Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Either i slept late or i woke up earlie, sometimes both. Sian life.

World cup's fault. Not that I'm complaining about the goals though, or complaining that italy knocked er kahn-less germany out... Missed today's game though. Somehow I din manage to catch the alarm placed rite beside me. Damn.

Med check-up's fault. Singaporean's ks mentality. I went there rite at the opening hour, but then ended up waiting quite some time with ying liang, n walking arould raffles place till 1230. Got a few ppl bef me though, so some went even bef that place opened. Wow. Should've gone later...

Oh, n I'm now even heavier. Ha.

Post-ns life's been er trouble-free, peaceful, quiet, n reallie reallie nothin-to-do. Stayed home most of the time, watching tv, using comp... Did manage to meet up with a few ppl though for lunch, soccer, food fair. Lateness seems to be a norm for a certain sgt-gonna-be-bef-disrupting...

Sch starts in a mth's time, n I should seriously start researching on the bks to be bought. Heard they're nearly sold out le. Wtj.

Kenna spammed again. Why dun those ppl, dear fellow medicine students, place what they wanna say in one email, n not separate it into three or four parts, n put like 1 sentence in 1 email? A little pissed when I saw so many unread msgs just now..

Class outing this sun. Do try to make it if u all can. How many times're we going to gather together again, considering that uni's going to start, n we're def going to drift apart even more. And can update the class blog? It's dead. Seriously dead. Oh, n the class diary's with me. Who wanna write? Notice that ppl's handwriting changes quite a bit after a few months w/o touching a pen...


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