Once a guy, always a proper guy

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fantasy footie's up!!

Hurray! Finally, after long wks of waiting, yff's back! :p Can't wait for the new season to begin, buying players like ballack, rosicky and shevchenko for like around 6 bucks. Nvm. 79, interested to play again?

Eh so inaug ceremony yesterday. Total boredom. File isn't that nice, event started late, though most farnie to see last yr's inaug video, when the mcs n nussu pres used nearly exactly the same words n style to address us, like "welcome to nus". Reallie keeping up with the "spirit of originality". Float work later, finished the clocksworth costume. Looks great! Ha ha. Din change out of my long sleeve though, n cheryl (ogl ic)'s saying sth like i looked diff, n should wear it more often. Prefer shorts n t-shirts though.

Flag day today. Aladdins got posted to orchard! Not a bad place, though saw quite a wide range of ppl. Got one extreme of ppl volunteering to donate even though we din ask for it, n got another who just daoed. Nvm. Din reallie get as much money as others, partly cos I dun donate to flag days myself, and found it hard to ask others.


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