Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Went to take the cambridge application form today, with jy, liming n glo (find out what the middle letter's between g and l). Think we're left a little stunned by the quality of the students who apply for top universities. Still, no harm trying, right? Anw, we're encouraged to apply to oxford instead of cambridge during yesterday's talk. As a result, there's a possibility of everyone going for oxford lor!

How to spend one and a half hours waiting for your dad to fetch you: return lib bks, mug, collect forms, and play some lame games! Tested the rate of typing of many ppl using calculator! We (cy, jy, wj and I) competed by seeing how many times we can press the calculator in 30s. Jy actually won lor! Not bad!

How lame can you get? Frighten my mum many times at home frequently. She always watches the tv in the dark (no lights) at night. So, scare her by standing in that dark corridor leading to the bedrooms, not too near to be detected, yet not too far to be missed, and since I'm a little dark, she always think that there's a ghost! Ha ha.


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