Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Got lucky i guess

Despite being outwitted, outlast, outfought by some team that got thrashed 4-0 the last time out, mu still pulled off a win out of nothin', thanks for some great saves by vds and a moment of brilliance by ronaldo. Think this'll be the yr of the reds!!! :p

Sch starting soon, in a few hours in fact. 2 wks to ca, less than 2 mths to pros. Must jiayou! Nothin' interesting about this post at all, but just want to end off with a short riddle: what non-colourless thing won't form a shadow when a light shines on it?

That reminds me, to that pair of sisters' riddle some posts below, ans's becos that girl (forgot the name) wanna see the handsome man again, so she staged another funeral, this time of her sis, as she thought she can see him this way...

Friday, February 23, 2007

A story forwarded to my email...

One morning, a husband came back from fishing and took a nap. His wife decided to take the boat out despite not being familiar with the waters and the boat. She motored the boat out a short distance, and stopped to read a book.

Halfway while reading, the game warden came and said to her, "Good morning ma'am, what're u doing?"

"Reading a book," she said, "Isn't that obvious?"

"But you're in a restricted fishing area!"

"So? I'm reading, not fishing!"

"But still, I'd have to take u into custody, as you've all the equipment. For all I know you can start fishing anytime."

The wife paused for a while bef replying, "If you do that, I'll sue you for sexual assault and harassment."

Stunned, the game warden said, "But I haven't even touched you."

"Still, you got all the tools to do so. For all I know you may do so anytime."

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Another weird injury: ronaldo, man utd's one, not the other fat one, may be out for this wk's game due to a foot injury after kicking water bottles on wed's win over lille. Apparently he wasn't too pleased to be subbed off. Lesson learnt: control ur emotions!

Talking about being injury-prone...

Er glor, not referring to u this time... :p

After finding out a reallie perfect reason of joinin' the paeds dept at nuh (can play the swings n slides till u're needed at some ward or bed), here's one reason to go into sports med. The no. of injuries that footballers've's er normal, but the reasons for which they see the doc're sometimes quite... bizarre. If the likes of cudicini n seaman can damage his knee or break some bone while reaching for the tv remote (robbie keane ruptured his knee cartilage too for the same reason), some other keeper who can pretend that a jar of salad cream's a football by using his foot to stop it from falling onto the floor (n thus got some foot injury), another keeper who dislocated his jaw while screaming ar his defenders, n a whole bunch of players who got injured celebrating (ring trapped in fence n thus finger dislocation, breaking collarbone while jumping with teammates...), there'll be no shortage of demand for top class sports surgeons... Click here if u want to go see other weird injuries they've...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Class outing, cip...

79 outing last night. Quite a few went: me jo glo ws (as usual late by like 2 hours... but earlie for the cip today!! :D) wj kenni yk qq jy laura jas (who came later after dinner). Had dinner at billy bombers. First time there, food's not bad, free cards some more.. Yc called too! :p Then as usual some of us'd concoct something out of what's available to play zhong ji mi ma. Went river hongbao after that, took photos, checked out what's lucky for rabbits this yr (numbers 1 n 9, colours red brown n... orange? can't remember, but take that with a pinch of salt n sugar k!), n browsed thru the stuff on sale... Some of the food looked nice, though was too full to buy any.

Cip today. Overslept on the bus there. Nvm. Anw whole thing damn fun. Haven't played at the swings n slides for a long long time, made my first (n only) balloon sculpture too (cheers ws!), n folded my first heart (surprising simple, compared to cranes n boats). Think the m1s're more excited than the kids, esp during the preparation phase, when we're all making so much noise, esp the production line ppl (packing bags). Then keefe got his first (i doubt, but he said so) rejection by a girl who dun even look at him for his balloon, while me n bel're comparing who's the one frightening off the kids. Think everyone'd fun making the balloons, with a whole bunch of us staying behind to make puppies n bears n flowers. Met sathish on my way home too (gd thing that the train me kal bel're taking terminated at kranji). Din change much, that guy, though what about us?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Europe XI against mu...

Thanks yc for calling this afternoon! :p Hope you're enjoying life in uni as much as, or more than i do! Always cool to hear the voice of a gd old friend!

Anw, on mar 13, mu'll be playing against an Europe XI led by marcelo lippi, to commemorate mu's 50 yrs in europe, n some treaty of rome (which laid foundations for EU blah blah blah). Players confirmed so far're becks (his first game back at old trafford? not sure about that), gerrard, carragher (imagine the look on benitez's face if they get injured... or is it their ploy to injure mu players??), and lyon's coupet, abidal n juninho. Should be an explosive match!

For those who still don't noe... HARRY POTTER COMING OUT!!! :p 13th july for the movie (order of the pheonix), 21st for the last bk (deathly hallows). Must watch! Idea for medicamp: the more bks of harry potter the m1s bring for the ogls to read, the more pts they get (10 pts for a bk? =D)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy v day, n a great new yr ahead!!!

