Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Health screening...

Went for my first public health screening yesterday afternoon. Nearly got lost when I thought it'd be held at the office building at the hdb hub n not at the mall. :p Nvm. Was asked to usher, which's supposedly a slack job. But it was so not lor, partly becos there're like 3 of us (meera shi hui n me, hope i spelt the names correctly) to direct all the ppl. Had to first sort out the ppl who wanna get tested for colorectal cancer by asking for their age n their family hist, bef explaining the whole procedure to them. Think the part about mailing their stools to the testing centre put some of them off a little. Quite sian sometimes when there's a whole queue of ppl waiting to be consulted after getting the basic tests done, or whole lot of ppl waiting to reg for the faecal testing. Din do the medical stuff though. :p But quite a nice exp seeing how the whole event's carried out. Eh so who went that i noe (at least, I saw): glo, jo (he came n supported!!!! :D:D), isabel, meera, shi hui, daryl, denise, joshua li, boo (ho chin), kevin n plenty of others. Went for dinner after that with a few of them inc isabel meera shi hui, bef goin' home, tired. Was like struggling to go buy food after sitting down. Legs just felt lazy...

Bball on thur with a few pbl mates since we'd no pbl then (tutor not free.. again). Was a total hilarious session. Lots of laughter as we all started to do weird things: rugby-style running, high high high pitch hiccup, ppl crawling on the floor.. and some visitors came n took a photo of us!! Ha ha. Nice game though. Soccer on tue anyone?

Stupid sian freak wk of yff.......... DAMN. Free fall now. Just hope a doesn't continue to increase above 9.81...

Oh, last sat some old sch mates of my dad came over, n we went out for dinner. Some thai food. (Lick ur fingers!! :p) Er one of them tried to er convert me n my sis over to christianity. Always as polite n courteous n diplomatic, we consented to let her er pray for us once, though to be frank I wasn't er paying much attention when she's talking. Doing what I always did when I was not bothered, I just gave occasional nods n smiles listening to her talk about those principles. =D Nvm. Me just not a religious person.


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