Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Outings, n a haircut! (finally)

Mon, went out with liysf ppl. Onlie charlene joanne n me. :p Went to this nice jap restaurant at marina sq which's some cool-looking dessert. Sorrie girls if i looked sian that day. Just tired, n sadd that mu lost the nite bef. They'll def buck up! Anw nice to see the london ppl again. Brought back fond memories of 2 yrs ago. Uk rox!

Then tue morn, yc came back. A few of us n mr lee met up with him at vivo (again). My lunch rox. Had veggie instead of the bread in my burger. Nvm. Just some mix-up with that cashier who asked if i wanted "low carb". :p Nvm. Anw great to see that he's doing great, n cool to noe more about med overseas. NUS should've 8 wks of "history of med" too. But everyone'd still spend their time finishing limbs bef the lect's even started, so kind of defeat the purpose. Still, they got to do dissection!!! Haha. Too bad we're in this conservative soc in which many many ppl think dead bodies aren't supposed to be used in our pursuit of medical knowledge...

Finally went for a haircut earlie this morn. Haven't cut it for months.


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