Haha. V day on wed. Hope everyone's enjoyed it. I din, though it's great to give n receive presents! :p

Jo n jas crashed the practical lesson yesterday. Din join them, as mine's first shift, and went out later with my anat grp (just 5 of us: me john shawn kal bel). Cadavers can be quite interesting rite (esp if they do sth about the smell). Onlie hope they dun frighten anyone off med, like what john's trying to do to the band juniors we met at pasta last night. Why talk about the huge stack of books n notes? Should welcome them with open arms lor, so that we've housemen to bully some 10 yrs later.. :P

Anw we went mind cafe first. Board games rox!!! Got this funny word game which we've to guess the correct phrase by slowly reading out a whole bunch of nonsense (like hairy port errant heer saucer restone or sth like that). Also got this game (that's life i think), whereby we're supposed to pick up tiles along the way to the finish line, n see who gets the most pts. Some of us got negative pts, though somehow bel managed to make it without picking up any positive or negative nos. Got some other games too, like this card game where as long as there's 5 of a kind, we're supposed to ring a bell. We ended up playing with the bell! :p Talking about seeing a long lost cousin...

Then dinner at ps, n after that starbucks. Met the juniors (kuan khoon they all), n we'd a long chat about our families. Sigh. Realise all of us'd have some probs... No matter what, jia1 he2 wan4 shi4 qing1!

K, cny soon. In a few hours. Enjoy the hols guys!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Some hilarious stuff...

From skysports (back of the net, latest edition):

Road to hell…

Whilst Hoyte may be loving life in England's capital, Javier Mascherano was not so lucky during his time at West Ham. The Argentine international was transformed from a World Cup star to Hayden Mullins' understudy in six months at Upton Park and only just managed to negotiate an escape route to Liverpool on transfer deadline day. However the full horror of the midfielder's time at The Hammers has only just been revealed.

Goalkeeper Jimmy Walker takes up the story in Saturday's match day programme: "I have to tell you about his day from hell when his interpreter Ciaran had forgotten to tell him the team had the day off. Javier drove to the training ground but broke down as he had run out of petrol so he walked to the nearest petrol station but realised he had no money.

"He had to ring Ciaran and ask him to speak to the petrol station manager, but they were not having any of it and just said 'if he does not have any money he is not getting any petrol'. "He had to walk to the training ground to borrow some money off Anton, who was in for treatment, and also discovered the team were not in. He walked back, filled the petrol can up, walked to his car put the petrol in and set off back home. Then half a mile up the road a taxi crashed into the back of him."

Roberto's radical plan…

Roberto Mancini has come up with a novel way to settle the current crisis in Italian football. When quizzed on the security measures which are currently preventing a great number of fans from attending games, Mancini outlined a radical plan which clearly has nothing to do with the fact that his Internazionale side are currently leading the way at the top of the table. "This is not football. We might as well quit right here and start again in September," said Mancini. "My words are clearly a provocation, but to play without fans makes no sense. We should do as they do in Formula One - when the conditions to continue are no longer favourable, they stop and the one who is leading wins."

And rio ferdinand rox as a dancer...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sleep, sleep, sleep

Sleep's impt. Everyone noes that rite. 2 interesting studies in 1 wk def suggest so:

"Afternoon nap 'is gd for the heart' ''
"No sleep means no new brain cells"

Late nights aren't exactly gd things, though now we've great reasons for sleeping during class or even in army camps in the day!

Monday, February 12, 2007

More blog!

K, share some riddle (courtesy of keefe)

There're 2 sisters, Amy and Susie. They're living with their mother. Susie's married, Amy isn't. One day, their mother suddenly passed away, n they organised a funeral for her. At the funeral, Amy met a handsome man. Two days later, Amy killed Susie. Why?

Do post possible answers k! The more psychotic the better. Keefe amir gerard jun yang aaron pls shut off. :D

Long time no blog!

Haha. Due to er many many complaints about this beloved blog being stagnant, shall do a quick one right now.

Glad that mu still 6pts ahead now, despite not using their full squad against charlton. The loss of ars's bad. Never knew park can head, but who cares? Shan't comment on er other small teams like the blues. Had an absolutely wonderful yff wk too! All thanks to rosicky, who contributed more than half of my team's total score last time out with a late goal (ars damn lucky to beat wigan lor, but after all, they, like mu, are still a big team). Dun noe how still manage to stay in the top 100...

Sch's been.. routine. Totally routine. Though played more frequent cards n board games this term, all thanks to some crazy schedule that allows us to have like 6 hours of break in between lessons, medsoc rm for starting to loan out board games, amir who bring cards everyday to sch, n a fun-loving bunch of anat grp n og who love being bossy (*i'm the boss!!) n calculative (citadels, risk). Can't reallie say the workload's lighter this term, though the schedule does suggest so (head n neck spread out nicely, biochem n physio alternating). Though this can't be said for the upcoming cas...

One wk of cny hols coming up. Must mug!!!!