Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, December 15, 2006

Happie 1 wk of hols!!

Went chalet @ costa sands downtown east from mon to wed with fellow aladdean listers. Weather sux, so stayed in bunk most of the time, but we dun mind though. :p Cards, ps2, arcade games, board games all the way!! Bridge rox, had some nice hands every now n then. Quite interesting the way we play. Got one time which 8 of us, or around there, formed power pairings, n there's lots of discussion, verbal n non verbal cues, n lots of "spread the love". Nvm. Played poker too, n this number game which we'd to find ways, arithmetically, to get some fixed no (say 21), using 4 cards. Last to get, gd luck. Er then think kenneth brought a nice ps2, n we played this hero-vs-gigantic-monster game, in which one hero's to find a way to kill a big big monster using climbing jumping shooting stabbing weak spots etc. We each took turns to play, n damn farnie when someone made a mistake by falling down a cliff or requiring 30 arrows to hit the bottom of the leg...

Then arcade games. DDR n mishimashi. :D Think someone took a video of a few ppl dancing on the mats. Mishimashi's just crazie. All the silly games. Favourites inc the wedding cake one, the dancing one, horse-racing...

Think the onlie outdoor stuff we did's escape. (We din play soccer!!! :S) First time there. Wet n wild's cool, n the bumper-cum-shooting-boats're just plain evil, esp when the earlier ppl got out n started shooting the powerful water guns at the side or splashing water from full water bottles onto our faces. Got quite wet though. Hope everyone's well n not feeling cold after that!

Board games late at night (or earlie in the morn). Risk's as usual scheming (madagascar put up a better fight than japan the last time round), n charades's just damn cool. Aaron esp, with his idea of what a farmhouse's.

A great five pts ahead now. Go MU!


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