Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy Teachers' Day!

Ha ha. Hope all the teachers enjoy their presents! :p Played it's a small world today, which's reallie nice! Second time playing it, and quite glad I din screw it up much, since I din come for practices and rehearsals. Aside for a few, plenty, a lot of wrong notes (couldn't see when standing up lah, so just crapped through), all the movements were there, even though some may be a little late. Heard from yk that the class arrived just in time to watch the band. Hurray! What're you all doing before then ah?

Anw, many ppl din come today. Sigh. Don't want to starting niaoing everyone. Last teachers' day still wanna pon. Tsk.

Btw, went back to chs right after the performance, since a few 4E ppl (daryl, kai liang) were already there liao. :p For the first time, saw every single teacher!!! Hurray! Yang laoshi wasted no time in reminding how our class dropped from 1.39 (prelims) to 1.9 (o level) for higher chinese, which made him very angry at that time. :p Quite glad to see all of them!

So now, it's full-speed for prelims. All the best everyone! We can do it! To relieve some stress, like what mrs ng said, prelims not that impt. May affect ur forecast grades, but so what? The guys can always apply us next yr! :p Btw, just joking here. Prelims's very very impotent!

That reminds me of mr. ang's speech this morning. Nobody was listening, and somehow, he managed to bring in proper nutrition into his teachers' day speech. And ws refuses to tuck in his shirt repeatedly in spite of mr. teo telling him numerous times to do so. :~D


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