me john shawn kal bel). Cadavers can be quite interesting rite (esp if they do sth about the smell). Onlie hope they dun frighten anyone off med, like what john's trying to do to the band juniors we met at pasta last night. Why talk about the huge stack of books n notes? Should welcome them with open arms lor, so that we've housemen to bully some 10 yrs later.. :P

Anw we went mind cafe first. Board games rox!!! Got this funny word game which we've to guess the correct phrase by slowly reading out a whole bunch of nonsense (like hairy port errant heer saucer restone or sth like that). Also got this game (that's life i think), whereby we're supposed to pick up tiles along the way to the finish line, n see who gets the most pts. Some of us got negative pts, though somehow bel managed to make it without picking up any positive or negative nos. Got some other games too, like this card game where as long as there's 5 of a kind, we're supposed to ring a bell. We ended up playing with the bell! :p Talking about seeing a long lost cousin...

Then dinner at ps, n after that starbucks. Met the juniors (kuan khoon they all), n we'd a long chat about our families. Sigh. Realise all of us'd have some probs... No matter what, jia1 he2 wan4 shi4 qing1!

K, cny soon. In a few hours. Enjoy the hols guys!


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