Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Halfway thru...

Ha ha. Prelims nearly over liao. :p Nothing much to comment on the papers. Pretty obvious how the papers this time're.

Ways to deal with exam stress:

1. Eat. Eating always makes life seem much better. When studying, just eat and eat and eat: cereals, sweets, two bowls of rice per meal... The poor old brain definitely need more glucose, since it can't store any. Nvm.

2. Take breaks by watching tv during rev. Chinese drama serials're not bad. Sort of hooked onto one of the better ones now. :p Kp also very nice.

3. Eat more.

4. Irritate others by humming or singing great, wonderful, totally mesmerizing songs like "it's a small world" and "one litlte two little...." or even the red river song in the morning, just before exams.

5. Consume. We're after all in the circle of life, and we must perform our niche well, and this involves participating actively in the carbon cycle.....

6. Sleep, listen to music, read or send funny smses... the normal stuff.

7. Think you know what I'm going to say... The basic necessity of life...

8. Fantasy football! Ha ha. Once every wk still ok lah right? Frantically trying to break into the top 300 now. Aim by may: top 100. :~D Pple like owen better start scoring, and rooney better controls his temper more if he wants to secure a place in my team. Being sent off for clapping's just hilarious. Arsenal players better start improving without henry and vieira too. Beating some swiss team with a late injury-time goal can only say one thing about the team now: full of crap.

Don't worry about what that's over k. Just work hard for the next 1 wk, and do your best! It's HWA CHONG PRELIMS, and we're not expected to do well. There's definitely a reason for moderation to exist......


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