Once a guy, always a proper guy

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Luck's just not on my side...

What a day. Found out that my name's been spelt wrongly, not once, but twice, on the programme booklet for college day. Wtj lor. First, they added three letters to my christian name (ppl're always assuming that my proper name's a short form). Then, they just changed my sir name in another section, from w to u. Sigh.

Then, was caught by lee ck for playing soccer in the left wing. Only played for a min, before being caught. Nvm. The comical part's when qk was also caught, even though he's not touched the ball! Ha ha. And he's to put the ball under his photoc teacher's (mdm ching) desk and go explain matters to her on mon, not forgetting that he may have ms ooi to answer to too. :p Just bad luck.

Anw, saw many students doing cip via some flag day today. Surprisingly, for the first time ever, I was not asked to donate even though I walked right past a few of them. Even saw a few sitting down onto a bench with that tin can, while others just asked ppl half-heartedly. Don't really think that's the right way to do cip lor, even when flag day's one of the slackest ways of earning cip hours.

Btw, college day today, or awards presentation day. Quite boring n sian lor. Just played two songs and had to sit thru the principal's and the g.o.h's address. Waste of time. And many band ppl din turn up lor. No flutes or oboes, while for my section, only 3 seniors came. Ha ha. Whatever. Don't think the seniors'd play in the arts fest. :p I'm pretty sure the clarinets can survive with only 2 members, 1 of them being a conductor too!


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