Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, August 15, 2005

Drastic change

K. Shall pretend that no one'd read the stuff I wrote below. Need somewhere to store my thoughts... Nice hook, right? :p

Made a very very impt decision yesterday. Got recommended by parents to take up engineering instead of pure physics, cos mainly of the job prospects. Come to think of it now, I may actually prefer engineering. Both involve much phy, but eng'll inc application of concepts, which I believe's more impt now. And, i think i'll like electrical circuits more than subatomic particles (and so, electrical (n electronics) engineering). Sigh. One decision made, many many more decisions due in the next few days. Should I apply for uk at all (us much better)? What scholarships? What and how many us universities? Do I apply now or later? NUS or NTU for fallback option... The list just goes on n on. The qns'll be answered in the next few days though. Have to what, if I want to apply to cambridge, which's really looking more and more remote now... Get ready to remove my name from both oxford n cambridge list. :p Education's horrible. Why din Singapore have a harvard or mit??? Din sleep well last nite, thinking about all this, and chelsea scoring the winning goal 30s from full-time whistle doesn't help at all!!

Ha ha. One whole long para of crap. :p

Anw, final pe lesson today. Most of the class played bball! :p Mr. Tan even joined in. Not bad. Quite frustrating for most parts of the game lah, as I just couldn't score. And I did not get the ball often too in the opposing half, which's my fault. Nvm. Finally scored a few, which's not bad. Whatever. Most impt thing's to have fun, right? Try and spot the loophole in this statement. Ha ha.

Just a reminder. Bio test on WEDNESDAY, not friday. For ppl who're forgetful, not paying attention, don't check schedule, and don't noe for some other reason...


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