Once a guy, always a proper guy

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Ojt finally ended on wed, with a theory n pract test. Din study much for it, n wrote some er hilarious answers on the script (though quite sure there're ans that're more funnie that what I wrote). Nvm. Went for a ride around singapore earlie that day too, to look at some of the evacuation routes during civilian disasters. Trying very hard to keep awake throughout the trip (sitting rite in front of the sergeant!), and dozed off rite away when he said we could rest a while. Liked the lunch too, at ecp mac and changi village food court. Not often that we could get out of camp n enjoyed some er.. nutritional liberty. Our sergeant actually went for the trip 8 times lor, which's quite unbelievable cos i felt sian even going thru it once.

Kenna spot check on the bunk by our csm who just returned. Whole place in mess, so not surprising that we've a 2 hour area cleaning after working hours. Tv got confiscated too, so couldn't watch the opening match yesterday. Sigh. And today'd to stay back in camp to jab the new recruits! Quite fun to poke though, as some ppl came to get injections feeling so nervous that it's fun to watch them respond to the needles. Total of 200 plus ppl to get jabbed (2 times, plus a few drops under the tongue for typhoid, tetanus, polio) though, so imagine preparing n jabbing so many times. Took a little less than 4 hours to finish. Ha.

Booking in tmr morn for my first duty. Sian...


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