Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Packing.. maf

Ha ha. Packed my rm just now. Quite easy to get all the ws for each subject into the files they belong to, since I've already done so in June. It's the miscellaneous stuff that's driving me nuts. Waste paper, scholarship guides, prospectus (tons of them), ns letters.... Nvm. Sort of settled the mess now. Some still lay under the bed though.

Anw, maf's coming! Ha ha. Had my first mooncake of the year! :p Had some fun guessing which quarter of the cake's an egg yolk (two of the yolks in all). Bro n dad guessed first. So ungentlemanly. Anw, left me n me mum. Made a gd guess (the one I chose's bulging a little), and I got nearly one whole egg yolk to myself! My mum got half, leaving the rest for my dad n sis (bro refuses to eat, for some reason). We did have a gd laugh at the....... LOSERS! :~D Btw, maf's on this coming sat at hci. Do come k? Think we all desperately need some break after mugging. Even xerox can't last that long lor.

Think I should at least comment on new orleans. Really quite alarming (another word for it anyone? :p) to see the anarchy that's going on after the disaster. What the hell's bush doing? Nvm. Just feel inclined to blame the ppl at the top. Isn't this what ppl always like to do? Anw, do help if you all can k? At least wish them gd luck and a quick recovery. They need all the hope they can have now.


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