Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, September 25, 2006

What hols??

Last wk's nice. Fun lects (like the one in which the lect just showed us photos of er some ppl n asking us to diagnose), nice soccer sessions (more laming around)... Had my very first body test last fri. :p Results're er kind of expected (a little fats to be lost, n much muscles to be gained, esp in the upper body). Went there twice though, first time with irene n glo to do the test, n second time's with john n shaun. Shaun's like so fat-less lor. Onlie around 6 kg of it. Sh... :p

Og outing later on. Kinda surprised to hear that keefe's having dinner alone, as others're all over the place. Met up with him lor, since I need company for dinner too. So was the earliest to reach his house, n we played chinese chess! Ha ha. Can't remember the last time I actually played lor, but reallie quite fun. Then kenneth came, n we played mini weiqi. Oh, we started playing this silly game in which we've to use chess pieces to hit 1 particular chess "ball" over our opponents' boundary. Basically just involved flicking chess pieces using our fingers, pool-style.

Others slowly came, and we watched the movie "life's beautiful", which's quite a sad one. Touching of course, n nice, but sad. Then the fun started: risk! Me got cornered n wiped out earlie in the game... sad. At least quite fun to watch how others tried to er form n maintain alliances with one another. Lots of mvt, n lots of silent whisperings. Then the game got dragged for very long, as they all dun wanna break the alliances (after killing me of course). So we slowly took turns to knock off, n it's down to me aaron n amir. I represented to armies!! Nvm. So in the end eileen n keefe won when they're asleep. :p

Din sleep well, aircon too cold. Onlie two plus hours. Then had some morn chess with aaron (who also couldn't stand the cold), had breakfast, more cards, bef goin off. Damn tired, but still lasted till 2 plus next morn to see mu draw. Damn.


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